예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the deleted resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The OData reader.</param>
        /// <param name="itemsStack">The item stack.</param>
        private static void ReadDeletedResource(ODataReader reader, Stack <ODataItemWrapper> itemsStack)
            Contract.Assert(reader != null);
            Contract.Assert(itemsStack != null);
            Contract.Assert(ODataReaderState.DeletedResourceStart == reader.State);

            ODataDeletedResource deletedResource = (ODataDeletedResource)reader.Item;

            Contract.Assert(deletedResource != null, "Deleted resource should not be null");

            ODataResourceWrapper deletedResourceWrapper = new ODataResourceWrapper(deletedResource);

            // top-level resource should never be deleted.
            Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count != 0, "Deleted Resource should not be top level item");

            ODataItemWrapper             parentItem = itemsStack.Peek();
            ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper parentDeletaResourceSet = parentItem as ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper;

            if (parentDeletaResourceSet != null)
                ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper parentNestedResource = (ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper)itemsStack.Peek();
                Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedResourceInfo.IsCollection == false, "Only singleton nested properties can contain resource as their child.");
                Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedItems.Count == 0, "Each nested property can contain only one deleted resource as its direct child.");

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the delta resource set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The OData reader.</param>
        /// <param name="itemsStack">The item stack.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelItem">The top level item.</param>
        private static void ReadDeltaResourceSet(ODataReader reader, Stack <ODataItemWrapper> itemsStack, ref ODataItemWrapper topLevelItem)
            Contract.Assert(reader != null);
            Contract.Assert(itemsStack != null);
            Contract.Assert(ODataReaderState.DeltaResourceSetStart == reader.State);

            ODataDeltaResourceSet deltaResourceSet = (ODataDeltaResourceSet)reader.Item;

            Contract.Assert(deltaResourceSet != null, "Delta ResourceSet should never be null.");

            ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper deltaResourceSetWrapper = new ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper(deltaResourceSet);

            if (itemsStack.Count > 0)
                ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper parentNestedResourceInfo = (ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper)itemsStack.Peek();
                Contract.Assert(parentNestedResourceInfo != null, "this has to be an inner delta resource set. inner delta resource sets always have a nested resource info.");
                Contract.Assert(parentNestedResourceInfo.NestedResourceInfo.IsCollection == true, "Only collection nested properties can contain delta resource set as their child.");
                Contract.Assert(parentNestedResourceInfo.NestedItems.Count == 0, "Each nested property can contain only one delta resource set as its direct child.");
                topLevelItem = deltaResourceSetWrapper;

        /// <summary>
        /// Read the normal resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The OData reader.</param>
        /// <param name="itemsStack">The item stack.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelItem">the top level item.</param>
        private static void ReadResource(ODataReader reader, Stack <ODataItemWrapper> itemsStack, ref ODataItemWrapper topLevelItem)
            Contract.Assert(reader != null);
            Contract.Assert(itemsStack != null);
            Contract.Assert(ODataReaderState.ResourceStart == reader.State);

            ODataResource        resource        = (ODataResource)reader.Item;
            ODataResourceWrapper resourceWrapper = null;

            if (resource != null)
                resourceWrapper = new ODataResourceWrapper(resource);

            if (itemsStack.Count == 0)
                Contract.Assert(resource != null, "The top-level resource can never be null.");
                topLevelItem = resourceWrapper;
                ODataItemWrapper             parentItem              = itemsStack.Peek();
                ODataResourceSetWrapper      parentResourceSet       = parentItem as ODataResourceSetWrapper;
                ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper parentDeletaResourceSet = parentItem as ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper;
                if (parentResourceSet != null)
                else if (parentDeletaResourceSet != null)
                    // Delta resource set could have the normal resource
                    ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper parentNestedResource = (ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper)parentItem;
                    Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedResourceInfo.IsCollection == false, "Only singleton nested properties can contain resource as their child.");
                    Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedResourceSet == null, "Each single nested property can not contain resource set.");
                    Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedResource == null, "Each single nested property can not contain multiple resources as its direct child.");
                    Contract.Assert(parentNestedResource.NestedLinks == null, "Each single nested property can not contain reference link as its direct child.");
                    parentNestedResource.NestedResource = resourceWrapper;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read OData item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The odata reader.</param>
        /// <param name="itemsStack">The item stack.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelItem">The top level item.</param>
        private static void ReadODataItem(ODataReader reader, Stack <ODataItemWrapper> itemsStack, ref ODataItemWrapper topLevelItem)
            Contract.Assert(reader != null);
            Contract.Assert(itemsStack != null);

            switch (reader.State)
            case ODataReaderState.ResourceStart:
                ReadResource(reader, itemsStack, ref topLevelItem);

