public IEnumerable <SecureData> EnumerateSecureData(string prefix) { string filter = prefix ?? string.Empty + "*"; if (NativeMethods.CredEnumerate(filter, 0, out int count, out IntPtr credentialArrayPtr)) { Trace.WriteLine($"{count} credentials enumerated from secret store."); try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { int offset = i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)); IntPtr credentialPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(credentialArrayPtr, offset); if (credentialPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = Marshal.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.Credential>(credentialPtr); int passwordLength = credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; byte[] data = new byte[credStruct.CredentialBlobSize]; Marshal.Copy(credStruct.CredentialBlob, data, 0, credStruct.CredentialBlobSize); string name = credStruct.UserName ?? string.Empty; string key = credStruct.TargetName; yield return(new SecureData(key, name, data)); } } } finally { NativeMethods.CredFree(credentialArrayPtr); } }
protected void PurgeCredentials(string @namespace) { string filter = @namespace + "*"; int count; IntPtr credentialArrayPtr; if (NativeMethods.CredEnumerate(filter, 0, out count, out credentialArrayPtr)) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { int offset = i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)); IntPtr credentialPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(credentialArrayPtr, offset); if (credentialPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.Credential credential = Marshal.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.Credential>(credentialPtr); if (!NativeMethods.CredDelete(credential.TargetName, credential.Type, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Debug.Fail("Failed with error code " + error.ToString("X")); } } } NativeMethods.CredFree(credentialArrayPtr); } else { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Debug.Fail("Failed with error code " + error.ToString("X")); } }
protected void WriteCredential(string targetName, Credential credentials) { NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlob = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(credentials.Password), CredentialBlobSize = (uint)Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(credentials.Password), Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = credentials.Username, }; try { if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Exception("Failed to write credentials", new Win32Exception(errorCode)); } Git.Trace.WriteLine($"credentials for '{targetName}' written to store."); } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(credential.CredentialBlob); } } }
protected Credential ReadCredentials(string targetName) { Credential credentials = null; IntPtr credPtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { if (NativeMethods.CredRead(targetName, NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, 0, out credPtr)) { NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = (NativeMethods.Credential)Marshal.PtrToStructure(credPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.Credential)); int passwordLength = (int)credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; string password = passwordLength > 0 ? Marshal.PtrToStringUni(credStruct.CredentialBlob, passwordLength / sizeof(char)) : String.Empty; string username = credStruct.UserName ?? String.Empty; credentials = new Credential(username, password); Git.Trace.WriteLine($"credentials for '{targetName}' read from store."); } } finally { if (credPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CredFree(credPtr); } } return(credentials); }
protected void WriteCredential(string targetName, Credential credentials) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteCredential"); NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = credentials.Username, }; try { // credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(credentials.Password); // See calculation in,eab10308ba549df3 credential.CredentialBlobSize = (uint)(credentials.Password.Length + 1 /*null terminator*/) * 2 /*Unicode encoding*/; if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteCredential Failed to write credentials, error code " + errorCode); } } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(credential.CredentialBlob); } } }
protected bool WriteToken(string targetName, Token token) { if (ReferenceEquals(targetName, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetName)); } if (ReferenceEquals(token, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token)); } byte[] bytes = null; if (Token.Serialize(token, out bytes)) { string name; if (Token.GetFriendlyNameFromType(token.Type, out name)) { NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlobSize = (uint)bytes.Length, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = name, }; try { credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(bytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, credential.CredentialBlob, bytes.Length); if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Failed to write credentials"); } Git.Trace.WriteLine($"token for '{targetName}' written to store."); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.WriteLine(exception); Git.Trace.WriteLine($"failed to write credentials: {exception.GetType().Name}."); return(false); } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(credential.CredentialBlob); } } } } return(true); }
protected bool WriteCredential(string targetName, Credential credentials) { if (ReferenceEquals(targetName, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetName)); } if (ReferenceEquals(credentials, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentials)); } NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlob = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(credentials.Password), CredentialBlobSize = (uint)Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(credentials.Password), Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = credentials.Username, }; try { if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Failed to write credentials"); } Git.Trace.WriteLine($"credentials for '{targetName}' written to store."); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.WriteLine(exception); Git.Trace.WriteLine($"failed to write credentials: {exception.GetType().Name}."); return(false); } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(credential.CredentialBlob); } } return(true); }
protected void WriteToken(string targetName, Token token) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteToken"); byte[] bytes = null; if (!Token.Serialize(token, out bytes)) { return; } string name; if (!Token.GetFriendlyNameFromType(token.Type, out name)) { return; } NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlobSize = (uint)bytes.Length, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = name, }; try { credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(bytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, credential.CredentialBlob, bytes.Length); if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteToken Failed to write credentials, error code " + errorCode); } } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(credential.CredentialBlob); } } }
