public void Start(IController controller) #endif { try { Log.Info("TvWishList started"); SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += new PowerModeChangedEventHandler(SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged); SystemEvents.SessionEnded += new SessionEndedEventHandler(SystemEvents_SessionEnded); events = GlobalServiceProvider.Instance.Get<ITvServerEvent>(); events.OnTvServerEvent += new TvServerEventHandler(events_OnTvServerEvent); TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); Setting setting = null; //set BUSY = false setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_BUSY", "false"); setting.Value = "false"; setting.Persist(); setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_Debug", "false"); Log.Info("setting DEBUG MODE = " + setting.Value); DEBUG = false; Boolean.TryParse(setting.Value, out DEBUG); Log.DebugValue = DEBUG; Log.Info("DEBUG MODE = " + DEBUG.ToString()); //unlock pluginversion setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_LockingPluginname", "NONE"); setting.Value = "NONE"; setting.Persist(); //write Tv version setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TvServerVersion", ""); setting.Value = Version; setting.Persist(); Log.Debug("TvVersion = "+Version); //is host name stored in database for TvWishListMP? setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_MachineName", "NONE"); Log.Debug("TvServer Machine Name="+setting.Value); if (setting.Value != System.Environment.MachineName.ToString()) { setting.Value = System.Environment.MachineName.ToString(); setting.Persist(); Log.Debug("Overwriting TvServer Machine Name To " + setting.Value); } //save pipename for Tvserver2 setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_PipeName", "NONE"); Log.Debug("TvWishList_PipeName=" + setting.Value); #if (MPTV2) setting.Value = "MP2TvWishListPipe"; #else setting.Value = "TvWishListPipe"; #endif setting.Persist(); TV_USER_FOLDER = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TV_USER_FOLDER", "NOT_FOUND").Value; if ((File.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvService.exe") == true) || (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false)) { //autodetect paths InstallPaths instpaths = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection #if (MPTV2) //Native MP2 Tv server instpaths.GetInstallPathsMP2(); TV_USER_FOLDER = instpaths.TV2_USER_FOLDER; #else instpaths.GetInstallPaths(); TV_USER_FOLDER = instpaths.TV_USER_FOLDER; #endif Logdebug("TV server user folder detected at " + TV_USER_FOLDER); if ((File.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvService.exe") == true) || (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false)) { Log.Error(@" TV server user folder does not exist - using C:\MediaPortal\TvWishList"); Logdebug(@" TV server user folder does not exist - using C:\MediaPortal\TvWishList"); TV_USER_FOLDER = @"C:\MediaPortal"; if (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList"); } else {//store found TV_USER_FOLDER setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TV_USER_FOLDER", "NOT_FOUND"); setting.Value = TV_USER_FOLDER; setting.Persist(); } } _RecordingFlagTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.0); //add 1 hour to give time for setup _NextEpgTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.0); //add 1 hour to give time for setup setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_NextEpgDate", _NextEpgTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); try { _NextEpgTime = DateTime.ParseExact(setting.Value, "yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.Error("NextEpgDate reading failed with exception: " + exc.Message); } Log.Debug("Start(IController controller): _NextEpgTime=" + _NextEpgTime.ToString()); /* // lock next time for receive mail for upcoming startups if Tvserver is being restarted after each standby setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_SetEpgTime", "false"); setting.Value = "false"; setting.Persist();*/ epgwatchclass = new EpgParser(); if (epgwatchclass == null) { Log.Error("EpgParser could not be initiated - aborting operation"); return; } else { epgwatchclass.newlabelmessage += new setuplabelmessage(SendServerPipeMessage); Logdebug("EpgParser initiated"); } //start pollingthread runpolling = true; System.Threading.Thread th = new System.Threading.Thread(startpolling); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); Logdebug("Polling thread starting"); /* // activate filewatcher for active command try { filewatcherstartepg = TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList\StartEPGsearch.txt"; if (File.Exists(filewatcherstartepg) == true) { File.Delete(filewatcherstartepg); } filewatcherfinishedepg = TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList\FinishedEPGsearch.txt"; if (File.Exists(filewatcherfinishedepg) == true) { File.Delete(filewatcherfinishedepg); } FileInfo myfileinfo = new FileInfo(filewatcherstartepg); StartEPGsearch.Path = myfileinfo.DirectoryName; StartEPGsearch.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(StartEPGsearchFilewatcher); StartEPGsearch.Filter = myfileinfo.Name; StartEPGsearch.