public void addTimer(String pathNameX, String timerNameX, String medNameX) { medNode medToAdd = null; medToAdd = medMaster.findMed(medNameX); if (medToAdd == null) { Console.WriteLine("That medication does not exsist"); } else { if (firstPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("There are not paths"); } else { PS = firstPath; pathNode pathToAddTo = null; while (PS.getNextPath() != null) { if (PS.getPathName().Equals(pathNameX)) { pathToAddTo = PS; } PS = PS.getNextPath(); } if (pathToAddTo == null) { Console.WriteLine("That path does not exsist"); } else { pathToAddTo.getTimers().addTimer(timerNameX, medToAdd, pathToAddTo.getPathName()); M.debug("Med added"); } } } }
public void editTimer(string timerToEdit) { timerNode toEdit = null; if (firstTimer != null) //if FT == null then there are no paths { TS = firstTimer; while (TS.getNextTimer() != null) { if (TS.getTimerName().Equals(timerToEdit)) { toEdit = TS; //finding the first path with this name and exiting loop break; } TS = TS.getNextTimer(); //incriment loop } if (toEdit == null) { Console.WriteLine("There was no timers with this name. Please make sure it was spelt correctly, this is case sensative"); } else { if (toEdit.getRunning() == true) { Console.WriteLine("You can't edit a running timer"); } else { Console.WriteLine("What part of the timer would you Like to Edit"); Console.WriteLine("1) Linked Medication"); Console.WriteLine("2) Timer Name"); M.BL(); ConsoleKeyInfo answer = Console.ReadKey(); M.BL(); switch (answer.KeyChar) { case '1': { Console.WriteLine("What medication would you like to change to (Enter Name)"); M.BL(); medMaster.printMeds(); string medToChangeTo = Console.ReadLine(); toEdit.setMed(medMaster.findMed(medToChangeTo)); break; } case '2': { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to change the name to be?"); M.BL(); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); toEdit.setTimerName(newName); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("This is not an option"); break; } } } } } }