public PackedCrawlerData(PackedMemorySnapshot packedMemorySnapshot) { this.packedMemorySnapshot = packedMemorySnapshot; typesWithStaticFields = packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions.Where(t => t.staticFieldBytes != null && t.staticFieldBytes.Length > 0).ToArray(); startIndices = new StartIndices(this.packedMemorySnapshot.gcHandles.Length, this.packedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects.Length, typesWithStaticFields.Length); valid = true; }
private void CrawlPointer(PackedMemorySnapshot packedMemorySnapshot, StartIndices startIndices, ulong pointer, int indexOfFrom, List <Connection> out_connections, List <PackedManagedObject> out_managedObjects) { var bo = packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections.Find(pointer, _virtualMachineInformation); if (!bo.IsValid) { return; } UInt64 typeInfoAddress; int indexOfObject; bool wasAlreadyCrawled; try { ParseObjectHeader(startIndices, packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections, pointer, out typeInfoAddress, out indexOfObject, out wasAlreadyCrawled, out_managedObjects); } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Exception parsing object header. Skipping. {0}", e); return; } out_connections.Add(new Connection() { from = indexOfFrom, to = indexOfObject }); if (wasAlreadyCrawled) { return; } var typeDescription = _typeInfoToTypeDescription[typeInfoAddress]; if (!typeDescription.isArray) { CrawlRawObjectData(packedMemorySnapshot, startIndices, bo.Add(_virtualMachineInformation.objectHeaderSize), typeDescription, false, indexOfObject, out_connections, out_managedObjects); return; } var arrayLength = ArrayTools.ReadArrayLength(packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections, pointer, typeDescription, _virtualMachineInformation); var elementType = packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions[typeDescription.baseOrElementTypeIndex]; var cursor = bo.Add(_virtualMachineInformation.arrayHeaderSize); for (int i = 0; i != arrayLength; i++) { if (elementType.isValueType) { CrawlRawObjectData(packedMemorySnapshot, startIndices, cursor, elementType, false, indexOfObject, out_connections, out_managedObjects); cursor = cursor.Add(elementType.size); } else { CrawlPointer(packedMemorySnapshot, startIndices, cursor.ReadPointer(), indexOfObject, out_connections, out_managedObjects); cursor = cursor.NextPointer(); } } }
private void ParseObjectHeader(StartIndices startIndices, MemorySection[] heap, ulong originalHeapAddress, out ulong typeInfoAddress, out int indexOfObject, out bool wasAlreadyCrawled, List <PackedManagedObject> outManagedObjects) { var bo = heap.Find(originalHeapAddress, _virtualMachineInformation); var pointer1 = bo.ReadPointer(); var pointer2 = bo.NextPointer(); if (HasMarkBit(pointer1) == 0) { wasAlreadyCrawled = false; indexOfObject = outManagedObjects.Count + startIndices.OfFirstManagedObject; typeInfoAddress = pointer1; var typeDescription = _typeInfoToTypeDescription[pointer1]; var size = SizeOfObjectInBytes(typeDescription, bo, heap, originalHeapAddress); outManagedObjects.Add(new PackedManagedObject() { address = originalHeapAddress, size = size, typeIndex = typeDescription.typeIndex }); //okay, we gathered all information, now lets set the mark bit, and store the index for this object in the 2nd pointer of the header, which is rarely used. bo.WritePointer(pointer1 | 1); //test writepointer implementation ulong magic = bo.pointerSize == 8 ? 0x12345678deadbeefUL : 0xdeadbeef; pointer2.WritePointer(magic); var check = pointer2.ReadPointer(); if (check != magic) { throw new Exception("writepointer broken"); } pointer2.WritePointer((ulong)indexOfObject); return; } //give typeinfo address back without the markbit typeInfoAddress = ClearMarkBit(pointer1); wasAlreadyCrawled = true; //read the index for this object that we stored in the 2ndpointer field of the header indexOfObject = (int)pointer2.ReadPointer(); }
private void CrawlRawObjectData(PackedMemorySnapshot packedMemorySnapshot, StartIndices startIndices, BytesAndOffset bytesAndOffset, TypeDescription typeDescription, bool useStaticFields, int indexOfFrom, List <Connection> out_connections, List <PackedManagedObject> out_managedObjects) { foreach (var field in TypeTools.AllFieldsOf(typeDescription, _typeDescriptions, useStaticFields ? TypeTools.FieldFindOptions.OnlyStatic : TypeTools.FieldFindOptions.OnlyInstance)) { if (field.typeIndex == typeDescription.typeIndex && typeDescription.isValueType) { //this happens in System.Single, which is a weird type that has a field of its own type. continue; } if (field.offset == -1) { //this is how we encode TLS fields. todo: actually treat TLS fields as roots continue; } var fieldType = packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions[field.typeIndex]; var fieldLocation = bytesAndOffset.Add(field.offset - (useStaticFields ? 