예제 #1
파일: Shot.cs 프로젝트: JohnHumble/MemeGame
        /// <summary>
        /// Update shot "bullets"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="players">players list used for damage</param>
        /// <param name="walls">walls list used for damage</param>
        /// <returns>returns true if the shot should be removed</returns>
        public bool Update(PlayerCollection players, WallCollection walls)
            if (decay < 0)

            Rectangle hit = new Rectangle(rectangle.Center.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Abs(speed.X), Math.Abs(speed.Y));

            // test players
            if (players.TestHit(hit, damage, owner))

            // test walls
            if (walls.TestDamage(hit, damage))

            rectangle.X += speed.X;
            rectangle.Y += speed.Y;

예제 #2
 public void Update(WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players)
     foreach (var weapon in this)
         weapon.Update(null, walls, players);
예제 #3
        public void Update(int gravity, WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players, WeaponCollection weapons, int jump_force, int speed)
            if (Live)
                TestInput(jump_force, speed);

                if (hero.weapon == null)
                    foreach (var weapon in weapons)
                        int dis = Tool.distance(hero.GetPoint(), weapon.GetPoint());
                        if (dis < 100)

            Live = hero.Update(gravity, walls, players);
예제 #4
        public Screen Update(int gravity, WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players, WeaponCollection weapons, MouseState mouse)
            if (menu.IsPressed(mouse))

            foreach (var player in this)
                player.Update(gravity, walls, players, weapons, jump, speed);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            fill = loadColorTexture(Color.White);
            sans = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("sans");

            // load in the textures for heros
            List <Texture2D> heroTextures = new List <Texture2D>();

            // load textures into the list
            Texture2D heroTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>("newBasic");

            Texture2D chungTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>("chungus");

            Texture2D dogeTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>("doge");

            Texture2D blockTex   = Content.Load <Texture2D>("blocks");
            Texture2D weaponsTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>("weapons");

            players = new PlayerCollection(heroTextures, UNIT_SIZE / 3 * 2, UNIT_SIZE, sans, fill);

            Texture2D wallTexture = loadColorTexture(Color.DarkGreen);

            walls = new WallCollection(wallTexture, TILE_SIZE);
            //walls.createBlock(0, 200, screenWidth, screenHeight);

            builder = new Builder(walls, sans, fill, heroTex, UNIT_SIZE / 3 * 2, UNIT_SIZE, weaponsTex, UNIT_SIZE, UNIT_SIZE / 2);


            // delete this sometime
            players.AddPlayer(new Point(100, 100), Heros.Chungus, "player 1", Color.Red, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, Keys.Space);
            players.AddPlayer(new Point(200, 100), Heros.Doge, "Player 2", Color.Blue, Keys.A, Keys.D, Keys.W, Keys.LeftShift);

            weapons = new WeaponCollection();

            Gun gun = new Gun(new Rectangle(0, 0, UNIT_SIZE, UNIT_SIZE / 2), weaponsTex, fill, 2);


            mainMenu = new Menus(sans, fill);
            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
예제 #6
        public override void Update(Hero owner, WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players)
            if (owner == null)

            // set the gun rectangle and start point
            if (owner.IsRight)
                rectangle.X   = owner.HitBox.Right - rectangle.Width / 2;
                rectangle.Y   = owner.HitBox.Y + rectangle.Height / 2;
                shotLocation  = new Point(owner.HitBox.Center.X, rectangle.Center.Y);
                loadShotSpeed = shotSpeed;

                // TODO change source rectangle to point right
                rectangle.X   = owner.HitBox.Left - rectangle.Width;
                rectangle.Y   = owner.HitBox.Y + rectangle.Height / 2;
                shotLocation  = new Point(owner.HitBox.Center.X - shotSpeed, rectangle.Center.Y);
                loadShotSpeed = -shotSpeed;

                // TODO change source rectangle to point left

            for (int i = 0; i < shot.Count; i++)
                if (shot[i].Update(players, walls))

            // update shot varialbes
            if (lastShot > 0)

            //  throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #7
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: JohnHumble/MemeGame
        public Map(WallCollection collection, List <Point> startLocations, List <Point> gunLocations)
            // save wall data
            walls = new List <WallData>();
            foreach (var wall in collection)

            // save start locations
            this.startLocations = new List <PointData>();
            foreach (var loc in startLocations)
                this.startLocations.Add(new PointData(loc.X, loc.Y));