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Logdebug("file watcher StartEPGsearch enabled"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error in starting StartEPGsearch File watcher: Exception message was " + ex.Message); return; }*/ // activate filewatcher for setupTvStarted try { filewatcherSetupTvStarted = TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList\SetupTvStarted.txt"; if (File.Exists(filewatcherSetupTvStarted) == true) { File.Delete(filewatcherSetupTvStarted); } FileInfo myfileinfo = new FileInfo(filewatcherSetupTvStarted); SetupTvStarted.Path = myfileinfo.DirectoryName; SetupTvStarted.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(SetupTvStartedFilewatcher); SetupTvStarted.Filter = myfileinfo.Name; SetupTvStarted.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Logdebug("file watcher SetupTvStarted enabled"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error in starting SetupTvStarted File watcher: Exception message was " + ex.Message); return; } // activate filewatcher for NextEpgCheck try { filewatcherNextEpgCheck = TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList\NextEpgCheck.txt"; if (File.Exists(filewatcherNextEpgCheck) == true) { File.Delete(filewatcherNextEpgCheck); } FileInfo myfileinfo = new FileInfo(filewatcherNextEpgCheck); NextEpgCheck.Path = myfileinfo.DirectoryName; NextEpgCheck.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(NextEpgCheckFilewatcher); NextEpgCheck.Filter = myfileinfo.Name; NextEpgCheck.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Logdebug("file watcher NextEpgCheck enabled"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error in starting NextEpgCheck File watcher: Exception message was " + ex.Message); return; } //startpipeserver and listen for commands StartServer(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug("Error in starting TvWishList: Exception message was " + ex.Message); return; } Log.Debug("TvWishList start completed"); }
private static string GetFileName(LogType logType) { switch (logType) { case LogType.Debug: case LogType.Info: #if (MP11 || MP12) string Path1 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\TvWishListMP.log", Path1); #elif (MP2) InstallPaths instpaths1 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths1.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\TvWishListMP2.log", instpaths1.DIR_MP2_LOG); #elif (MPTV2) InstallPaths instpaths1 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths1.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\TvWishListMP2.log", instpaths1.DIR_SV2_LOG); #else string Path1 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\TvWishList.log", Path1); #endif case LogType.Error: #if (MP11 || MP12) string Path2 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\error.log", Path2); #elif (MP2) InstallPaths instpaths2 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths2.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\ClientError.log", instpaths2.DIR_MP2_LOG); #elif (MPTV2) InstallPaths instpaths2 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths2.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\Error_TvWishListMP2.log", instpaths2.DIR_SV2_LOG); #else string Path2 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\error.log", Path2); #endif default: #if (MP11 || MP12) string Path3 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\TvWishListMP.log", Path3); #elif (MP2) InstallPaths instpaths3 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths3.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\TvWishListMP2.log", instpaths3.DIR_MP2_LOG); #elif (MPTV2) InstallPaths instpaths3 = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection instpaths3.GetInstallPathsMP2(); return String.Format(@"{0}\TvWishListMP2.log", instpaths3.DIR_SV2_LOG); #else string Path3 = String.Format(@"{0}\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)); return String.Format(@"{0}\log\TvWishList.log", Path3); #endif } }
public bool ReadLanguageFile() { Log.Debug("ReadLanguageFile started"); TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); Setting setting = null; setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TV_USER_FOLDER", "NOT_DEFINED"); string TV_USER_FOLDER; TV_USER_FOLDER = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TV_USER_FOLDER", "NOT_FOUND").Value; if ((File.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvService.exe") == true) || (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false)) { //autodetect paths InstallPaths instpaths = new InstallPaths(); //define new instance for folder detection #if (MPTV2) //Native MP2 Tv server instpaths.GetInstallPathsMP2(); TV_USER_FOLDER = instpaths.TV2_USER_FOLDER; #else instpaths.GetInstallPaths(); TV_USER_FOLDER = instpaths.TV_USER_FOLDER; #endif Log.Debug("TV server user folder detected at " + TV_USER_FOLDER); if ((File.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvService.exe") == true) || (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false)) { Log.Error(@" TV server user folder does not exist - using C:\MediaPortal\TvWishList"); Log.Debug(@" TV server user folder does not exist - using C:\MediaPortal\TvWishList"); TV_USER_FOLDER = @"C:\MediaPortal"; if (Directory.Exists(TV_USER_FOLDER) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(TV_USER_FOLDER + @"\TvWishList"); } else {//store found TV_USER_FOLDER setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_TV_USER_FOLDER", "NOT_FOUND"); setting.Value = TV_USER_FOLDER; setting.Persist(); } } if (Directory.Exists(setting.Value) == false) { Log.Error("Error: TV User Folder is not defined - cannot use language file"); return false; } string foldername = setting.Value + @"\TvWishList\Languages\"; setting = layer.GetSetting("TvWishList_LanguageFile", "strings_en.xml"); string filename = foldername + setting.Value; if (File.Exists(filename) == false) { Log.Error("Could not find language file " + filename); filename = foldername + "strings_en.xml"; Log.Error("Switching to English default language file " + filename); } Log.Debug("Language file is " + filename); try { //read inputfile string[] inputlines = File.ReadAllLines(filename); Log.Debug(inputlines.Length.ToString()+" Lines read"); int minimum = 0; int maximum = 0; int offset = 0; int offsetMinimum = 0; int offsetMaximum = 0; //process each line foreach (string line in inputlines) { string myline = line.Replace("\t", string.Empty); //replace tab //global replacements if ((myline.Contains("<!