예제 #1
        private List <StorageBattery> storageList = new List <StorageBattery>(); //バッテリーは可変容量のもの1つ想定だが念のためリストに
        public object Clone()
            MicroGridBattery mgb = new MicroGridBattery();

            for (int i = 0; i < evList.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < storageList.Count; j++)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// マイクログリッドの需要電力量・発電量・需要発電差・供給元実績・EV充給電推移のデータセットを引数として、グリッドのシミュレート結果を導出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="square">太陽光発電システムの面積。計算には未使用</param>
        /// <param name="powerLog">需要電力量</param>
        /// <param name="generation">発電量</param>
        /// <param name="differencePG">需要発電差</param>
        /// <param name="demand">供給元実績</param>
        /// <param name="mgb">EV充給電推移のデータセット</param>
        public MicroGridOneday(double square, double[] powerLog, double[] generation, double[] differencePG, int[] demand, MicroGridBattery mgb, int peakPattern)
            this.square       = square;
            this.powerLog     = powerLog;
            this.generation   = generation;
            this.differencePG = differencePG;
            this.demand       = demand;
            int j = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    this.differencePGEV[i] = differencePG[i];
                    this.demandTime.Add(demand[i], i);
                catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                    this.demandTime.Add(demand[i] + j, i);

            this.peakPattern = peakPattern;

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                peakTime[i] = IsPeakTime(i, peakPattern);
            this.mgbBef = (MicroGridBattery)mgb.Clone();
            this.mgbAft = (MicroGridBattery)mgb.Clone();

예제 #3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <DateTime> evListDate = new List <DateTime>();
            int             evPattern;
            int             number;
            string          order;
            double          storageCapacity;

            evListDate.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016/11/04"));                                                      //559台分のEVデータセット日時
            evPattern       = 0;                                                                               //EVのエネルギー割当パターン:新クエリでは不使用
            number          = 559;                                                                             //EVの台数
            order           = "ORDER BY OutEndTime ASC ";                                                      //EVの優先度
            storageCapacity = 10;                                                                              //蓄電池容量[kWh]

            MicroGridBattery mgb = GetMicroGridBattery(evListDate, evPattern, number, order, storageCapacity); //グリッドの蓄電池を定義

            DateTime   dt;
            List <int> bID = new List <int>();
            List <int> pID = new List <int>(); //駐車場・駐輪場ID:本例では不使用
            int        peakPattern;
            double     rate;

            dt = DateTime.Parse("2015/07/31"); //マイクログリッドの対象日時
            for (int i = 1; i <= 17; i++)
                bID.Add(i);    //建物ID:ここでは例として横国の建物すべてを対象とする
            peakPattern = 0;   //最大±1h
            rate        = 1.0; //太陽光設置率100%

            MicroGridOneday mgo = GetMicroGridOneday(dt, bID, pID, mgb, peakPattern, rate);

            WriteToTextBox("-- 1日の需要・発電・差分・バッテリー導入差分・東電・ピークかどうか --");
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                WriteToTextBox(i + " : " + mgo.GetPowerLog(i) + " " + mgo.GetGeneration(i) + " " + mgo.GetDifferencePG(i) + " " + mgo.GetDifferencePGEV(i) + " " + mgo.GetDemand(i) + " " + mgo.Peaktime[i]);
            WriteToTextBox("-- 1日の需要・発電・差分・バッテリー導入差分・東電・ピークかどうか --");

            WriteToTextBox("-- 1日のPVの余剰量・EVへの充電量・EVからの給電量 --");
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                double overGeneration, EVCharge, EVDischarge;

                if (mgo.GetDifferencePG(i) < 0)                                         //PV発電超過
                    overGeneration = -mgo.GetDifferencePG(i);                           //需要・発電相殺後の値(発電超過だと負の値になるため符号をひっくり返す)
                    EVCharge       = mgo.GetDifferencePGEV(i) - mgo.GetDifferencePG(i); //EV導入前の値と導入後の値の差分がバッテリーへの充電量
                    overGeneration = 0;
                    EVCharge       = 0;

                if (mgo.Peaktime[i] && mgo.GetDifferencePG(i) > 0)                   //ピーク時間帯かつPVの発電超過ではない
                    EVDischarge = mgo.GetDifferencePG(i) - mgo.GetDifferencePGEV(i); //EV導入前の値と導入後の値の差分がバッテリーからの給電量
                    EVDischarge = 0;

                WriteToTextBox(i + " : " + overGeneration + " " + EVCharge + " " + EVDischarge);
            WriteToTextBox("-- 1日のPVの余剰量・EVへの充電量・EVからの給電量 --");

