예제 #1
        public MarketBase(MetaDaemonApi daemon, MarketRow market, BitsharesWallet bitshares, BitcoinWallet bitcoin, string bitsharesAccount)
            m_daemon = daemon;
            m_market = market;

            m_bitshares = bitshares;
            m_bitcoin = bitcoin;
            m_bitsharesAccount = bitsharesAccount;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>	Updates the market in database described by market. </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
 public bool UpdateMarketInDatabase(MarketRow market)
     return  m_database.Statement(	"UPDATE markets SET ask=@a, bid=@b, ask_max=@c, bid_max=@d, ask_fee_percent=@e, bid_fee_percent=@f WHERE symbol_pair=@g;",
                                     market.ask, market.bid, market.ask_max, market.bid_max, market.ask_fee_percent, market.bid_fee_percent, market.symbol_pair) > 0;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>	Updates the market in database described by market. </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
 protected void UpdateMarketInDatabase(MarketRow market)
     bool updated = m_dataAccess.UpdateMarketInDatabase(market);
예제 #4
		/// <summary>	Handles the command. </summary>
		/// <remarks>	Paul, 26/02/2015. </remarks>
		/// <param name="l">	  	The BitsharesLedgerEntry to process. </param>
		/// <param name="handler">	The handler. </param>
		/// <param name="market"> 	The market. </param>
		/// <returns>	true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
		public bool HandleCommand(BitsharesLedgerEntry l, MarketBase handler, MarketRow market, string trxid)
			if (m_adminUsernames.Contains(l.from_account))
					string[] parts = l.memo.Split(' ');

					if (l.memo.StartsWith(kSetPricesMemoStart))
						HandlePriceSetting(parts, l, handler, market);
						return true;
					else if (l.memo.StartsWith(kWithdrawMemo))
						// process withdrawal
						if (parts[0] == kWithdrawMemo)
							// make sure we didn't already process this transaction!
							if (!m_dataAccess.IsWithdrawalProcessed(trxid))
								decimal amount = decimal.Parse(parts[1]);
								CurrenciesRow type = CurrencyHelpers.FromSymbol(parts[2], m_allCurrencies);
								string to;

								string txid;
								if ( !CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(type) )
									to = m_dataAccess.GetStats().bitcoin_withdraw_address;
									Debug.Assert(to != null);

									txid = m_bitcoin.SendToAddress(to, amount);
									to = l.from_account;
									BitsharesTransactionResponse response = m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, CurrencyHelpers.ToBitsharesSymbol(type), m_bitsharesAccount, to);
									txid = response.record_id;

								// log in DB
								m_dataAccess.InsertWithdrawal(trxid, txid, type.ToString(), amount, to, DateTime.UtcNow);

							return true;
				catch (Exception e)

			return false;
예제 #5
		/// <summary>	Handles the price setting. </summary>
		/// <remarks>	Paul, 14/02/2015. </remarks>
		/// <param name="l">	  	The BitsharesLedgerEntry to process. </param>
		/// <param name="handler">	The handler. </param>
		/// <param name="market"> 	The market. </param>
		void HandlePriceSetting(string[] parts, BitsharesLedgerEntry l, MarketBase handler, MarketRow market)
			// parse
			if (parts[0] == kSetPricesMemoStart)
				if (parts[1] == market.symbol_pair)
					// setting is for this market!
					decimal basePrice = decimal.Parse(parts[2]);
					decimal quotePrice = decimal.Parse(parts[3]);

					// go do it!
					handler.SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(basePrice, quotePrice, market.flipped, market);
예제 #6
		/// <summary>	Creates handler for market. </summary>
		/// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
		/// <exception cref="UnexpectedCaseException">	Thrown when an Unexpected Case error condition
		/// 											occurs. </exception>
		/// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
		/// <returns>	The new handler for market. </returns>
		MarketBase CreateHandlerForMarket(MarketRow market)
			CurrenciesRow @base, quote;
			CurrencyHelpers.GetBaseAndQuoteFromSymbolPair(market.symbol_pair, m_allCurrencies, out @base, out quote);

			if ( CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(@base) && !CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(quote))
				return new InternalMarket(this, market, m_bitshares, m_bitcoin, m_bitsharesAccount, @base);
			else if (!CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(@base) && CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(quote))
				return new InternalMarket(this, market, m_bitshares, m_bitcoin, m_bitsharesAccount, @quote);
				throw new UnexpectedCaseException();
예제 #7
        /// <summary>	Sets prices from single unit quantities. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 14/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">	Thrown when an exception error condition occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="baseQuantity"> 	The base quantity. </param>
        /// <param name="quoteQuantity">	The quote quantity. </param>
        public virtual void SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(decimal baseQuantity, decimal quoteQuantity, bool flipped, MarketRow market)
            decimal bid, ask;

            decimal buyFee = baseQuantity * market.bid_fee_percent/100;
            decimal sellFee = quoteQuantity * market.ask_fee_percent/100;

            baseQuantity -= buyFee;
            quoteQuantity += sellFee;

            if (flipped)
                bid = baseQuantity;
                ask = quoteQuantity;
                bid = 1 / baseQuantity;
                ask = 1 / quoteQuantity;

            if (Math.Abs(bid - m_market.bid) > m_market.bid / 10 ||
                Math.Abs(ask - m_market.ask) > m_market.ask / 10)
                throw new Exception("New prices are too different!");

            int updated = m_daemon.UpdateMarketPrices(m_market.symbol_pair, bid, ask);
            if (updated == 0)
                throw new Exception("No market row updated!");
                m_market.ask = ask;
                m_market.bid = bid;

            m_isDirty = true;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>	Calculates the market prices and limits./ </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 19/02/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="market">				[in,out] The market. </param>
 /// <param name="bitsharesBalances">	The bitshares balances. </param>
 /// <param name="bitcoinBalances">  	The bitcoin balances. </param>
 /// <returns>	Whether the prices were updated </returns>
 public virtual void ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref MarketRow market, Dictionary<int, ulong> bitsharesBalances, decimal bitcoinBalances)
     m_market = market;