-- TVSERVER VECTORSIZE="))||(myline.Contains("<!--TVSERVER VECTORSIZE="))) { myline = myline.Replace("<!-- TVSERVER VECTORSIZE=", string.Empty); myline = myline.Replace("<!--TVSERVER VECTORSIZE=", string.Empty); myline = myline.Replace("-->", string.Empty); int size = 0; int.TryParse(myline, out size); Log.Debug("size = " + size.ToString()); Language = new string[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Language[i] = String.Empty; } //define at least true and false try { Language[4000] = "true"; Language[4001] = "false"; } catch //do nothing { Log.Error("Error in default initialization of true and false"); } } else if ((myline.Contains("<!-- TVSERVER USE FROM=")) || (myline.Contains("<!--TVSERVER USE FROM=")) ) { myline = myline.Replace("<!-- TVSERVER USE FROM=", string.Empty); myline = myline.Replace("<!--TVSERVER USE FROM=", string.Empty); myline = myline.Replace("-->", string.Empty); myline = myline.Replace("OFFSET_FROM=", "\n"); //order is important myline = myline.Replace("OFFSET_TO=", "\n"); myline = myline.Replace("TO=", "\n"); //myline = myline.Replace("OFFSET=", "\n"); string[] tokenarray = myline.Split('\n'); if (tokenarray.Length != 4) { Log.Error("Invalid tv server command " + line.Replace("{","_") + " - cannot use language files"); return false; } minimum = 0; int.TryParse(tokenarray[0], out minimum); Log.Debug(" new minimum=" + minimum.ToString()); maximum = 0; int.TryParse(tokenarray[1], out maximum); Log.Debug(" new maximum=" + maximum.ToString()); offsetMinimum = 0; int.TryParse(tokenarray[2], out offsetMinimum); Log.Debug(" new offsetMinimum=" + offsetMinimum.ToString()); offsetMaximum = 0; int.TryParse(tokenarray[3], out offsetMaximum); Log.Debug(" new offsetMaximum=" + offsetMaximum.ToString()); offset = minimum - offsetMinimum; Log.Debug(" new offset=" + offset.ToString()); } else if (myline.Contains("<String id=\"")) // <String id="1107">Mehr</String> { try { //remove leading spaces int leadingSpaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < myline.Length; i++) { if (myline[i] == ' ') { leadingSpaces++; } else { break; } } //textoutput("leadingSpaces=" + leadingSpaces.ToString()); myline = myline.Substring(leadingSpaces, myline.Length - leadingSpaces);//remove leading spaces //remove trailing spaces int trailingSpaces = 0; for (int i = myline.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (myline[i] == ' ') { trailingSpaces++; } else { break; } } //textoutput("trailingSpaces=" + trailingSpaces.ToString()); myline = myline.Substring(0, myline.Length - trailingSpaces); myline = myline.Substring(12, myline.Length - 12); //remove beginning comment and <String id=" //now extract the numbers till the next " int digits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < myline.Length; i++) { if (myline[i] == '"') { break; } else { digits++; } } //Log.Debug("digits=" + digits.ToString()); string digitString = myline.Substring(0, digits); //Log.Debug("digitString=" + digitString); if (myline.Length >= digits) myline = myline.Substring(digits, myline.Length - digits); myline = myline.Replace("\">", ""); //remove ending myline = myline.Replace("</String>", ""); //remove ending string valueString = myline; //Debug //string output = valueString.Replace("{", "_"); //output = output.Replace("}", "_"); //Log.Debug("output ="+output); int number = 0; int.TryParse(digitString, out number); //Log.Debug("number=" + number.ToString()); if ((number >= minimum) && (number <= maximum)) { number = number - offset; Language[number] = valueString; //Debug //string output2 = Language[number].Replace("{", "_"); //output2 = output2.Replace("}", "_"); //Log.Debug("language[" + number.ToString() + "]=" + output2); } } catch (Exception exc) { string output = line.Replace("{", "_"); output = output.Replace("}", "_"); Log.Error("Error: could not read string " + output + " Exception was " + exc.Message); } }//end expression }//end foreach line } catch (Exception exc) { Log.Error("Error: could not read language file " + filename + " Exception was " + exc.Message); return false; } Log.Debug("Language file read"); return true; }
public void HelpButton() { Log.Debug("ConfigMain_GUI: Help() started"); //Help Process proc = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo procstartinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); procstartinfo.FileName = "TvWishList.pdf"; InstallPaths instpaths = new InstallPaths(); instpaths.GetInstallPathsMP2(); instpaths.GetMediaPortalDirsMP2(); procstartinfo.WorkingDirectory = instpaths.DIR_MP2_Plugins + @"\TvWishListMP2"; proc.StartInfo = procstartinfo; try { proc.Start(); } catch { Log.Error("Could not open " + procstartinfo.WorkingDirectory + "\\" + procstartinfo.FileName, "Error"); } }