void StartupAuth_ExternalLoginAuthenticated(object sender, ExternalLoginInfo e)
        if (!e.IsAuthenticated)
            HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/Login"); return;

        var user = User.FindByEmail(e.Email);
        var error = string.Empty; ;

        if (e.Email.IsNullOrEmpty())
            error = "no-email";
        else if (user == null)
            error = "not-registered";

            // TODO: If in your project you want to register user as well the uncomment this line and comment the above one
            // user = CreateUser(e, user);
        else if (user.IsDeactivated)
            error = "deactivated";

        if (error.HasValue())
            HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/login?ReturnUrl=/login&email={0}&provider={1}&error={2}".FormatWith(e.Email, e.Issuer, error));


    private static User CreateUser(ExternalLoginInfo e, User user)
        var nameWithSpaces = Regex.Replace(e.UserName, @"((?<=\p{Ll})\p{Lu}|\p{Lu}(?=\p{Ll}))", " $1").Trim();
        var lastSpaceIndex = nameWithSpaces.LastIndexOf(' ');

        var firstName = nameWithSpaces.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex);
        var lastName = nameWithSpaces.Substring(lastSpaceIndex);

        throw new NotImplementedException("Creating user is not implemented.");

        // EXAMPLE:

        //user = Database.Save(new MyUserType
        //    Email = e.Email,
        //    FirstName = firstName,
        //    LastName = lastName,
        //    Password = new Guid().ToString(),
        //    Salt = new Guid().ToString()
        //return user;
예제 #3
        private static void RetrieveFirstAndLastNameFromExternalPrincipal(ExternalLoginInfo externalLoginInfo, out string firstName, out string lastName)
            var name = externalLoginInfo.ExternalPrincipal.FindFirstValue(System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Name);

            firstName = string.Empty;
            lastName = string.Empty;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

            var array = name.Split(' ');
            firstName = array[0];
            lastName = array[1];