public bool Process(RootObject PlaceDetailResponse) { if (PlaceDetailResponse == null) { return(false); } merchant tMerchant = (from m in DB.merchants where m.place_id == PlaceDetailResponse.result.place_id select m).ToList <merchant>().First(); =; string tAddress, tSubLocality, tCity, tPostalcode, tState, tCountry; DeformatAddress.Process(PlaceDetailResponse.result.formatted_address, out tAddress, out tSubLocality, out tCity, out tPostalcode, out tState, out tCountry); tMerchant.address = tAddress; tMerchant.sublocality = tSubLocality; = tCity; tMerchant.zipcode = tPostalcode; tMerchant.state = tState; = tCountry; tMerchant.advertiser = "N"; tMerchant.amenities = null; tMerchant.bills = null; biz_hours tBizTime; List <biz_hours> tBizHourList = new List <biz_hours>(); foreach (Period tHours in PlaceDetailResponse.result.opening_hours.periods) { ParseBizHours(tHours, out tBizTime); tBizHourList.Add(tBizTime); } tMerchant.biz_hours = tBizHourList; tMerchant.latitude = float.Parse(; tMerchant.longitude = float.Parse(PlaceDetailResponse.result.geometry.location.lng.ToString()); tMerchant.opt_out = "N"; tMerchant.permanent_cell_phone_number = PlaceDetailResponse.result.formatted_phone_number; tMerchant.thumbnail_photo_url = PlaceDetailResponse.result.icon; =; DB.merchants.Add(tMerchant); DB.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public void ProcessMerchantDetail(RootObject tSearch) { merchant tMerchant = (from m in m_DB.merchants where (m.place_id == tSearch.result.place_id) select m).SingleOrDefault <merchant>(); if (tMerchant != null) { String tAddress, tSubDivision, tCity, tZip, tState, tCountry; DeformatAddress.Process(tSearch.result.formatted_address, out tAddress, out tSubDivision, out tCity, out tZip, out tState, out tCountry); tMerchant.address = tAddress; tMerchant.sublocality = tSubDivision; = tCity; tMerchant.state = tState; tMerchant.zipcode = tZip; foreach (AddressComponent taddr in tSearch.result.address_components) { if (tState.Trim().ToUpper() == taddr.long_name.Trim().ToUpper()) { tMerchant.state = taddr.short_name; } if (tCountry.Trim().ToUpper() == taddr.long_name.Trim().ToUpper()) { = taddr.short_name; } } = tSearch.result.international_phone_number; tMerchant.latitude =; tMerchant.longitude = tSearch.result.geometry.location.lng; if (tSearch.result.opening_hours != null) { processBizHours(tSearch.result.opening_hours.periods, ref tMerchant); } tMerchant.updated_at = DateTime.Now; DB.merchants.Attach(tMerchant); DB.Entry(tMerchant).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; try { DB.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } catch (DbUpdateException ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Update Exception:" + ex.Message); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message); throw; } } }