예제 #1
        void Membrane_MouseMove(Membrane sender, List<Intersection> intersections, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            bool RedrawNeeded = false;
            Options.Viewport.AreUpdatesDisabled = true;

            IEnumerable<Intersection> TriangleIntersections = intersections.Where(i => i.Target.GetType() == typeof (Triangle));
            IEnumerable<Intersection> PointIntersections = intersections.Where(i => i.Target.GetType() == typeof(SurfacePoint));

            bool IsPointForemost = PointIntersections.Count() > 0 ? PointIntersections.First() == intersections.First() : false;

            if (TriangleIntersections.Count() > 0)
                Triangle PickedTriangle = (Triangle)TriangleIntersections.First().Target;
                Vector3 Position = TriangleIntersections.First().Position;
                TextCursorPosition.Text = $"{Position.X:0.00}, {Position.Y:0.00}, {Position.Z:0.00} ‎Å";

                if (PickedTriangle != null && e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)   // Extent triangle selection
                    if (KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() && !KeyboardHelper.AltDown())
                        sender.SelectTriangles(new[] { PickedTriangle });
                        RedrawNeeded = true;
                    else if (KeyboardHelper.AltDown() && !KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown())
                        sender.DeselectTriangles(new[] { PickedTriangle });
                        RedrawNeeded = true;
                else if (KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown() && !IsPointForemost && !KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() && !KeyboardHelper.AltDown())     // Show surface point preview

                    Vector3 PointPosition = Position;
                    if (sender.PreviewGroup.Depiction == PointDepiction.LocalSurface && sender.TomogramTexture != null) // Discretize position in case of local isosurface
                        Vector3 TomoOffset = sender.TomogramTexture.Offset;
                        float Scale = Options.PixelScale.X;
                        PointPosition.X = (float)Math.Round((Position.X - TomoOffset.X) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.X;
                        PointPosition.Y = (float)Math.Round((Position.Y - TomoOffset.Y) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.Y;
                        PointPosition.Z = (float)Math.Round((Position.Z - TomoOffset.Z) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.Z;

                    if (sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Count == 0 ||
                        (sender.PreviewGroup.Points[0].Position - PointPosition).Length > 0.1f)
                        float PsiDiff = 0;
                        if (sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Count == 1)
                            OpenTK.Matrix3 OldFrame = sender.PreviewGroup.Points[0].TransformedMatrix;
                            OpenTK.Matrix3 NewFrame = PickedTriangle.GetPlaneMatrix3();

                            OpenTK.Matrix3 DiffFrame = OpenTK.Matrix3.Transpose(OldFrame) * NewFrame;
                            PsiDiff = (float)Math.Atan2(DiffFrame.Column0.Y, DiffFrame.Column0.X);

                        if (sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Count == 1)
                        else if (sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Count > 1)
                            throw new Exception("Preview group has more than 1 point, but it really should not.");

                        float Offset = (float)sender.SurfaceOffset * Options.PixelScale.X;
                        Vector3 TriangleGlobal = Position - PickedTriangle.Normal * Offset;
                        Vector3 TriangleLocal = PickedTriangle.ToBarycentric(TriangleGlobal);

                        sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Add(new SurfacePoint(PointPosition, PickedTriangle, TriangleLocal, Offset, PsiDiff));

                        RedrawNeeded = true;
                else if (!KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown() || IsPointForemost)     // Hide surface point preview
                    if (Options.Membrane.PreviewGroup.Points.Count == 1)
                        RedrawNeeded = true;
                    else if (Options.Membrane.PreviewGroup.Points.Count > 1)
                        throw new Exception("Preview group has more than 1 point, but it really should not.");

                if (KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown() && DraggingPoint != null && TriangleIntersections.Any())
                    Vector3 PointPosition = Position;
                    if (DraggingPoint.Group.Depiction == PointDepiction.LocalSurface && sender.TomogramTexture != null)
                        Vector3 TomoOffset = sender.TomogramTexture.Offset;
                        float Scale = Options.PixelScale.X;
                        PointPosition.X = (float)Math.Round((Position.X - TomoOffset.X) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.X;
                        PointPosition.Y = (float)Math.Round((Position.Y - TomoOffset.Y) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.Y;
                        PointPosition.Z = (float)Math.Round((Position.Z - TomoOffset.Z) / Scale) * Scale + TomoOffset.Z;

                    float PsiDiff = 0;
                    OpenTK.Matrix3 OldFrame = DraggingPoint.TransformedMatrix;
                    OpenTK.Matrix3 NewFrame = PickedTriangle.GetPlaneMatrix3();

                    OpenTK.Matrix3 DiffFrame = OpenTK.Matrix3.Transpose(OldFrame) * NewFrame;
                    PsiDiff = (float)Math.Atan2(DiffFrame.Column0.Y, DiffFrame.Column0.X);

                    float Offset = (float)sender.SurfaceOffset * Options.PixelScale.X;
                    Vector3 TriangleGlobal = Position - PickedTriangle.Normal * Offset;
                    Vector3 TriangleLocal = PickedTriangle.ToBarycentric(TriangleGlobal);

                    DraggingPoint.OriginalMatrix = NewFrame;
                    DraggingPoint.Position = PointPosition;
                    DraggingPoint.SurfaceOffset = Offset;
                    DraggingPoint.Psi = PsiDiff;
                    DraggingPoint.Face = PickedTriangle;
                    DraggingPoint.BarycentricCoords = TriangleLocal;


                    if (DraggingPoint.Group.Depiction == PointDepiction.LocalSurface)   // Only local surface has to be updated when position changes
                    RedrawNeeded = true;

            Options.Viewport.AreUpdatesDisabled = false;
            if (RedrawNeeded)
예제 #2
        void Membrane_MouseClick(Membrane sender, List<Intersection> intersections, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            IEnumerable<Intersection> TriangleIntersections = intersections.Where(i => i.Target.GetType() == typeof(Triangle));
            IEnumerable<Intersection> PointIntersections = intersections.Where(i => i.Target.GetType() == typeof(SurfacePoint));

            bool IsPointForemost = PointIntersections.Count() > 0 ? PointIntersections.First() == intersections.First() : false;

            if (KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() || KeyboardHelper.AltDown() || KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown())
                if (TriangleIntersections.Count() > 0 && !IsPointForemost)
                    Triangle ClickedTriangle = (Triangle)TriangleIntersections.First().Target;

                    if (KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() && !KeyboardHelper.AltDown() && !KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown()) // Select triangles
                        sender.SelectTriangles(new[] { ClickedTriangle });
                    else if (KeyboardHelper.AltDown() && !KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() && !KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown()) // Deselect triangles
                        sender.DeselectTriangles(new[] { ClickedTriangle });
                    else if (KeyboardHelper.CtrlDown() && !KeyboardHelper.ShiftDown() && !KeyboardHelper.AltDown()) // Create a surface point
                        if (sender.PreviewGroup.Points.Count == 1)  // If there is already a preview point, keep it for its possibly non-default Psi
                            SurfacePoint PreviewPoint = sender.PreviewGroup.Points[0];

                        else    // If no preview points, create one from scratch with Psi = 0
                            Vector3 Position = TriangleIntersections.First().Position;

                            float Offset = (float)sender.SurfaceOffset * Options.PixelScale.X;
                            Vector3 TriangleGlobal = Position - ClickedTriangle.Normal * Offset;
                            Vector3 TriangleLocal = ClickedTriangle.ToBarycentric(TriangleGlobal);

                            sender.ActiveGroup.Points.Add(new SurfacePoint(Position, ClickedTriangle, TriangleLocal, Offset, 0));
