예제 #1
        public static MessageBody For(
            HttpVersion httpVersion,
            FrameRequestHeaders headers,
            Frame context)
            // see also http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4
            var keepAlive = httpVersion != HttpVersion.Http10;

            var connection = headers.HeaderConnection;
            var upgrade    = false;

            if (connection.Count > 0)
                var connectionOptions = FrameHeaders.ParseConnection(connection);

                upgrade   = (connectionOptions & ConnectionOptions.Upgrade) == ConnectionOptions.Upgrade;
                keepAlive = (connectionOptions & ConnectionOptions.KeepAlive) == ConnectionOptions.KeepAlive;

            var transferEncoding = headers.HeaderTransferEncoding;

            if (transferEncoding.Count > 0)
                var transferCoding = FrameHeaders.GetFinalTransferCoding(headers.HeaderTransferEncoding);

                // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.3
                // If a Transfer-Encoding header field
                // is present in a request and the chunked transfer coding is not
                // the final encoding, the message body length cannot be determined
                // reliably; the server MUST respond with the 400 (Bad Request)
                // status code and then close the connection.
                if (transferCoding != TransferCoding.Chunked)
                    context.ThrowRequestRejected(RequestRejectionReason.FinalTransferCodingNotChunked, transferEncoding.ToString());

                if (upgrade)

                return(new ForChunkedEncoding(keepAlive, context));

            if (headers.ContentLength.HasValue)
                var contentLength = headers.ContentLength.Value;

                if (contentLength == 0)
                    return(keepAlive ? _zeroContentLengthKeepAlive : _zeroContentLengthClose);
                else if (upgrade)

                return(new ForContentLength(keepAlive, contentLength, context));

            // Avoid slowing down most common case
            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(context.Method, HttpMethods.Get))
                // If we got here, request contains no Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header.
                // Reject with 411 Length Required.
                if (HttpMethods.IsPost(context.Method) || HttpMethods.IsPut(context.Method))
                    var requestRejectionReason = httpVersion == HttpVersion.Http11 ? RequestRejectionReason.LengthRequired : RequestRejectionReason.LengthRequiredHttp10;
                    context.ThrowRequestRejected(requestRejectionReason, context.Method);

            if (upgrade)
                return(new ForUpgrade(context));

            return(keepAlive ? _zeroContentLengthKeepAlive : _zeroContentLengthClose);