/// <summary> /// handles the full screen splash /// </summary> private void ShowFullScreenSplashScreen() { Cursor.Hide(); _frmFull = new FullScreenSplashScreen(); _frmFull.TopMost = _alwaysOnTop; _frmFull.Bounds = CurrentDisplay.Bounds; _frmFull.lblMain.Parent = _frmFull.pbBackground; _frmFull.lblVersion.Parent = _frmFull.lblMain; _frmFull.lblCVS.Parent = _frmFull.lblMain; _frmFull.RetrieveSplashScreenInfo(); _frmFull.SetVersion(Version); _frmFull.Show(); _frmFull.Update(); _frmFull.Opacity = 100; string oldInfo = null; // run until stop of splash screen is requested while (!_stopRequested) { if (oldInfo != _info) { _frmFull.SetInformation(_info); oldInfo = _info; } Thread.Sleep(10); } _frmFull.Close(); _frmFull = null; }
/// <summary> /// handles the full screen splash /// </summary> private void ShowFullScreenSplashScreen() { int percent1w = CurrentDisplay.Bounds.Width / 100; int percent1h = CurrentDisplay.Bounds.Height / 100; int percent10h = CurrentDisplay.Bounds.Height / 10; Cursor.Hide(); _frmFull = new FullScreenSplashScreen(); _frmFull.TopMost = _alwaysOnTop; _frmFull.Bounds = CurrentDisplay.Bounds; _frmFull.lblMain.Parent = _frmFull.pbBackground; _frmFull.lblVersion.Parent = _frmFull.pbBackground; _frmFull.lblCVS.Parent = _frmFull.pbBackground; _frmFull.lblMain.Left = 0; _frmFull.lblMain.Top = (percent10h / 2); _frmFull.lblMain.Height = _frmFull.Height - percent10h; _frmFull.lblMain.Width = _frmFull.Width; _frmFull.lblVersion.Left = percent1w / 2; _frmFull.lblVersion.Top = percent1h / 2; _frmFull.lblVersion.Width = (_frmFull.Width - percent1w) / 2; _frmFull.lblVersion.Height = _frmFull.Height - percent1h; _frmFull.lblCVS.Left = (_frmFull.Width - percent1w) / 2; _frmFull.lblCVS.Top = percent1h / 2; _frmFull.lblCVS.Width = (_frmFull.Width - percent1w) / 2; _frmFull.lblCVS.Height = _frmFull.Height - percent1h; _frmFull.SetVersion(Version); _frmFull.RetrieveSplashScreenInfo(); _frmFull.Show(); _frmFull.Update(); _frmFull.Opacity = 100; string oldInfo = null; // run until stop of splash screen is requested while (!_stopRequested) { if (oldInfo != _info) { _frmFull.SetInformation(_info); oldInfo = _info; } Thread.Sleep(10); } _frmFull.Close(); _frmFull = null; }
/// <summary> /// handles the full screen splash /// </summary> private void ShowFullScreenSplashScreen() { Cursor.Hide(); _frmFull = new FullScreenSplashScreen(); _frmFull.RetrieveSplashScreenInfo(); _frmFull.TopMost = _alwaysOnTop; _frmFull.Bounds = CurrentDisplay.Bounds; _frmFull.lblMain.Parent = _frmFull.pbBackground; _frmFull.lblVersion.Parent = _frmFull.lblMain; _frmFull.lblCVS.Parent = _frmFull.lblMain; _frmFull.SetVersion(Version); _frmFull.Show(); _frmFull.Update(); _frmFull.Opacity = 100; string oldInfo = null; // run until stop of splash screen is requested while (!_stopRequested) { if (oldInfo != _info) { _frmFull.SetInformation(_info); oldInfo = _info; } Thread.Sleep(10); } _frmFull.Close(); _frmFull = null; }
/// <summary> /// handles the fullscreen splash /// </summary> private void ShowFullScreenSplashScreen() { frmFull = new FullScreenSplashScreen(); Cursor.Hide(); //frmFull.pbBackground.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(GetBackgroundImagePath()); frmFull.RetrieveSplashScreenInfo(); frmFull.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - frmFull.Width / 2) + 1; frmFull.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2 - frmFull.Height / 2) + 1; frmFull.lblMain.Parent = frmFull.pbBackground; frmFull.lblVersion.Parent = frmFull.lblMain; frmFull.lblCVS.Parent = frmFull.lblMain; frmFull.SetVersion(Version); frmFull.Show(); frmFull.Update(); //frmFull.FadeIn(); // remarked because without it the start looks faster (more powerful and responding) frmFull.Opacity = 100; string oldInfo = null; bool delayedStopAllowed = false; int stopRequestTime = 0; while (!delayedStopAllowed && (frmFull.Focused || _overlaidForm != null)) //run until stop of splashscreen is requested { if (stopRequested && stopRequestTime == 0) // store the current time when stop of the splashscreen is requested { stopRequestTime = Environment.TickCount; frmFull.TopMost = false; // allow the splashscreen to be overlayed by other windows (like the mp main screen) } if (AllowWindowOverlayRequested) // Allow other Windows to Overlay the splashscreen { lock (_overlaidFormClosingLock) { if (_overlaidForm != null && _overlaidForm.Visible) // prepare everything to let the Outdated skin message appear { if (frmFull.Focused) { frmFull.TopMost = false; _overlaidForm.TopMost = true; _overlaidForm.BringToFront(); Cursor.Show(); } } else { AllowWindowOverlayRequested = false; frmFull.TopMost = true; frmFull.BringToFront(); Cursor.Hide(); } } } if ((stopRequestTime != 0) && ((Environment.TickCount - 5000) > stopRequestTime)) { delayedStopAllowed = true; // if stop is requested for more than 5sec ... leave the loop } if (oldInfo != info) { frmFull.SetInformation(info); oldInfo = info; } Thread.Sleep(25); } Cursor.Show(); frmFull.Close(); frmFull = null; }