public void ApplyChanges(MeshCombiner meshCombiner) { for (int i = 0; i < changedMeshObjectsHolders.Count; i++) { MeshObjectsHolder meshObjectHolder = changedMeshObjectsHolders.items[i]; meshObjectHolder.hasChanged = false; } changedMeshObjectsHolders.Clear(); }
// Token: 0x0600307F RID: 12415 RVA: 0x000CDF0C File Offset: 0x000CC10C public bool SortObject(MeshCombiner meshCombiner, ObjectOctree.LODLevel lod, CachedGameObject cachedGO, bool isChangeMode = false) { if ( == null) { return(false); } if (lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup == null) { lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup = new Dictionary <CombineCondition, MeshObjectsHolder>(); } CombineConditionSettings combineConditionSettings = meshCombiner.combineConditionSettings; Material[] sharedMaterials =; int num = Mathf.Min(cachedGO.mesh.subMeshCount, sharedMaterials.Length); int i = 0; while (i < num) { Material material; if (!combineConditionSettings.sameMaterial) { material = combineConditionSettings.material; goto IL_75; } material = sharedMaterials[i]; if (!(material == null)) { goto IL_75; } IL_119: i++; continue; IL_75: CombineCondition combineCondition = default(CombineCondition); combineCondition.ReadFromGameObject(combineConditionSettings, meshCombiner.copyBakedLighting && meshCombiner.validCopyBakedLighting, cachedGO.go,, material); MeshObjectsHolder meshObjectsHolder; if (!lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup.TryGetValue(combineCondition, out meshObjectsHolder)) { meshCombiner.foundCombineConditions.combineConditions.Add(combineCondition); meshObjectsHolder = new MeshObjectsHolder(ref combineCondition, material); lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup.Add(combineCondition, meshObjectsHolder); } meshObjectsHolder.meshObjects.Add(new MeshObject(cachedGO, i)); if (isChangeMode && !meshObjectsHolder.hasChanged) { meshObjectsHolder.hasChanged = true; lod.changedMeshObjectsHolders.Add(meshObjectsHolder); goto IL_119; } goto IL_119; } return(true); }
public bool SortObject(MeshCombiner meshCombiner, LODLevel lod, CachedGameObject cachedGO, bool isChangeMode = false) { if ( == null) { return(false); } if (lod.meshObjectsHolders == null) { lod.meshObjectsHolders = new List <MeshObjectsHolder>(); } Material[] mats =; // TODO check submeshes and material int length = Mathf.Min(cachedGO.mesh.subMeshCount, mats.Length); for (int l = 0; l < length; l++) { Material mat = mats[l]; if (mat == null) { continue; } bool shadowCastingModeTwoSided = ( == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.TwoSided); int lightmapIndex = meshCombiner.validCopyBakedLighting ? : -1; int index = lod.GetSortMeshIndex(mat, shadowCastingModeTwoSided, lightmapIndex); MeshObjectsHolder meshObjectHolder; if (index == -1) { meshObjectHolder = new MeshObjectsHolder(cachedGO, mat, l, shadowCastingModeTwoSided, lightmapIndex); lod.meshObjectsHolders.Add(meshObjectHolder); } else { meshObjectHolder = lod.meshObjectsHolders[index]; meshObjectHolder.meshObjects.Add(new MeshObject(cachedGO, l)); } if (isChangeMode && !meshObjectHolder.hasChanged) { meshObjectHolder.hasChanged = true; lod.changedMeshObjectsHolders.Add(meshObjectHolder); } } return(true); }
