private void HandleTargetRoomSelected(SelectRoom room) { // For data recording. float completionTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; // We have to subtract the animationDuration once since the start time is taken BEFORE the animation started (see StartSubtask()). RecordData.CurrentRecord.megamapTime = completionTime - startTime - map.animationDuration; var rooms = map.GetComponentsInChildren <SelectRoom>(true); for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; ++i) { RecordData.CurrentRecord.numBallsPerRoom[i] = rooms[i].Balls.Count; } RecordData.CurrentRecord.correctRoomIndex = Array.IndexOf(rooms, room); RecordData.CurrentRecord.correctRoomName =; map.Hide(); completed = true; }
private void HandleWrongRoomSelected(SelectRoom room) { FindObjectOfType <TaskDisplay>().CurrentDescriptionID = "megamapError"; ++RecordData.CurrentRecord.numErrors; }