예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and adds one print preview page to the internal cache of print preview pages stored in <see cref="_printPreviewPages"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">FrameworkElement used to represent the "printing page"</param>
        /// <param name="printPageDescription">Printer's page description</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        private RichTextBlockOverflow AddOnePrintPreviewPage(FrameworkElement element, PrintPageDescription printPageDescription)
            var  page = new Page();
            Grid printableArea;

            // Check if this is the first page ( no previous RichTextBlockOverflow)
            if (element == null)
                // If this is the first page add the specific scenario content
                page = _firstPage;

                printableArea = page.FindName("printableArea") as Grid;
                FrameworkElement fre  = page.Content as FrameworkElement;
                string           name = fre.Name;
                printableArea = fre.FindName("printableArea") as Grid;
                //if (_elementsToPrint[0].GetType() == typeof(Grid))
                printableArea = _elementsToPrint[0] as Grid;

                //Save state
                if (!_stateBags.ContainsKey(printableArea))
                    var stateBag = new PrintHelperStateBag();
                    _stateBags.Add(printableArea, stateBag);
                // Save state
                if (!_stateBags.ContainsKey(element))
                    var stateBag = new PrintHelperStateBag();
                    _stateBags.Add(element, stateBag);

                // Flow content (text) from previous pages
                page = new ContinuationPage(element as RichTextBlockOverflow);

                printableArea = page.FindName("printableArea") as Grid;

            // Set "paper" width
            page.Width  = printPageDescription.PageSize.Width;
            page.Height = printPageDescription.PageSize.Height;

            // Get the margins size
            double marginWidth  = Math.Max(printPageDescription.PageSize.Width - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Width, printPageDescription.PageSize.Width * ApplicationContentMarginLeft * 2);
            double marginHeight = Math.Max(printPageDescription.PageSize.Height - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Height, printPageDescription.PageSize.Height * ApplicationContentMarginTop * 2);

            //printableArea = page.FindName("printableArea") as Grid;

            if (printableArea != null)
                // Set up the "printable area" on the "paper"
                printableArea.Width  = _firstPage.Width - marginWidth;
                printableArea.Height = _firstPage.Height - marginHeight;

            //element.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            //element.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

            //if (element.Width > element.Height)
            //    var newWidth = page.Width - marginWidth;

            //    element.Height = element.Height * (newWidth / element.Width);
            //    element.Width = newWidth;
            //    var newHeight = page.Height - marginHeight;

            //    element.Width = element.Width * (newHeight / element.Height);
            //    element.Height = newHeight;

            //element.Margin = new Thickness(marginWidth / 2, marginHeight / 2, marginWidth / 2, marginHeight / 2);
            //page.Content = element;

            // Add the (newley created) page to the print canvas which is part of the visual tree and force it to go
            // through layout so that the linked containers correctly distribute the content inside them.

            // Find the last text container and see if the content is overflowing
            RichTextBlockOverflow textLink = (RichTextBlockOverflow)page.FindName("ContinuationPageLinkedContainer");

            // Check if this is the last page
            if (!textLink.HasOverflowContent && textLink.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)

            // Add the page to the page preview collection


            //return DispatcherHelper.ExecuteOnUIThreadAsync(
            //    () =>
            //    {
            //        // Add the (newly created) page to the print canvas which is part of the visual tree and force it to go
            //        // through layout so that the linked containers correctly distribute the content inside them.
            //        _printCanvas.Children.Add(page);
            //        _printCanvas.UpdateLayout();
            //        _printCanvas.InvalidateMeasure();

            //        // Add the page to the page preview collection
            //        _printPreviewPages.Add(page);
            //    }, Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.High);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates and adds one print preview page to the internal cache of print preview
        /// pages stored in printPreviewPages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lastRTBOAdded">Last RichTextBlockOverflow element added in the current content</param>
        /// <param name="printPageDescription">Printer's page description</param>
        protected virtual RichTextBlockOverflow AddOnePrintPreviewPage(RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOAdded, PrintPageDescription printPageDescription)
            // XAML element that is used to represent to "printing page"
            FrameworkElement page;

            // The link container for text overflowing in this page
            RichTextBlockOverflow textLink;

            // Check if this is the first page ( no previous RichTextBlockOverflow)
            if (lastRTBOAdded == null)
                // If this is the first page add the specific scenario content
                page = firstPage;

                // Hide footer since we don't know yet if it will be displayed (this might not be the last page) - wait for layout
                //StackPanel footer = (StackPanel)page.FindName("Footer");
                //footer.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
                // Flow content (text) from previous pages
                page = new ContinuationPage(lastRTBOAdded);

            // Set "paper" width
            page.Width  = printPageDescription.PageSize.Width;
            page.Height = printPageDescription.PageSize.Height;

            Grid printableArea = (Grid)page.FindName("printPage1");

            // Get the margins size
            // If the ImageableRect is smaller than the app provided margins use the ImageableRect
            double marginWidth  = Math.Max(printPageDescription.PageSize.Width - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Width, printPageDescription.PageSize.Width * ApplicationContentMarginLeft * 2);
            double marginHeight = Math.Max(printPageDescription.PageSize.Height - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Height, printPageDescription.PageSize.Height * ApplicationContentMarginTop * 2);

            // Set-up "printable area" on the "paper"
            printableArea.Width  = firstPage.Width - marginWidth;
            printableArea.Height = firstPage.Height - marginHeight;

            // Add the (newley created) page to the print canvas which is part of the visual tree and force it to go
            // through layout so that the linked containers correctly distribute the content inside them.


            // Find the last text container and see if the content is overflowing
            textLink = (RichTextBlockOverflow)page.FindName("ContinuationPageLinkedContainer");

            // Check if this is the last page
            if (!textLink.HasOverflowContent && textLink.Visibility == Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible)
                //StackPanel footer = (StackPanel)page.FindName("Footer");
                //footer.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;

            // Add the page to the page preview collection