            case ODataReaderState.DeletedResourceStart:
                ReadDeletedResource(reader, itemsStack);

            case ODataReaderState.ResourceEnd:
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "The resource which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");
                ODataResourceWrapper resourceWrapper = itemsStack.Peek() as ODataResourceWrapper;
                if (resourceWrapper != null)
                    // Resource could be null
                    Contract.Assert(resourceWrapper.Resource == reader.Item, "The resource should be the same item in the reader.");


            case ODataReaderState.DeletedResourceEnd:
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "The deleted resource which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");
                ODataResourceWrapper deletedResourceWrapper = itemsStack.Peek() as ODataResourceWrapper;
                Contract.Assert(deletedResourceWrapper != null, "The top object in the stack should be delete resource wrapper.");
                Contract.Assert(deletedResourceWrapper.Resource == reader.Item, "The deleted resource should be the same item in the reader.");

            case ODataReaderState.NestedResourceInfoStart:
                ODataNestedResourceInfo nestedResourceInfo = (ODataNestedResourceInfo)reader.Item;
                Contract.Assert(nestedResourceInfo != null, "nested resource info should never be null.");

                ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper nestedResourceInfoWrapper = new ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper(nestedResourceInfo);
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "nested resource info can't appear as top-level item.");
                    ODataResourceWrapper parentResource = (ODataResourceWrapper)itemsStack.Peek();


            case ODataReaderState.NestedResourceInfoEnd:
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "The nested resource info which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");
                ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper nestedInfoWrapper = itemsStack.Peek() as ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper;
                Contract.Assert(nestedInfoWrapper != null, "The top object in the stack should be nested resource info wrapper.");
                Contract.Assert(nestedInfoWrapper.NestedResourceInfo == reader.Item, "The nested resource info should be the same item in the reader.");

            case ODataReaderState.ResourceSetStart:     // resource set
                ReadResourceSet(reader, itemsStack, ref topLevelItem);

            case ODataReaderState.DeltaResourceSetStart:     // delta resource set
                ReadDeltaResourceSet(reader, itemsStack, ref topLevelItem);

            case ODataReaderState.ResourceSetEnd:
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "The resource set which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");
                ODataResourceSetWrapper resourceSetWrapper = itemsStack.Peek() as ODataResourceSetWrapper;
                Contract.Assert(resourceSetWrapper != null, "The top object in the stack should be resource set wrapper.");
                Contract.Assert(resourceSetWrapper.ResourceSet == reader.Item, "The resource set should be the same item in the reader.");

            case ODataReaderState.DeltaResourceSetEnd:
                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "The delta resource set which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");
                ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper deltaResourceSetWrapper = itemsStack.Peek() as ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper;
                Contract.Assert(deltaResourceSetWrapper != null, "The top object in the stack should be delta resource set wrapper.");
                Contract.Assert(deltaResourceSetWrapper.DeltaResourceSet == reader.Item, "The delta resource set should be the same item in the reader.");

            case ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink:
                ODataEntityReferenceLink entityReferenceLink = (ODataEntityReferenceLink)reader.Item;
                Contract.Assert(entityReferenceLink != null, "Entity reference link should never be null.");
                ODataEntityReferenceLinkWrapper entityReferenceLinkWrapper = new ODataEntityReferenceLinkWrapper(entityReferenceLink);

                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "Entity reference link should never be reported as top-level item.");
                    ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper parentNestedResource = (ODataNestedResourceInfoWrapper)itemsStack.Peek();


            case ODataReaderState.DeltaLink:        // added link
            case ODataReaderState.DeltaDeletedLink: // deleted link
                ODataDeltaLinkBaseWrapper linkBaseWrapper;
                if (ODataReaderState.DeltaLink == reader.State)
                    ODataDeltaLink deltaLink = (ODataDeltaLink)reader.Item;
                    Contract.Assert(deltaLink != null, "Delta link should never be null.");
                    linkBaseWrapper = new ODataDeltaLinkWrapper(deltaLink);
                    ODataDeltaDeletedLink deltaDeletedLink = (ODataDeltaDeletedLink)reader.Item;
                    Contract.Assert(deltaDeletedLink != null, "Delta deleted link should never be null.");
                    linkBaseWrapper = new ODataDeltaDeletedLinkWrapper(deltaDeletedLink);

                Contract.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "Delta link should never be reported as top-level item.");
                // Should never add a delta link to a non-delta resource set.
                ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper linkResourceSetWrapper = (ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper)itemsStack.Peek();
                Contract.Assert(linkResourceSetWrapper != null, "ODataDeltaResourceSetWrapper for delta link should not be null.");

                Contract.Assert(false, "We should never get here, it means the ODataReader reported a wrong state.");