protected Token ReadToken(string targetName) { Token token = null; IntPtr credPtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { if (NativeMethods.CredRead(targetName, NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, 0, out credPtr)) { NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = (NativeMethods.Credential)Marshal.PtrToStructure(credPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.Credential)); if (credStruct.CredentialBlob != null && credStruct.CredentialBlobSize > 0) { int size = (int)credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(credStruct.CredentialBlob, bytes, 0, size); TokenType type; if (Token.GetTypeFromFriendlyName(credStruct.UserName, out type)) { Token.Deserialize(bytes, type, out token); } Git.Trace.WriteLine($"token for '{targetName}' read from store."); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.WriteLine(exception); Git.Trace.WriteLine($"failed to read credentials: {exception.GetType().Name}."); return(null); } finally { if (credPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CredFree(credPtr); } } return(token); }
protected Credential ReadCredentials(string targetName) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::ReadCredentials"); Credential credentials = null; IntPtr credPtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { if (!NativeMethods.CredRead(targetName, NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, 0, out credPtr)) { return(null); } NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = (NativeMethods.Credential)Marshal.PtrToStructure(credPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.Credential)); // int size = (int)credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; SecureString pwd = null; if (size != 0) { byte[] bpassword = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(credStruct.CredentialBlob, bpassword, 0, size); char[] chars = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(bpassword); pwd = ConvertToSecureString(chars); Array.Clear(chars, 0, chars.Length); Array.Clear(bpassword, 0, bpassword.Length); } credentials = new Credential(credStruct.UserName, pwd); } finally { if (credPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CredFree(credPtr); } } return(credentials); }
protected void WriteToken(string targetName, Token token) { byte[] bytes = null; if (Token.Serialize(token, out bytes)) { string name; if (Token.GetFriendlyNameFromType(token.Type, out name)) { NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlobSize = (uint)bytes.Length, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = name, }; try { credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(bytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, credential.CredentialBlob, bytes.Length); if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Exception("Failed to write credentials", new Win32Exception(errorCode)); } Git.Trace.WriteLine($"token for '{targetName}' written to store."); } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(credential.CredentialBlob); } } } } }
protected Token ReadToken(string targetName) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::ReadToken"); Token token = null; IntPtr credPtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { if (!NativeMethods.CredRead(targetName, NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, 0, out credPtr)) { return(null); } NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = (NativeMethods.Credential)Marshal.PtrToStructure(credPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.Credential)); if (credStruct.CredentialBlob == null || credStruct.CredentialBlobSize <= 0) { return(null); } int size = (int)credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(credStruct.CredentialBlob, bytes, 0, size); TokenType type; if (Token.GetTypeFromFriendlyName(credStruct.UserName, out type)) { Token.Deserialize(bytes, type, out token); } } finally { if (credPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CredFree(credPtr); } } return(token); }
protected IEnumerable <Secret> EnumerateCredentials(string @namespace) { string filter = @namespace ?? string.Empty + "*"; if (NativeMethods.CredEnumerate(filter, 0, out int count, out IntPtr credentialArrayPtr)) { Trace.WriteLine($"{count} credentials enumerated from secret store."); try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { int offset = i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)); IntPtr credentialPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(credentialArrayPtr, offset); if (credentialPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.Credential credStruct = Marshal.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.Credential>(credentialPtr); int passwordLength = (int)credStruct.CredentialBlobSize; string password = passwordLength > 0 ? Marshal.PtrToStringUni(credStruct.CredentialBlob, passwordLength / sizeof(char)) : string.Empty; string username = credStruct.UserName ?? string.Empty; var credentials = new Credential(username, password); yield return(credentials); } } } finally { NativeMethods.CredFree(credentialArrayPtr); } }
protected void WriteCredential(string targetName, Credential credentials) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteCredential"); NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = credentials.Username, }; try { // credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(credentials.Password); // See calculation in,eab10308ba549df3 credential.CredentialBlobSize = (uint)(credentials.Password.Length + 1 /*null terminator*/) * 2 /*unicode encoding*/; if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteCredential Failed to write credentials, error code " + errorCode); } } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(credential.CredentialBlob); } } }
protected void WriteToken(string targetName, Token token) { Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteToken"); byte[] bytes = null; if (Token.Serialize(token, out bytes)) { string name; if (Token.GetFriendlyNameFromType(token.Type, out name)) { NativeMethods.Credential credential = new NativeMethods.Credential() { Type = NativeMethods.CredentialType.Generic, TargetName = targetName, CredentialBlobSize = (uint)bytes.Length, Persist = NativeMethods.CredentialPersist.LocalMachine, AttributeCount = 0, UserName = name, }; try { credential.CredentialBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(bytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, credential.CredentialBlob, bytes.Length); if (!NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref credential, 0)) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Trace.WriteLine("BaseSecureStore::WriteToken Failed to write credentials, error code " + errorCode); } } finally { if (credential.CredentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(credential.CredentialBlob); } } } } }