            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入前のピーク時間帯エネルギー量[kWh] : " + mgo.GetBeforePeakEnergy());
            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入後のピーク時間帯エネルギー量[kWh] : " + mgo.GetAfterPeakEnergy());
            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入前のピーク時間帯最大電力[kW] : " + mgo.GetPeakBeforeMaxWatt());
            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入後のピーク時間帯最大電力[kW] : " + mgo.GetPeakAfterMaxWatt());
            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入前の余剰発電量[kWh] : " + mgo.GetBeforeOverGeneration());
            WriteToTextBox("PV・EV導入後の余剰発電量[kWh] : " + mgo.GetAfterOverGeneration());

            WriteToTextBox("-- 充キャパ・給ポテ(充給電なし) --");
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                WriteToTextBox(i + " : " + mgo.MicroGridBatteryBefore.GetAllChargeCapacity(i) + " " + mgo.MicroGridBatteryBefore.GetAllDischargeCapacity(i));
            WriteToTextBox("-- 充キャパ・給ポテ(充給電なし) --");

            WriteToTextBox("-- 充キャパ・給ポテ(充給電あり) --");
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                WriteToTextBox(i + " : " + mgo.MicroGridBatteryAfter.GetAllChargeCapacity(i) + " " + mgo.MicroGridBatteryAfter.GetAllDischargeCapacity(i));
            WriteToTextBox("-- 充キャパ・給ポテ(充給電あり) --");
예제 #4
        private MicroGridBattery GetMicroGridBattery(List <DateTime> evListDate, int pattern, int number, string order, double storageCapacity) //マイクログリッドのバッテリ(EV・蓄電池)クラス生成
            //evListDate : EVデータセットの日付(総研41台は2016/01/20・常盤台キャンパス559台であれば2016/11/04を指定)
            //pattern : 旧クエリにおけるデータセットパターン(0.8kWh~6.8kWhランダムは"0"・実データは"50")
            //number : EV台数
            //order : 充給電EVの優先度(ORDER BY句)
            //storageCapacity : 据え置き蓄電池の容量

            MicroGridBattery MGB = new MicroGridBattery();

            //旧クエリに変更する(pattern = 0 or 50)

            #region 旧クエリ
            //string query = "SELECT TOP " + number + " CarID, OutEndTime, HomeStartTime, OutEnergy, HomeEnergy " + "\r\n";
            //query += "FROM TRIPS_TEST " + "\r\n";
            //query += "WHERE Date in ('" + evListDate[0].ToShortDateString() + "'";
            //for (int i = 1; i < evListDate.Count; i++)
            //    query += ",'" + evListDate[i].ToShortDateString() + "'";
            //query += ") \r\n";
            //query += "AND EnergyPatternID = " + pattern + " " + "\r\n";
            //query +=
            //query += "\r\n";


            #region 新クエリ
            string query = "SELECT TOP " + number + " CarID, OutEndTime, HomeStartTime, OutEnergy, HomeEnergy " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "FROM YNU_Trips " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "WHERE Date in ('" + evListDate[0].ToShortDateString() + "'";
            for (int i = 1; i < evListDate.Count; i++)
                query += ",'" + evListDate[i].ToShortDateString() + "'";
            query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += order + Environment.NewLine;

            int            carID;
            EVBattery      ev;
            StorageBattery sb;
            DateTime       arrive, departure;
            double         outEnergy, homeEnergy;

            sb = new StorageBattery(storageCapacity);

                SqlCommand    cmd    = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection1);
                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    carID      = (int)reader[0];
                    arrive     = (DateTime)reader[1];
                    departure  = (DateTime)reader[2];
                    outEnergy  = (double)reader[3];
                    homeEnergy = (double)reader[4];

                    //EVBatteryはCarID, 到着時間, 出発時間, outwardの消費エネルギー, homewardの消費エネルギーを引数に持つ
                    ev = new EVBattery(carID, arrive, departure, outEnergy, homeEnergy);
            catch (Exception)


예제 #5
        private MicroGridOneday GetMicroGridOneday(DateTime dt, List <int> bID, List <int> pID, MicroGridBattery mgb, int peakPattern, double rate) //マイクログリッドの1日の推移クラス生成
            //dt : 需要・発電ログの日時
            //bID : 横国見える化の区画ID
            //pID : 駐車場・駐輪場ID
            //mgb : MicroGridBattery
            //peakPattern : 電力ピークのパターン(最大±1hは"0"・最大±2hは"1"・大きい順2hは"2"・大きい順3hは"3"・大きい順4hは"4")
            //rate : 太陽光設置率

