private void displayVariables() { nameLabel.Text = nameLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetCustomerName(); depthLabel.Text = depthLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetDesk().GetDeskDepth(); widthLabel.Text = widthLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetDesk().GetDeskWidth(); drawLabel.Text = drawLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetDesk().GetNumOfDrawers(); materialLabel.Text = materialLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetDesk().GetDeskMaterial().ToString(); daysLabel.Text = daysLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetProductionDays(); priceLabel.Text = priceLabel.Text + " " + string.Format("{0:C}", deskQuote.GetQuoteAmount()); dateLabel.Text = dateLabel.Text + " " + deskQuote.GetCompletionDate().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); }
public static DataRow CreateRow(DeskQuote quote, DataTable table) { DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["Customer Name"] = quote.GetCustomerName(); row["Quote Amount"] = quote.GetQuoteAmount(); row["Date of Completition"] = quote.GetCompletionDate(); row["Production Days"] = quote.GetProductionDays(); row["Desk Width"] = quote.GetDesk().GetDeskWidth(); row["Desk Depth"] = quote.GetDesk().GetDeskDepth(); row["Number of Drawers"] = quote.GetDesk().GetNumOfDrawers(); row["Material"] = quote.GetDesk().GetDeskMaterial(); return(row); }