public NavigationObject(GUIListControl control, string title, string itemtype, string nbobjects, string moviecontext, int pos, MyFilms.Layout curview, Configuration curconf, GUISortButtonControl srtButton, GUIButtonControl viewButton, GUIButtonControl layoutButton, CoverState coverstate, DateTime lastDBupdate) { Items = new List<GUIListItem>(); GetItems(control, title, itemtype, pos, curview); ViewStatus = new ViewState(); GetViewStatus(curconf); DbDfltSelect = curconf.DbSelection[0]; DbSelect = curconf.DbSelection[1]; DbField = curconf.DbSelection[2]; DbSort = curconf.DbSelection[3]; bool showall; DbShowAll = (Boolean.TryParse(curconf.DbSelection[4], out showall)) && showall; bool extrasort; DbExtraSort = (Boolean.TryParse(curconf.DbSelection[4], out extrasort)) && extrasort; NbObjects = nbobjects; MovieContext = moviecontext; CurrentView = curview; SortButtonEnabled = srtButton.IsEnabled; SortButtonAsc = srtButton.IsAscending; SortButtonLabel = srtButton.Label; ViewAsButtonLabel = viewButton.Label; LayoutButtonLabel = layoutButton.Label; CoverStatus = coverstate; LastDbUpdate = lastDBupdate; }
public void GetItems(GUIListControl control, string tit, int pos, View curview) { Title = tit; Position = pos; CurrentView = curview; Items = control.ListItems.GetRange(0, control.ListItems.Count); }
public void GetItems(GUIListControl control, string title, string itemtype, int pos, MyFilms.Layout curview) { Title = title; Position = pos; CurrentView = curview; ItemType = itemtype; Items = control.ListItems.GetRange(0, control.ListItems.Count); }
private void AddRangeToList(GUIListControl listControl, List<GUIListItem> listItems) { listControl.Clear(); foreach (var item in listItems) { listControl.Add(item); } }
public void UpdateListItem(int index, GUIListControl _List, string _Label, string _Label2, string _DVDLabel, DateTime _CreationTime, long _Length, string _Name, string _Path, int _ItemId) { if (_List.Count <= index) { return; } // Set Item Information _List.ListItems[index].Label = _Label; _List.ListItems[index].Label2 = _Label2; _List.ListItems[index].DVDLabel = _DVDLabel; _List.ListItems[index].Path = _Path; _List.ListItems[index].ItemId = _ItemId; // Set File Information _List.ListItems[index].FileInfo = new MediaPortal.Util.FileInformation(); _List.ListItems[index].FileInfo.CreationTime = _CreationTime; _List.ListItems[index].FileInfo.Length = _Length; _List.ListItems[index].FileInfo.Name = _Name; }
public void ListItem(GUIListControl _List, string _Label, string _Label2, string _DVDLabel, DateTime _CreationTime, long _Length, string _Name, string _Path, int _ItemId) { // Init Item GUIListItem Item = new GUIListItem(); // Set Item Information Item.Label = _Label; Item.Label2 = _Label2; Item.DVDLabel = _DVDLabel; Item.Path = _Path; Item.ItemId = _ItemId; // Set File Information Item.FileInfo = new MediaPortal.Util.FileInformation(); Item.FileInfo.CreationTime = _CreationTime; Item.FileInfo.Length = _Length; Item.FileInfo.Name = _Name; // Add Item to List _List.Add(Item); }
private GUIListControl getChannelList() { GUIListControl lstChannels = null; if (TVHome.ShowChannelStateIcons() && lstChannelsWithStateIcons != null) { lstChannels = lstChannelsWithStateIcons; } else { lstChannels = lstChannelsNoStateIcons; } return lstChannels; }
public void AddItem(XmlNode _Node, GUIListControl _List) { try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(MediaPortal.Configuration.Config.GetFolder(MediaPortal.Configuration.Config.Dir.Plugins) + @"\Windows\Sites.xml"); string strSize = String.Empty; double dblSize = 0; if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size") != null) { switch (int.Parse(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["type"].InnerText)) { case 1: Match mSize = Regex.Match(((xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size[@attribute]") != null) ? _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["element"].InnerText].Attributes[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["attribute"].InnerText].InnerText : _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["element"].InnerText].InnerText), @"(\d+[,.]?\d+)\s?(b|byte|bytes|B|kb|kilobyte|kilobytes|KB|KiB|mb|megabyte|megabytes|MB|MiB|gb|gigabyte|gigabytes|GB|GiB|tb|terabyte|terabytes|TB|TiB)"); if ((mSize.Success) && (mSize.Groups[1].Value.Length > 0) && (mSize.Groups[2].Value.Length > 0)) { dblSize = double.Parse(Regex.Replace(mSize.Groups[1].Value, "[(.