            MicroGridOneday MGO; //返り値用

            double square = 0;   //対象の建物, 駐車場・駐輪場の面積(MicroGridOnedayのコンストラクタには必要, 計算には使わないが)

            double[] consume    = new double[24];
            double[] generate   = new double[24];
            double[] difference = new double[24]; //電力需要(1時間毎), 電力発電(1時間毎), 差分
            int[]    tepco      = new int[24];    //TEPCO需要電力[MW]

            string        query;
            SqlCommand    cmd;
            SqlDataReader reader;
            int           index = 0; //配列用インデックス

            #region squareの取得

            #region クエリ

            if (pID.Count > 0) //駐輪場の指定あり
                query  = "SELECT bArea.BuildingConstructionArea + pArea.ParkingConstructionArea " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "FROM " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "( " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	SELECT SUM(ConstructionArea) BuildingConstructionArea "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	FROM Building "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "  WHERE MeasureAreaClassID IN (" + bID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < bID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + bID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	GROUP BY MeasureAreaClassID "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += ") bArea, " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "( " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	SELECT SUM(ConstructionArea) ParkingConstructionArea "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	FROM Parking "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "  WHERE ID IN (" + bID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < pID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + pID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	GROUP BY ID "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += ") pArea " + Environment.NewLine;
            else //駐輪場の指定なし
                query  = "SELECT SUM(ConstructionArea) " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "FROM Building " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "WHERE MeasureAreaClassID IN (" + bID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < bID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + bID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "GROUP BY MeasureAreaClassID " + Environment.NewLine;

                cmd    = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection1);
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    square = (double)reader.GetInt32(0);
            catch (Exception)


            #region consumeの取得

            #region クエリ

            query  = "SELECT SUM(Energy) " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "FROM BuildingPowerLog " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "WHERE MeasureAreaClassID IN (" + bID[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < bID.Count; i++)
                query += ", " + bID[i] + "";
            query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "AND CONVERT(Date, Date, 111) = '" + dt.ToShortDateString() + "' " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "GROUP BY Date " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "ORDER BY Date " + Environment.NewLine;


                cmd    = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection1);
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    consume[index] = (double)reader[0];
            catch (Exception)


            #region generateの取得

            index = 0;

            #region クエリ

            if (pID.Count > 0) //駐輪場の指定あり
                query  = "SELECT ROUND(bLog.bGenerateEnergy + pLog.pGenerateEnergy, 1) " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "FROM " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "( " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	SELECT Date, SUM(GenerateEnergy) bGenerateEnergy "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	FROM BuildingSolarPowerLog "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "WHERE MeasureAreaClassID IN (" + bID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < bID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + bID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	AND CONVERT(Date, Date, 111) = '"+ dt.ToShortDateString() + "' " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	GROUP BY Date "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += ")bLog, " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "( " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	SELECT Date, SUM(GenerateEnergy) pGenerateEnergy "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	FROM ParkingSolarPowerLog "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += "  WHERE ID IN (" + pID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < pID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + pID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	AND CONVERT(Date, Date, 111) = '"+ dt.ToShortDateString() + "' " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "	GROUP BY Date "+ Environment.NewLine;
                query += ")pLog " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "WHERE bLog.Date = pLog.Date " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "ORDER BY bLog.Date " + Environment.NewLine;
                query  = "SELECT SUM(GenerateEnergy) " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "FROM BuildingSolarPowerLog " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "WHERE MeasureAreaClassID IN (" + bID[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < bID.Count; i++)
                    query += ", " + bID[i] + "";
                query += ") " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "AND CONVERT(Date, Date, 111) = '" + dt.ToShortDateString() + "' " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "GROUP BY Date " + Environment.NewLine;
                query += "ORDER BY Date " + Environment.NewLine;


                cmd    = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection1);
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    generate[index] = (double)reader[0] * rate;
            catch (Exception)


            #region differenceの取得

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                difference[i] = consume[i] - generate[i];


            #region tepcoの取得

            index = 0;

            #region クエリ

            query  = "SELECT Energy * 10 " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "FROM TEPCODemandData " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "WHERE CONVERT(Date, Date, 111) = '" + dt.ToShortDateString() + "' " + Environment.NewLine;
            query += "ORDER BY Date " + Environment.NewLine;


                cmd    = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection1);
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    tepco[index] = (int)reader.GetDouble(0);
            catch (Exception)


            MGO = new MicroGridOneday(square, consume, generate, difference, tepco, mgb, peakPattern);
