예제 #1
        // internal for testing
        internal AttributeRouteEntries GetEntries(ActionDescriptorCollection actions)
            var entries = new AttributeRouteEntries();

            var routeInfos = GetRouteInfos(_constraintResolver, actions.Items);

            // We're creating one TreeRouteLinkGenerationEntry per action. This allows us to match the intended
            // action by expected route values, and then use the TemplateBinder to generate the link.
            foreach (var routeInfo in routeInfos)
                entries.LinkGenerationEntries.Add(new TreeRouteLinkGenerationEntry()
                    // Using routeInfo.Defaults here WITHOUT adding the RouteGroupKey. We don't want to impact the
                    // behavior of link generation.
                    Binder               = new TemplateBinder(_urlEncoder, _contextPool, routeInfo.ParsedTemplate, routeInfo.Defaults),
                    Defaults             = routeInfo.Defaults,
                    Constraints          = routeInfo.Constraints,
                    Order                = routeInfo.Order,
                    GenerationPrecedence = routeInfo.GenerationPrecedence,
                    RequiredLinkValues   = routeInfo.ActionDescriptor.RouteValueDefaults,
                    RouteGroup           = routeInfo.RouteGroup,
                    Template             = routeInfo.ParsedTemplate,
                    Name = routeInfo.Name,

            // We're creating one AttributeRouteMatchingEntry per group, so we need to identify the distinct set of
            // groups. It's guaranteed that all members of the group have the same template and precedence,
            // so we only need to hang on to a single instance of the RouteInfo for each group.
            var distinctRouteInfosByGroup = GroupRouteInfosByGroupId(routeInfos);

            foreach (var routeInfo in distinctRouteInfosByGroup)
                // Note that because we only support 'inline' defaults, each routeInfo group also has the same
                // set of defaults.
                // We then inject the route group as a default for the matcher so it gets passed back to MVC
                // for use in action selection.
                var defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(routeInfo.Defaults);
                defaults[TreeRouter.RouteGroupKey] = routeInfo.RouteGroup;

                entries.MatchingEntries.Add(new TreeRouteMatchingEntry()
                    Order           = routeInfo.Order,
                    Precedence      = routeInfo.MatchPrecedence,
                    Target          = _target,
                    RouteName       = routeInfo.Name,
                    RouteTemplate   = routeInfo.ParsedTemplate,
                    TemplateMatcher = new TemplateMatcher(routeInfo.ParsedTemplate, defaults),
                    Constraints     = routeInfo.Constraints,

예제 #2
        private TreeRouter BuildRoute(AttributeRouteEntries entries, int version)
            var routeBuilder = new TreeRouteBuilder(_target, _loggerFactory);

            foreach (var entry in entries.LinkGenerationEntries)

            foreach (var entry in entries.MatchingEntries)