|,)]", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator.ToCharArray()[0].ToString())); switch (mSize.Groups[2].Value.Replace("KiB", "KB").Replace("MiB", "MB").Replace("GiB", "GB").Replace("TiB", "TB")) { case "KB": dblSize = (dblSize * 1024); break; case "MB": dblSize = ((dblSize * 1024) * 1024); break; case "GB": dblSize = (((dblSize * 1024) * 1024) * 1024); break; case "TB": dblSize = ((((dblSize * 1024) * 1024) * 1024) * 1024); break; } } break; case 2: dblSize = ((xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size[@attribute]") != null) ? double.Parse(_Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["element"].InnerText].Attributes[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["attribute"].InnerText].InnerText) : double.Parse(_Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/size").Attributes["element"].InnerText].InnerText)); break; } if (dblSize == 0) { strSize = String.Empty; } else if (dblSize < 1024) { strSize = dblSize.ToString("N2") + " B"; } else if (dblSize < 1048576) { strSize = (dblSize / 1024).ToString("N2") + " KB"; } else if (dblSize < 1073741824) { strSize = ((dblSize / 1024) / 1024).ToString("N2") + " MB"; } else if (dblSize < 1099511627776) { strSize = (((dblSize / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).ToString("N2") + " GB"; } else if (dblSize < 1125899906842624) { strSize = ((((dblSize / 1024) / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).ToString("N2") + " TB"; } } string strURL = ((xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url[@attribute]") != null) ? _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url").Attributes["element"].InnerText].Attributes[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url").Attributes["attribute"].InnerText].InnerText : _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url").Attributes["element"].InnerText].InnerText); if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url/regex") != null) { foreach (XmlNode _RegEx in xmlDoc.SelectNodes("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/url/regex")) { strURL = Regex.Replace(strURL, _RegEx.Attributes["input"].InnerText, _RegEx.Attributes["replacement"].InnerText); } } DateTime dtPubDate = new DateTime(); if (_Node.SelectSingleNode("pubDate") != null) { DateTime.TryParseExact(_Node["pubDate"].InnerText.Replace("GMT", "+0000"), "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dtPubDate); } string strNZBInfo = String.Empty; string strNFOLink = String.Empty; switch (SiteName) { case "Newzbin": if (_Node["report:attributes"] != null) { string Source = String.Empty; string VideoFmt = String.Empty; string VideoGenre = String.Empty; string Language = String.Empty; string Subtitles = String.Empty; XmlNodeList Attributes = _Node["report:attributes"].ChildNodes; if (Attributes.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode Attribute in Attributes) { switch (Attribute.Attributes[0].InnerText) { case "Source": Source += ((Source.Length > 0) ? ", " : String.Empty) + Attribute.InnerText; break; case "Video Fmt": VideoFmt += ((VideoFmt.Length > 0) ? ", " : String.Empty) + Attribute.InnerText; break; case "Video Genre": VideoGenre += ((VideoGenre.Length > 0) ? ", " : String.Empty) + Attribute.InnerText; break; case "Language": Language += ((Language.Length > 0) ? ", " : String.Empty) + Attribute.InnerText; break; case "Subtitles": Subtitles += ((Subtitles.Length > 0) ? ", " : String.Empty) + Attribute.InnerText; break; } } } strNZBInfo = ((Source.Length > 0) ? "Source: " + Source + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + ((VideoFmt.Length > 0) ? "Video Format: " + VideoFmt + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + "Video Genre: " + ((VideoGenre.Length > 0) ? VideoGenre + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + ((Language.Length > 0) ? "Language: " + Language + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + ((Subtitles.Length > 0) ? "Subtitles: " + Subtitles : String.Empty); if (_Node["report:nfo"]["report:link"] != null) { strNFOLink = _Node["report:nfo"]["report:link"].InnerText.Replace("nfo/view/", String.Empty).Replace("www", "nfo"); } } break; case "TvNZB": case "MyTvNZB": if ((_Node["season"] != null) && (_Node["episode"] != null)) { string Season = _Node["season"].InnerText; string Episode = _Node["episode"].InnerText; strNZBInfo = ((Season.Length > 0) ? "Season: " + Season + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + ((Season.Length > 0) ? "Episode: " + Episode : String.Empty); } break; } MP.ListItem(_List, ((xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/title[@attribute]") != null) ? _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/title").Attributes["element"].InnerText].Attributes[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/title").Attributes["attribute"].InnerText].InnerText : _Node[xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item/title").Attributes["element"].InnerText].InnerText).Replace(""", "\"").Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"), strSize, strNZBInfo, dtPubDate, (long)dblSize, strNFOLink, strURL, int.Parse(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("sites/site[@name='" + SiteName + "']/item").Attributes["type"].InnerText)); } catch (Exception e) { MP.Error(e); } }
public void Queue(GUIListControl _List, GUIWindow _GUI, bool refocus) { int selectedIndex = _List.SelectedListItemIndex; try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(new XmlTextReader(CreateURL("api?mode=queue", "output=xml", false))); if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("queue/slots") != null) { if (refocus) { _List.Clear(); } NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).NumberFormat; string strJobInfo; int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode nodeItem in xmlDoc.SelectNodes("queue/slots/slot")) { strJobInfo = "Status: " + nodeItem["status"].InnerText + Environment.NewLine + "Filename: " + nodeItem["filename"].InnerText + Environment.NewLine + "Priority: " + nodeItem["priority"].InnerText + Environment.NewLine + "Category: " + nodeItem["cat"].InnerText + Environment.NewLine + "Percentage: " + nodeItem["percentage"].InnerText + "%"; double mbdone = double.Parse(nodeItem["mb"].InnerText, nfi) - double.Parse(nodeItem["mbleft"].InnerText, nfi); if (_List.Count > i && !refocus) { MP.UpdateListItem(i, _List, nodeItem["filename"].InnerText, ((nodeItem["status"].InnerText == "Paused") ? "Paused" : mbdone.ToString("N2") + " / " + double.Parse(nodeItem["mb"].InnerText, nfi).ToString("N2") + " MB"), strJobInfo, DateTime.Now, 0, String.Empty, nodeItem["nzo_id"].InnerText, 3); } else { MP.ListItem(_List, nodeItem["filename"].InnerText, ((nodeItem["status"].InnerText == "Paused") ? "Paused" : mbdone.ToString("N2") + " / " + double.Parse(nodeItem["mb"].InnerText, nfi).ToString("N2") + " MB"), strJobInfo, DateTime.Now, 0, String.Empty, nodeItem["nzo_id"].InnerText, 3); } ++i; } GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "Queue Loaded"); } else { GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "Error parsing XML"); } } catch (Exception e) { MP.Error(e); } finally { if (_List.Count > 0 && refocus) { _GUI.LooseFocus(); _List.Focus = true; } else if (_List.IsFocused && _List.Count > selectedIndex) { _List.SelectedListItemIndex = selectedIndex; } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the element and retrieves all information from the control /// </summary> /// <param name="control">GUIControl</param> public ListElement(GUIControl control) : base(control) { _list = control as GUIListControl; if (_list != null) { _cursorX = _list.CursorX; _offset = _list.Offset; _listButtons = new List<ListButtonElement>(); _labelControls1 = new List<ListLabelElement>(); _labelControls2 = new List<ListLabelElement>(); _labelControls3 = new List<ListLabelElement>(); _cachedBitmaps = new Dictionary<String, Bitmap>(); AllocButtons(_list.SpinX, _list.SpinY); initializeLabels(); _verticalScrollBarElement = new VerticalScrollBarElement(_list.Scrollbar); _focus = _list.IsFocused; } }
private void SelectItemByIndex(int index, GUIListControl listControl) { while (index >= listControl.Count && index > 0) { index--; } GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, listControl.GetID, index); }
private int GetSelectedItemIndex(GUIListControl listControl) { if (listControl.Count > 0) { return listControl.SelectedListItemIndex; } else { return -1; } }
private GUIListItem GetItem(int index, GUIListControl listControl) { return listControl[index]; }
