private void SaveQuoteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <DeskQuote> quotes = _quoteFileManager.GetSavedQuotes(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullNameInput.Text)) { nameRequiredErrorMessage.Text = Resources.Required; return; } Desk desk = new Desk() { depth = (int)depthUpDown.Value, width = (int)widthUpDown.Value, numberOfDrawers = (int)numberOfDrawersUpDown.Value, SurfaceMaterial = (DesktopMaterial)materialSelect.SelectedItem }; DeskQuote quote = new DeskQuote() { CustomerName = fullNameInput.Text, Desk = desk, RushOrderType = (RushOrderType)rushOrderSelect.SelectedValue, Date = DateTime.Now }; quote.QuotePrice = quote.GetQuote(); quotes.Add(quote); _quoteFileManager.SaveQuotes(quotes); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(quote); displayQuote.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnAddQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool allValid = true; string[] controls = { txtName.Text, txtWidth.Text, txtDepth.Text, cbNoOfDrawers.Value.ToString(), cbOrderOptions.Text, cbSurfaceMaterial.Text, dtDateCreated.Text }; foreach (string c in controls) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c)) { allValid = false; } } Console.WriteLine(allValid); if (!allValid) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill-in all required values.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); epInvalid.SetError(txtName, "Required!"); epInvalid.SetError(txtWidth, "Required!"); epInvalid.SetError(txtDepth, "Required!"); } else { // Get values for desk class decimal width; bool widthIsDecimal = decimal.TryParse(txtWidth.Text, out width); decimal depth; bool depthIsDecimal = decimal.TryParse(txtDepth.Text, out depth); int numberOfDrawer; bool noOfDrawerIsInt = int.TryParse(cbNoOfDrawers.Text, out numberOfDrawer); int rushOptionDays; bool rushOptionsDaysIsInt = int.TryParse(cbOrderOptions.Text, out rushOptionDays); string surfaceMaterial = cbSurfaceMaterial.Text; // Crete desk Desk d = new Desk(width, depth, numberOfDrawer, surfaceMaterial, rushOptionDays); // Shipping details string _shippingMethod = null; if (rushOptionDays != 14) { _shippingMethod = $"Rush - {rushOptionDays} Days"; } else { _shippingMethod = $"Normal - {rushOptionDays} Days"; } // Create DeskQuote DeskQuote dq = new DeskQuote(d, Convert.ToDateTime(dtDateCreated.Value), txtName.Text); dq.saveDeskQuote(dq); dq.displayDeskQuotes(); // Create and pass data to DisplayQuote form DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(); dateCreated = dtDateCreated.Text; customerName = txtName.Text; totalSize = $"{Math.Round(dq.computeSurfaceArea(width, depth), 2)}"; sizeCost = Math.Round(dq.computeDeskSizeCost(), 2).ToString("F"); drawerCost = Math.Round(dq.computeDrawerCost(), 2).ToString("F"); material = surfaceMaterial; materialCost = Math.Round(dq.computeSurfaceMaterialCost(), 2).ToString("F"); shippingMethod = _shippingMethod; shippingCost = Math.Round(dq.computeShippingCost(), 2).ToString("F"); totalCost = Math.Round(dq.computeDeskPrice(), 2).ToString("F"); if (ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled)) { displayQuote.ShowDialog(); } } }