public static OpenIddictBuilder AddModule( [NotNull] this OpenIddictBuilder builder, [NotNull] string name, int position, [NotNull] Action <IApplicationBuilder> registration) { // Note: always call ToArray to make sure the foreach // block doesn't iterate on the modified collection. foreach (var module in builder.Modules.Where(module => string.Equals(module.Name, name)).ToArray()) { builder.Modules.Remove(module); } builder.Modules.Add(new OpenIddictModule { Name = name, Position = position, Registration = registration }); return(builder); }
public static OpenIddictBuilder UseNWebsec( [NotNull] this OpenIddictBuilder builder, [NotNull] Action <IFluentCspOptions> configuration) { return(builder.AddModule("NWebsec", 5, app => { // Insert a new middleware responsible of setting the Content-Security-Policy header. // See app.UseCsp(configuration); // Insert a new middleware responsible of setting the X-Content-Type-Options header. // See app.UseXContentTypeOptions(); // Insert a new middleware responsible of setting the X-Frame-Options header. // See app.UseXfo(options => options.Deny()); // Insert a new middleware responsible of setting the X-Xss-Protection header. // See app.UseXXssProtection(options => options.EnabledWithBlockMode()); })); }
public static OpenIddictBuilder UseMvc([NotNull] this OpenIddictBuilder builder) { // Run MVC in an isolated environment. return(builder.AddModule("MVC", 10, app => app.Isolate(map => map.UseMvc(routes => { // Register the actions corresponding to the authorization endpoint. if (builder.Options.AuthorizationEndpointPath.HasValue) { routes.MapRoute("{D97891B4}", builder.Options.AuthorizationEndpointPath.Value.Substring(1), new { controller = "OpenIddict", action = nameof(OpenIddictController <object, object> .Authorize) }); routes.MapRoute("{7148DB83}", builder.Options.AuthorizationEndpointPath.Value.Substring(1) + "/accept", new { controller = "OpenIddict", action = nameof(OpenIddictController <object, object> .Accept) }); routes.MapRoute("{23438BCC}", builder.Options.AuthorizationEndpointPath.Value.Substring(1) + "/deny", new { controller = "OpenIddict", action = nameof(OpenIddictController <object, object> .Deny) }); } // Register the action corresponding to the logout endpoint. if (builder.Options.LogoutEndpointPath.HasValue) { routes.MapRoute("{C7DB102A}", builder.Options.LogoutEndpointPath.Value.Substring(1), new { controller = "OpenIddict", action = nameof(OpenIddictController <object, object> .Logout) }); } }), services => { var registration = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <OpenIddictServices>(); services.AddMvc() // Register the OpenIddict controller. .AddControllersAsServices(new[] { typeof(OpenIddictController <,>).MakeGenericType(registration.UserType, registration.ApplicationType) }) // Add an OpenIddict-specific convention to ensure that the generic // OpenIddictController gets an appropriate controller name. .AddMvcOptions(options => options.Conventions.Add(new OpenIddictConvention())) .AddRazorOptions(options => { // Update the Razor options to also use a combined provider that // falls back to the current assembly when searching for views. options.FileProvider = new CompositeFileProvider( options.FileProvider, new EmbeddedFileProvider( assembly: typeof(OpenIddictController <,>).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, baseNamespace: typeof(OpenIddictController <,>).Namespace)); }); // Register the sign-in manager in the isolated container. services.AddScoped(typeof(SignInManager <>).MakeGenericType(registration.UserType), provider => { var accessor = provider.GetRequiredService <IHttpContextAccessor>(); var container = (IServiceProvider)accessor.HttpContext.Items[typeof(IServiceProvider)]; Debug.Assert(container != null); // Resolve the sign-in manager from the parent container. return container.GetRequiredService(typeof(SignInManager <>).MakeGenericType(registration.UserType)); }); // Register the user manager in the isolated container. services.AddScoped(typeof(OpenIddictManager <,>).MakeGenericType(registration.UserType, registration.ApplicationType), provider => { var accessor = provider.GetRequiredService <IHttpContextAccessor>(); var container = (IServiceProvider)accessor.HttpContext.Items[typeof(IServiceProvider)]; Debug.Assert(container != null); // Resolve the user manager from the parent container. return container.GetRequiredService(typeof(OpenIddictManager <,>).MakeGenericType(registration.UserType, registration.ApplicationType)); }); // Register the options in the isolated container. services.AddScoped(provider => builder.Options); }))); }