/// <summary> /// Get items from the list control /// </summary> /// <param name="list">list control</param> private void GetItemsFromListControl(GUIListControl list) { //make sure the list isn't in the progress of being filled (list count growing) int itemCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Thread.Sleep(200); if (list.Count > 0 && list.Count == itemCount) { break; } itemCount = list.Count; } WifiRemote.LogMessage("Retrieving " + itemCount + " dialog list items: " , WifiRemote.LogType.Debug); List<GUIListItem> items = list.ListItems; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { FacadeItem item = new FacadeItem(list[i]); //WifiRemote.LogMessage("Add dialog list items: " + item.Label, WifiRemote.LogType.Debug); ListItems.Add(item); } }
public void History(GUIListControl _List, GUIWindow _GUI) { try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(new XmlTextReader(CreateURL("api?mode=history", "output=xml", false))); if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("history/slots") != null) { _List.Clear(); string strItemInfo = String.Empty; foreach (XmlNode nodeItem in xmlDoc.SelectNodes("history/slots/slot")) { DateTime dtPubDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(double.Parse(nodeItem["completed"].InnerText)); strItemInfo = String.Empty; foreach (XmlNode nodeInfo in nodeItem.SelectNodes("stage_log/slot")) { strItemInfo += ((strItemInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + nodeInfo["name"].InnerText + ":" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (XmlNode nodeProgress in nodeInfo.SelectNodes("actions/item")) { strItemInfo += nodeProgress.InnerText + Environment.NewLine; } } MP.ListItem(_List, nodeItem["name"].InnerText, nodeItem["status"].InnerText, strItemInfo, dtPubDate, 0, String.Empty, String.Empty, 4); } GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "History Loaded"); } else { GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "Error parsing XML"); } } catch (Exception e) { MP.Error(e); } finally { if (_List.Count > 0) { _GUI.LooseFocus(); _List.Focus = true; } } }
private void ReadRSS(List<string> _URL, GUIListControl _List, string _Username, string _Password) { try { int intItemCount = 0; _List.Clear(); foreach (string URL in _URL) { HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); webReq.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding, "gzip"); if ((_Username.Length > 0) && (_Password.Length > 0)) { webReq.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_Username, _Password); } HttpWebResponse webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse(); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(((webResp.ContentEncoding.ToLower().Contains("gzip")) ? new GZipStream(webResp.GetResponseStream(), CompressionMode.Decompress, false) : webResp.GetResponseStream())); webResp.Close(); if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("rss[@version='2.0']") != null) { XmlNodeList xmlNodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item"); foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodes) { Site.AddItem(xmlNode, _List); intItemCount += 1; } } else { GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "Error parsing XML"); } } _List.ListItems.Sort(delegate(GUIListItem _Item1, GUIListItem _Item2) { return _Item2.FileInfo.CreationTime.CompareTo(_Item1.FileInfo.CreationTime); }); GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#Status", "Found " + intItemCount.ToString() + " Items"); } catch (Exception e) { MP.Error(e); } finally { if (_List.Count > 0) { this.LooseFocus(); _List.Focus = true; } } }
public void QueueItem(GUIListControl _List, GUIWindow _GUI) { List<GUIListItem> _Items = new List<GUIListItem>(); if (_List.SelectedListItemIndex != 0) { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Move Up")); if (_List.Count > 1) { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Move to Top")); } } if (_List.SelectedListItemIndex != (_List.Count - 1)) { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Move Down")); if (_List.Count > 1) { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Move to Bottom")); } } _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Delete Job")); if (_List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Label2 == "Paused") { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Resume Job")); } else { _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Pause Job")); } _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Change Category")); _Items.Add(new GUIListItem("Change Priority")); GUIListItem _Option = MP.Menu(_Items, "Job Options"); if (_Option != null) { switch (_Option.Label) { case "Move Up": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=switch&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex - 1].