public int GetSortMeshIndex(Material mat, bool shadowCastingModeTwoSided, int lightmapIndex) { int matInstanceID = mat.GetInstanceID(); for (int i = 0; i < meshObjectsHolders.Count; i++) { MeshObjectsHolder meshObjectHolder = meshObjectsHolders[i]; // if (mat == null) Debug.Log("Material null"); if (meshObjectHolder.mat == null) { continue; } // Debug.Log("Sorted mat null"); if (meshObjectHolder.mat.GetInstanceID() == matInstanceID && meshObjectHolder.shadowCastingModeTwoSided == shadowCastingModeTwoSided && meshObjectHolder.lightmapIndex == lightmapIndex) { return(i); } // if ( == && meshObjectHolder.mat.shader == mat.shader && meshObjectHolder.shadowCastingModeTwoSided == shadowCastingModeTwoSided && meshObjectHolder.lightmapIndex == lightmapIndex && // (!mat.HasProperty("_MainTex") || (mat.HasProperty("_MainTex") && meshObjectHolder.mat.GetTexture("_MainTex") == mat.GetTexture("_MainTex")))) return i; } return(-1); }
public bool SortObject(MeshCombiner meshCombiner, LODLevel lod, CachedGameObject cachedGO, bool isChangeMode = false) { if ( == null) { return(false); } if (lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup == null) { lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup = new Dictionary <CombineCondition, MeshObjectsHolder>(); } CombineConditionSettings combineConditions = meshCombiner.combineConditionSettings; Material[] mats =; // TODO check submeshes and material int length = Mathf.Min(cachedGO.mesh.subMeshCount, mats.Length); int rootInstanceId = -1; if (meshCombiner.combineMode == CombineMode.DynamicObjects) { rootInstanceId = cachedGO.rootInstanceId; if (rootInstanceId == -1) { cachedGO.GetRoot(); rootInstanceId = cachedGO.rootInstanceId; } } for (int l = 0; l < length; l++) { Material mat; if (combineConditions.sameMaterial) { mat = mats[l]; if (mat == null) { continue; } } else { mat = combineConditions.material; } CombineCondition combineCondition = new CombineCondition(); combineCondition.ReadFromGameObject(rootInstanceId, combineConditions, meshCombiner.copyBakedLighting && meshCombiner.validCopyBakedLighting, cachedGO.go, cachedGO.t,, mat); MeshObjectsHolder meshObjectHolder; if (!lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup.TryGetValue(combineCondition, out meshObjectHolder)) { meshCombiner.foundCombineConditions.combineConditions.Add(combineCondition); meshObjectHolder = new MeshObjectsHolder(ref combineCondition, mat); lod.meshObjectsHoldersLookup.Add(combineCondition, meshObjectHolder); } meshObjectHolder.meshObjects.Add(new MeshObject(cachedGO, l)); if (isChangeMode && !meshObjectHolder.hasChanged) { meshObjectHolder.hasChanged = true; lod.changedMeshObjectsHolders.Add(meshObjectHolder); } } return(true); }
public void CombineMeshes(MeshCombiner meshCombiner, int lodParentIndex) { if (level == maxLevels) { MaxCell thisCell = (MaxCell)this; LODParent lodParent = thisCell.lodParents[lodParentIndex]; if (lodParent == null) { return; } lodParent.cellGO = new GameObject(meshCombiner.useCells ? "Cell " + : "Combined Objects"); lodParent.cellT = lodParent.cellGO.transform; lodParent.cellT.position =; lodParent.cellT.parent = meshCombiner.lodParentHolders[lodParentIndex].t; if (lodParentIndex > 0) { lodParent.lodGroup = lodParent.cellGO.AddComponent <LODGroup>(); lodParent.lodGroup.localReferencePoint = lodParent.cellT.position =; } LODLevel[] lods = lodParent.lodLevels; for (int i = 0; i < lods.Length; i++) { LODLevel lod = lodParent.lodLevels[i]; if (lod == null || lod.meshObjectsHolders == null) { return; } GameObject lodGO; Transform lodT = null; if (lodParentIndex > 0) { lodGO = new GameObject("LOD" + i); lodT = lodGO.transform; lodT.parent = lodParent.cellT; } for (int k = 0; k < lod.meshObjectsHolders.Count; ++k) { MeshObjectsHolder sortedMeshes = lod.meshObjectsHolders[k]; sortedMeshes.lodParent = lodParent; sortedMeshes.lodLevel = i; MeshCombineJobManager.instance.AddJob(meshCombiner, sortedMeshes, lodParentIndex > 0 ? lodT : lodParent.cellT,; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (cellsUsed[i]) { cells[i].CombineMeshes(meshCombiner, lodParentIndex); } } } }