            // save gun locations
            this.gunLocations = new List <PointData>();
            foreach (var loc in gunLocations)
                this.gunLocations.Add(new PointData(loc.X, loc.Y));
예제 #8
        public Builder(WallCollection walls, SpriteFont buttonFont, Texture2D buttonTexture, Texture2D playerTexture, int playerWidth, int playerHeight, Texture2D gunTexture, int gunWidth, int gunHeight)
            startLocation = new List <Point>();
            gunLocations  = new List <Point>();

            this.playerHeight = playerHeight;
            this.playerWidth  = playerWidth;
            this.gunHeight    = gunHeight;
            this.gunWidth     = gunWidth;

            this.playerTexture = playerTexture;
            this.gunTexture    = gunTexture;

            this.walls = walls;
            radius     = 64;

            state        = BuildState.Pan;
            last_pressed = new Point(0, 0);

            // Create buttons
            menu        = new Button(100, 100, 100, 40, "Menu", buttonFont, buttonTexture);
            panButton   = new Button(100, 150, 100, 40, "Pan", buttonFont, buttonTexture);
            buildButton = new Button(100, 200, 100, 40, "Build", buttonFont, buttonTexture);
예제 #9
파일: Hero.cs 프로젝트: JohnHumble/MemeGame
        public bool Update(int gravity, WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players)
            if (HitBox.Y > KILL_LEVEL)
            AccelY = gravity;

            // Save Velocity and Rec values to be manipulated
            Rectangle rectangle = HitBox;
            Point     velocity  = Velocity;

            // update velocity based on acceeleration
            velocity.X += AccelX;
            velocity.Y += AccelY;

            if (velocity.X > MAX_SPEED)
                velocity.X = MAX_SPEED;
            else if (velocity.X < -MAX_SPEED)
                velocity.X = -MAX_SPEED;

            if (OnGround)
                velocity.Y = 0;
                if (AccelX == 0)
                    if (velocity.X > DAMPEN)
                        velocity.X -= DAMPEN;
                    else if (velocity.X < -DAMPEN)
                        velocity.X += DAMPEN;
                        velocity.X = 0;

            // test to see if on the ground
            OnGround = false;
            if (walls.Intersects(new Rectangle(HitBox.X, HitBox.Bottom, HitBox.Width, 1)) != new Rectangle())
                OnGround = true;

            // test to see if on the ground
            Rectangle test;
            Rectangle wall   = new Rectangle();
            Point     offset = new Point(0);

            // Test Y
            if (velocity.Y > 0) // fall on v
                test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height + velocity.Y);
                wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                if (wall != new Rectangle())
                    velocity.Y = wall.Top - rectangle.Bottom;
            else if (velocity.Y < 0) // hit from top ^
                test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + velocity.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height - velocity.Y);
                wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                if (wall != new Rectangle())
                    velocity.Y = 0;

            rectangle.Y += velocity.Y;

            // Test X
            if (velocity.X > 0) // hit from right side ->|
                test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width + velocity.X, rectangle.Height / 2);
                wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                if (wall != new Rectangle())
                    velocity.X = -rectangle.Right + wall.Left;
                    AccelX     = 0;
                    // test for moveing over an incline
                    test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width + velocity.X, rectangle.Height);
                    wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                    if (wall != new Rectangle())
                        test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y - wall.Height, rectangle.Width + velocity.X, rectangle.Height);
                        test = walls.Intersects(test);
                        if (test == new Rectangle())
                            offset.Y -= wall.Height;
                            velocity.X = -rectangle.Right + wall.Left;
                            AccelX     = 0;
            else if (velocity.X < 0) // hit from right side |<-
                test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X + velocity.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width - velocity.X, rectangle.Height / 2);
                wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                if (wall != new Rectangle())
                    velocity.X = wall.Right - rectangle.Left;
                    AccelX     = 0;
                    // test for moveing over an incline
                    test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X + velocity.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width - velocity.X, rectangle.Height);
                    wall = walls.Intersects(test);
                    if (wall != new Rectangle())
                        test = new Rectangle(rectangle.X + velocity.X, rectangle.Y - wall.Height, rectangle.Width - velocity.X, rectangle.Height);
                        test = walls.Intersects(test);
                        if (test == new Rectangle())
                            offset.Y -= wall.Height;
                            velocity.X = wall.Right - rectangle.Left;
                            AccelX     = 0;

            // update weapon if exists
            if (weapon != null)
                weapon.Update(this, walls, players);

            // uppdate the rectangle based on velocity
            rectangle.Y += offset.Y;
            rectangle.X += velocity.X + offset.X;

            // reset Velocity and Rec values
            Velocity = velocity;
            HitBox   = rectangle;

            return(Health > 0);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to update anything needed with the weapon like location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner"></param>
 /// <param name="walls"></param>
 /// <param name="players"></param>
 public abstract void Update(Hero owner, WallCollection walls, PlayerCollection players);