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Move Down": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=switch&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex + 1].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Move to Top": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=switch&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + _List.ListItems[0].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Move to Bottom": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=switch&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + _List.ListItems[_List.Count - 1].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Delete Job": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=queue&name=delete&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Pause Job": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=queue&name=pause&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Resume Job": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=queue&name=resume&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path, String.Empty, false)); break; case "Change Category": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=change_cat&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + SelectCategory(), String.Empty, false)); break; case "Change Priority": SendURL(CreateURL("api?mode=queue&name=priority&value=" + _List.ListItems[_List.SelectedListItemIndex].Path + "&value2=" + SelectPriority(), String.Empty, false)); break; } Queue(_List, _GUI, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Page gets loaded /// </summary> protected override void OnPageLoad() { //Stopwatch bClock = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Log.Debug("TvMiniGuide: onpageload"); // following line should stay. Problems with OSD not // appearing are already fixed elsewhere //GUILayerManager.RegisterLayer(this, GUILayerManager.LayerType.MiniEPG); AllocResources(); ResetAllControls(); // make sure the controls are positioned relevant to the OSD Y offset lstChannels = getChannelList(); if (lstChannelsWithStateIcons != null) { lstChannelsWithStateIcons.Visible = false; } lstChannels.Visible = true; spinGroup.CycleItems = true; FillChannelList(); FillGroupList(); base.OnPageLoad(); //Log.Debug("TvMiniGuide: onpageload took {0} msec", bClock.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public void DoPlay(YouTubeEntry vid, bool fullscr, GUIListControl facade) { if (vid != null) { VideoInfo qa = SelectQuality(vid); if (qa.Quality == VideoQuality.Unknow) return; Youtube2MP.temp_player.Reset(); Youtube2MP.temp_player.RepeatPlaylist = true; Youtube2MP.temp_player.CurrentPlaylistType = PlayListType.PLAYLIST_MUSIC_VIDEO; PlayList playlist = Youtube2MP.temp_player.GetPlaylist(PlayListType.PLAYLIST_MUSIC_VIDEO); playlist.Clear(); g_Player.PlayBackStopped += new g_Player.StoppedHandler(g_Player_PlayBackStopped); AddItemToPlayList(vid, ref playlist, qa); if (facade != null) { qa.Items = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int selected = facade.SelectedListItemIndex ; for (int i = selected + 1; i < facade.ListItems.Count; i++) { AddItemToPlayList(facade.ListItems[i], ref playlist, new VideoInfo(qa)); } } PlayListPlayer.SingletonPlayer.CurrentPlaylistType = PlayListType.PLAYLIST_NONE; Youtube2MP.player.CurrentPlaylistType = PlayListType.PLAYLIST_NONE; Youtube2MP.temp_player.Play(0); if (g_Player.Playing && fullscr) { if (_setting.ShowNowPlaying) { GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(29052); } else { g_Player.ShowFullScreenWindow(); } } if (!g_Player.Playing) { Err_message("Unable to playback the item ! "); } } }
private void InitializeChannelListControl() { if (_channelsListControlWithStateIcons != null && TvHome.ShowChannelStateIcons) { _channelsListControl = _channelsListControlWithStateIcons; _channelsListControlNoStateIcons.Visible = false; _showStateIcons = true; } else { _channelsListControl = _channelsListControlNoStateIcons; if (_channelsListControlWithStateIcons != null) { _channelsListControlWithStateIcons.Visible = false; } _showStateIcons = false; } _channelsListControl.Visible = true; }
public NavigationObject(GUIListControl control, string tit, int pos, View curview) { Items = new List<GUIListItem>(); GetItems(control, tit, pos, curview); }