private Task ProcessWindowUpdateFrameAsync()
            if (_currentHeadersStream != null)
                throw new Http2ConnectionErrorException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2ErrorHeadersInterleaved(_incomingFrame.Type, _incomingFrame.StreamId, _currentHeadersStream.StreamId), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);

            if (_incomingFrame.Length != 4)
                throw new Http2ConnectionErrorException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2ErrorUnexpectedFrameLength(_incomingFrame.Type, 4), Http2ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);


            if (_incomingFrame.WindowUpdateSizeIncrement == 0)
                // A receiver MUST treat the receipt of a WINDOW_UPDATE
                // frame with an flow-control window increment of 0 as a
                // stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR;
                // errors on the connection flow-control window MUST be
                // treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1).
                // An endpoint can end a connection at any time. In
                // particular, an endpoint MAY choose to treat a stream
                // error as a connection error.
                // Since server initiated stream resets are not yet properly
                // implemented and tested, we treat all zero length window
                // increments as connection errors for now.
                throw new Http2ConnectionErrorException(CoreStrings.Http2ErrorWindowUpdateIncrementZero, Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);

            if (_incomingFrame.StreamId == 0)
                if (!_frameWriter.TryUpdateConnectionWindow(_incomingFrame.WindowUpdateSizeIncrement))
                    throw new Http2ConnectionErrorException(CoreStrings.Http2ErrorWindowUpdateSizeInvalid, Http2ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
            else if (_streams.TryGetValue(_incomingFrame.StreamId, out var stream))
                if (!stream.TryUpdateOutputWindow(_incomingFrame.WindowUpdateSizeIncrement))
                    throw new Http2StreamErrorException(_incomingFrame.StreamId, CoreStrings.Http2ErrorWindowUpdateSizeInvalid, Http2ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
                // The stream was not found in the dictionary which means the stream was probably closed. This can
                // happen when the client sends a window update for a stream right as the server closes the same stream
                // Since this is an unavoidable race, we just ignore the window update frame.