0 : _virtualMachineInformation.objectHeaderSize)); if (fieldType.isValueType) { CrawlRawObjectData(packedMemorySnapshot, startIndices, fieldLocation, fieldType, false, indexOfFrom, out_connections, out_managedObjects); continue; } //temporary workaround for a bug in 5.3b4 and earlier where we would get literals returned as fields with offset 0. soon we'll be able to remove this code. bool gotException = false; try { fieldLocation.ReadPointer(); } catch (ArgumentException) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Skipping field {0} on type {1}",,; UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat(" {0}",; gotException = true; } if (!gotException) { CrawlPointer(packedMemorySnapshot, startIndices, fieldLocation.ReadPointer(), indexOfFrom, out_connections, out_managedObjects); } } }
private IEnumerable <Connection> AddManagedToNativeConnectionsAndRestoreObjectHeaders(PackedMemorySnapshot packedMemorySnapshot, StartIndices startIndices, PackedCrawlerData packedCrawlerData) { if (packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions.Length == 0) { yield break; } var unityEngineObjectTypeDescription = packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions.First(td => == "UnityEngine.Object"); bool unityEngineObjectHasInstanceIDField = unityEngineObjectTypeDescription.fields.Any(f => == "m_InstanceID"); int instanceIDOffset = -1; if (unityEngineObjectHasInstanceIDField) { instanceIDOffset = unityEngineObjectTypeDescription.fields.Single(f => == "m_InstanceID").offset; } #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER var cachedPtrOffset = unityEngineObjectTypeDescription.fields.Single(f => == "m_CachedPtr").offset; #endif for (int i = 0; i != packedCrawlerData.managedObjects.Length; i++) { var managedObjectIndex = i + startIndices.OfFirstManagedObject; var address = packedCrawlerData.managedObjects[i].address; var typeInfoAddress = RestoreObjectHeader(packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections, address, managedObjectIndex); if (!DerivesFrom(packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions, _typeInfoToTypeDescription[typeInfoAddress].typeIndex, unityEngineObjectTypeDescription.typeIndex)) { continue; } int indexOfNativeObject = -1; if (unityEngineObjectHasInstanceIDField) { var instanceID = packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections.Find(address + (UInt64)instanceIDOffset, packedMemorySnapshot.virtualMachineInformation).ReadInt32(); indexOfNativeObject = Array.FindIndex(packedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects, no => no.instanceId == instanceID); } #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER // Since Unity 5.4, UnityEngine.Object no longer stores instance id inside when running in the player. Use cached ptr instead to find the index of native object else { // If you get a compilation error on the following 2 lines, update to Unity 5.4b14. var cachedPtr = packedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections.Find(address + (UInt64)cachedPtrOffset, packedMemorySnapshot.virtualMachineInformation).ReadPointer(); indexOfNativeObject = Array.FindIndex(packedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects, no => (ulong)no.nativeObjectAddress == cachedPtr); } #endif if (indexOfNativeObject != -1) { yield return new Connection { @from = managedObjectIndex, to = indexOfNativeObject + startIndices.OfFirstNativeObject } } ; } }
private void CrawlRawObjectDataNonRecursive(PackedMemorySnapshot packedMemorySnapshot, StartIndices startIndices, BytesAndOffset bytesAndOffset, TypeDescription typeDescription, bool useStaticFields, int indexOfFrom, List <Connection> out_connections, List <PackedManagedObject> out_managedObjects, Stack <ThingToProfile> out_thingsToProfile) { // Do not crawl MemoryProfilerWindow objects if ("MemoryProfilerWindow.")) { return; } var fields = useStaticFields ? _staticFields[typeDescription.typeIndex] : _instanceFields[typeDescription.typeIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i) { var field = fields[i]; var fieldType = packedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions[field.typeIndex]; var fieldLocation = bytesAndOffset.Add(field.offset - (useStaticFields ? 0 : _virtualMachineInformation.objectHeaderSize)); if (fieldType.isValueType) { out_thingsToProfile.Push(new ThingToProfile(fieldType, fieldLocation, false, indexOfFrom)); continue; } else { //temporary workaround for a bug in 5.3b4 and earlier where we would get literals returned as fields with offset 0. soon we'll be able to remove this code. bool gotException = false; try { fieldLocation.ReadPointer(); } catch (ArgumentException) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Skipping field {0} on type {1}",,; UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat(" {0}",; gotException = true; } if (!gotException) { out_thingsToProfile.Push(new ThingToProfile(fieldLocation.ReadPointer(), indexOfFrom)); } } } }