private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode node = tvGrp.SelectedNode; if (node == null || !(node.Tag is Group)) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select the group to modify."), LangPack.GetMongolian(this.Name), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } this.newGrpName = node.Text; GroupEditForm form = new GroupEditForm(this); if (DialogResult.OK != form.ShowDialog()) { return; } node.Text = this.newGrpName; Group gp = node.Tag as Group; gp.Name = this.newGrpName; grpMng.UpdateGrp(gp.Key, gp); }
private void btnKindAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.brdNewName = string.Empty; GroupEditForm form = new GroupEditForm(this); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt += new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); if (DialogResult.OK != form.ShowDialog()) { form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); return; } BoardInfo brd = new BoardInfo(); brd.kind = string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName); brd.kindNum = this.brdKindNum; //kind number brd.dicText = new Dictionary <string, BoardInfoDetail>(); brdMng.dicBrd.Add(string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName), brd); brdMng.SaveBrdData(); AddTreeData(); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); }
private void btnKindEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode node = tvKind.SelectedNode; if (node == null) { MessageBox.Show(LangPack.GetMongolian("Please select the items to modify."), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string tmpName = string.Empty; string[] tmp = node.Text.Split('_'); tmpName = node.Text.Replace(tmp[0] + "_", ""); tmp[0] = tmp[0].Trim('('); tmp[0] = tmp[0].Trim(')'); this.brdNewName = tmpName; this.brdKindNum = int.Parse(tmp[0]); GroupEditForm form = new GroupEditForm(this); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt += new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); if (DialogResult.OK != form.ShowDialog()) { form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); return; } BoardInfo brd = new BoardInfo(); brd.kind = string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName); brd.kindNum = this.brdKindNum; Dictionary <string, BoardInfoDetail> dicNewBrd = new Dictionary <string, BoardInfoDetail>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BoardInfoDetail> pair in brdMng.dicBrd[node.Text].dicText) { BoardInfoDetail newBrd = new BoardInfoDetail(); newBrd.kind = brd.kind; newBrd.kindNum = brd.kindNum; =; newBrd.text = pair.Value.text; dicNewBrd.Add(, newBrd); } brd.dicText = dicNewBrd; brdMng.dicBrd.Add(string.Format("({0})_{1}", this.brdKindNum, this.brdNewName), brd); brdMng.dicBrd.Remove(node.Text); brdMng.SaveBrdData(); AddTreeData(); form.OnCGChangeBoxEvt -= new EventHandler <CGChangeEventArgs>(form_OnCGChangeBoxEvt); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GroupEditForm form = new GroupEditForm(this); if (DialogResult.OK != form.ShowDialog()) { return; } // Create new group Group gp = new Group(); gp.Key = DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString(); gp.Name = this.newGrpName; AddGroupItem(gp); this.newGrpName = string.Empty; grpMng.UpdateGrp(gp.Key, gp); }