/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Payments EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToPayments(Payment payment) { base.AddObject("Payments", payment); }
public MembershipCreateStatus pCreateUser(string FirstName, string LastName, string Username, string Password, string Email, string Phone) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "FirstName"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "LastName"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Username)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "UserName"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "Email"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "Password"); MembershipCreateStatus status; var checkUser = from m in StoreDb.Webmasters where (m.Username == Username) select m; if (checkUser.Count() != 0) { status = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName; return status; } var checkEmail = from m in StoreDb.Webmasters where(m.Email == Email) select m; if (checkEmail.Count() != 0) { status = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail; return status; } Webmaster web = new Webmaster(); web.Username = Username; web.FirstName = FirstName; web.LastName = LastName; web.Password = Password; web.Phone = Phone; web.Email = Email; web.Status = 0; web.DateJoin = DateTime.Now; web.AccountType = 0; //0 la personal account 1 la bussiness account string hash = MPHash.hash(Username+Password); web.VerifyCode = hash; StoreDb.Webmasters.AddObject(web); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); status = MembershipCreateStatus.Success; //Tao bang Earning tuong ung var checknow = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(m=>m.Username == Username); Earning e = new Earning(); e.Amount = 0; e.Currency = "VND"; e.WebmasterId = checknow.Id; e.Status = 0;//keep money StoreDb.Earnings.AddObject(e); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); //tao bang Payment tuong ung Payment p = new Payment(); p.Address = ""; p.Amount = 0; p.City = ""; p.DatePayment = null; p.Email = ""; p.LastPayment = null; p.Name = ""; p.Phone = ""; p.TypePayment = 0; p.Ward = ""; p.WebmasterId = checknow.Id; StoreDb.Payments.AddObject(p); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); //tao Role cho user nay string[] webmaster = new string[] { "Webmaster"}; string[] user = new string[] {Username }; MyRoleProvider role = new MyRoleProvider(); role.AddUsersToRoles(user,webmaster); //tao Setting table cho webmaster nay int webmt = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(w => w.Username == Username).Id; Setting set = new Setting(); set.WebmasterId = webmt; set.Language = "EN";//default is EN StoreDb.Settings.AddObject(set); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); return status; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Payment object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param> /// <param name="webmasterId">Initial value of the WebmasterId property.</param> /// <param name="amount">Initial value of the Amount property.</param> /// <param name="address">Initial value of the Address property.</param> /// <param name="ward">Initial value of the Ward property.</param> /// <param name="city">Initial value of the City property.</param> /// <param name="email">Initial value of the Email property.</param> public static Payment CreatePayment(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Int32 webmasterId, global::System.Int32 amount, global::System.String address, global::System.String ward, global::System.String city, global::System.String email) { Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.Id = id; payment.WebmasterId = webmasterId; payment.Amount = amount; payment.Address = address; payment.Ward = ward; payment.City = city; payment.Email = email; return payment; }
public ActionResult setPayment(FormCollection form) { var checkit = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(m=>m.Username == User.Identity.Name); string bank = ""; string atm = ""; try { // TRUONG HOP DA SET RUI THI UPDATE var pay = StoreDb.Payments.Single(m => m.WebmasterId == checkit.Id ); foreach (var key in form.AllKeys) { if (key == "Name") pay.Name = form[key]; else if (key == "Email") pay.Email = form[key]; else if (key == "Phone") pay.Phone = form[key]; else if (key == "City") pay.City = form[key]; else if (key == "Ward") pay.Ward = form[key]; else if (key == "Address") pay.Address = form[key]; else if (key == "type") { pay.TypePayment = int.Parse(form[key]); } else if (key == "Bank") bank = form[key]; else if (key == "ATM") atm = form[key]; else if (key == "ZipCode") pay.ZipCode = form[key]; else if (key == "Country") pay.Country = form[key]; } var webmaster = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(w=>w.Username == User.Identity.Name); webmaster.ATM = atm; webmaster.Bank = bank; StoreDb.SaveChanges(); TransactionLogViewModel.AddLog(User.Identity.Name + " has just save/update the setPaymen successfullyt!", DateTime.Now); return View("SetPaymentDone"); } catch (Exception e) { Payment p = new Payment(); foreach (var key in form.AllKeys) { if (key == "Name") p.Name = form[key]; else if (key == "Email") p.Email = form[key]; else if (key == "Phone") p.Phone = form[key]; else if (key == "City") p.City = form[key]; else if (key == "Ward") p.Ward = form[key]; else if (key == "Address") p.Address = form[key]; else if (key == "type") { p.TypePayment = int.Parse(form[key]); } else if (key == "Bank") bank = form[key]; else if (key == "ATM") atm = form[key]; else if (key == "ZipCode") p.ZipCode = form[key]; else if (key == "Country") p.Country = form[key]; } p.WebmasterId = checkit.Id; var webmaster = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(w => w.Username == User.Identity.Name); webmaster.ATM = atm; webmaster.Bank = bank; StoreDb.Payments.AddObject(p); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); TransactionLogViewModel.AddLog(User.Identity.Name + " has just save/update the setPaymen successfully!", DateTime.Now); return View("SetPaymentDone"); } }
public ActionResult setPayment() { var country = StoreDb.Parameters.Single(s=>s.Name == "Country"); try { var pay = StoreDb.Payments.Single(m => m.Webmaster.Username == User.Identity.Name); TransactionLogViewModel.AddLog(User.Identity.Name + " has just save/update the setPayment!", DateTime.Now); ViewData["ATM"] = pay.Webmaster.ATM; ViewData["Bank"] = pay.Webmaster.Bank; ViewData["Country"] = country.Value; return View(pay); } catch(Exception e){ Payment p = new Payment(); TransactionLogViewModel.AddLog(User.Identity.Name + " has just save/update the setPayment!", DateTime.Now); ViewData["ATM"] = ""; ViewData["Bank"] = ""; ViewData["Country"] = country.Value; return View(p); }; }
public ActionResult setPayment(FormCollection form) { var checkit = StoreDb.Webmasters.Single(m=>m.Username == User.Identity.Name); try { // TRUONG HOP DA SET RUI THI UPDATE var pay = StoreDb.Payments.Single(m => m.WebmasterId == checkit.Id ); foreach (var key in form.AllKeys) { if (key == "Name") pay.Name = form[key]; if (key == "Email") pay.Email = form[key]; if (key == "Phone") pay.Phone = form[key]; if (key == "City") pay.City = form[key]; if (key == "Ward") pay.Ward = form[key]; if (key == "Address") pay.Address = form[key]; if (key == "type") { pay.TypePayment = int.Parse(form[key]); } } StoreDb.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("setpayment"); } catch (Exception e) { Payment p = new Payment(); foreach (var key in form.AllKeys) { if (key == "Name") p.Name = form[key]; if (key == "Email") p.Email = form[key]; if (key == "Phone") p.Phone = form[key]; if (key == "City") p.City = form[key]; if (key == "Ward") p.Ward = form[key]; if (key == "Address") p.Address = form[key]; if (key == "type") { p.TypePayment = int.Parse(form[key]); } } p.WebmasterId = checkit.Id; StoreDb.Payments.AddObject(p); StoreDb.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("setpayment"); } }
public ActionResult setPayment() { try { var pay = StoreDb.Payments.Single(m => m.Webmaster.Username == User.Identity.Name); return View(pay); } catch(Exception e){ Payment p = new Payment(); return View(p); }; }