예제 #1
        public DisplayQuote(DeskQuote deskQuote)

            _deskQuote = deskQuote;

            NameTextBox.Text           = _deskQuote.Name;
            WidthNumericUpDown.Value   = _deskQuote.NewDesk.Width;
            DepthNumericUpDown.Value   = _deskQuote.NewDesk.Depth;
            DrawersNumericUpDown.Value = _deskQuote.NewDesk.NumDrawers;
            MaterialText.Text          = _deskQuote.NewDesk.SurfaceMaterial.ToString();
            RushText.Text = _deskQuote.Rush.ToString();

            NameTextBox.Enabled          = false;
            WidthNumericUpDown.Enabled   = false;
            DepthNumericUpDown.Enabled   = false;
            DrawersNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;
            MaterialText.Enabled         = false;
            RushText.Enabled             = false;

            QuoteLabel.Text = _deskQuote.QuoteTotal(_deskQuote).ToString("c");
예제 #2
        public decimal QuoteTotal(DeskQuote deskQuote)
            /////////////////////////////// Variables ///////////////////////
            //Declare Variables for calculations
            decimal quoteTotal             = 200;
            var     surfaceMaterialCost    = 0;
            var     additionalMaterialCost = 0;
            var     rushCost = 0;

            //Varialbles with values from deskQuote
            var surfaceMaterial = deskQuote.NewDesk.SurfaceMaterial.ToString();
            var rushValue       = deskQuote.Rush.ToString();

            //Variable with calculations
            var surfaceArea = deskQuote.NewDesk.Depth * deskQuote.NewDesk.Width;
            var drawerCost  = deskQuote.NewDesk.NumDrawers * 50;

            //RushShipping Prices from .txt file
            String input = File.ReadAllText("rushOrderPrices.txt");

            int[,] rushArray = new int[3, 3];
            int i, j;
            var counter = 0;

            string[] parsedInput = input.Split('\n');
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int.TryParse(parsedInput[counter], out rushArray[i, j]);

            ///////////////////////////// Calculations /////////////////////////

            //Determine if additional material is needed
            if ((surfaceArea) > 1000)
                additionalMaterialCost = (int)surfaceArea - 1000;

            //Determine Surface Material Cost
            if (surfaceMaterial == "Oak")
                surfaceMaterialCost = 200;
            else if (surfaceMaterial == "Laminate")
                surfaceMaterialCost = 100;
            else if (surfaceMaterial == "Pine")
                surfaceMaterialCost = 50;
            else if (surfaceMaterial == "Rosewood")
                surfaceMaterialCost = 300;
                surfaceMaterialCost = 125;
            }                                   //Veneer

            //Determine RushShipping Cost
            if (rushValue == "Three_Day")
                if (surfaceArea <= 1000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[0, 0];
                else if (surfaceArea > 2000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[0, 2];
                    rushCost = rushArray[0, 1];
            else if (rushValue == "Five_Day")
                if (surfaceArea <= 1000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[1, 0];
                else if (surfaceArea > 2000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[1, 2];
                    rushCost = rushArray[1, 1];
            else if (rushValue == "Seven_Day")
                if (surfaceArea <= 1000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[2, 0];
                else if (surfaceArea > 2000)
                    rushCost = rushArray[2, 2];
                    rushCost = rushArray[2, 1];
            Price = quoteTotal + additionalMaterialCost + surfaceMaterialCost + rushCost + drawerCost;