/// <summary>
        /// Renders the code for the given <paramref name="chunk"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chunk">A <see cref="TagHelperChunk"/> to render.</param>
        public void RenderTagHelper(TagHelperChunk chunk)
            // Remove any duplicate TagHelperDescriptors that reference the same type name. Duplicates can occur when
            // multiple HtmlTargetElement attributes are on a TagHelper type and matches overlap for an HTML element.
            // Having more than one descriptor with the same TagHelper type results in generated code that runs
            // the same TagHelper X many times (instead of once) over a single HTML element.
            var tagHelperDescriptors = chunk.Descriptors.Distinct(TypeBasedTagHelperDescriptorComparer.Default);

            RenderBeginTagHelperScope(chunk.TagName, chunk.TagMode, chunk.Children);

            RenderTagHelpersCreation(chunk, tagHelperDescriptors);

            RenderAttributes(chunk.Attributes, tagHelperDescriptors);

            // No need to run anything in design time mode.
            if (!_designTimeMode)
        private void RenderTagHelpersCreation(
            TagHelperChunk chunk,
            IEnumerable<TagHelperDescriptor> tagHelperDescriptors)
            // This is to maintain value accessors for attributes when creating the TagHelpers.
            // Ultimately it enables us to do scenarios like this:
            // myTagHelper1.Foo = DateTime.Now;
            // myTagHelper2.Foo = myTagHelper1.Foo;
            var htmlAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var tagHelperDescriptor in tagHelperDescriptors)
                var tagHelperVariableName = GetVariableName(tagHelperDescriptor);

                // Create the tag helper

                // Execution contexts and throwing errors for null dictionary properties are a runtime feature.
                if (_designTimeMode)


                // Track dictionary properties we have confirmed are non-null.
                var confirmedDictionaries = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);

                // Ensure that all created TagHelpers have initialized dictionary bound properties which are used
                // via TagHelper indexers.
                foreach (var chunkAttribute in chunk.Attributes)
                    var associatedAttributeDescriptor = tagHelperDescriptor.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(
                        attributeDescriptor => attributeDescriptor.IsNameMatch(chunkAttribute.Key));

                    if (associatedAttributeDescriptor != null &&
                        associatedAttributeDescriptor.IsIndexer &&
                        // Throw a reasonable Exception at runtime if the dictionary property is null.
                            .Write("if (")
                            .WriteLine(" == null)");
                        using (_writer.BuildScope())
                            // System is in Host.NamespaceImports for all MVC scenarios. No need to generate FullName
                            // of InvalidOperationException type.
                                .Write("throw ")
                                .WriteEndMethodInvocation(endLine: false)   // End of method call
                                .WriteEndMethodInvocation(endLine: true);   // End of new expression / throw statement
        private void RenderWriteTagHelperMethodCall(TagHelperChunk chunk)
                .WriteStartInstrumentationContext(_context, chunk.Association, isLiteral: false)
                .Write("await ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.TargetWriterName))

        private void RenderTagHelperOutput(TagHelperChunk chunk)
            var tagHelperOutputAccessor =

            if (ContainsChildContent(chunk.Children))
                    .Write("if (!")

                using (_writer.BuildScope())
                        .Write("await ")

                .WriteStartInstrumentationContext(_context, chunk.Association, isLiteral: false);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.TargetWriterName))
