/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() { UninstalledPlugins = Array.Empty <string>(); RemoteIPFilter = Array.Empty <string>(); LocalNetworkSubnets = Array.Empty <string>(); LocalNetworkAddresses = Array.Empty <string>(); CodecsUsed = Array.Empty <string>(); ImageExtractionTimeoutMs = 0; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; EnableSimpleArtistDetection = true; DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons = true; EnableExternalContentInSuggestions = true; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = DefaultHttpPort; PublicHttpsPort = DefaultHttpsPort; HttpServerPortNumber = DefaultHttpPort; HttpsPortNumber = DefaultHttpsPort; EnableHttps = false; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableAnonymousUsageReporting = false; EnableCaseSensitiveItemIds = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; AutoRunWebApp = true; EnableRemoteAccess = true; EnableUPnP = false; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; LibraryMonitorDelay = 60; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; UICulture = "en-us"; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "Book" }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "Movie" }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "MusicVideo", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database", "FanArt" } }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "Series", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheMovieDb" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new [] { "TheMovieDb" } }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheAudioDB" } }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "MusicArtist", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheAudioDB" } }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "BoxSet" }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "Season", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheMovieDb" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new [] { "FanArt" } }, new MetadataOptions { ItemType = "Episode", DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database", "TheMovieDb" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database", "TheMovieDb" } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() { LocalNetworkAddresses = new string[] { }; Migrations = new string[] { }; CodecsUsed = new string[] { }; SqliteCacheSize = 0; ImageExtractionTimeoutMs = 0; EnableLocalizedGuids = true; DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons = true; EnableExternalContentInSuggestions = true; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; PublicHttpsPort = 8920; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; HttpsPortNumber = 8920; EnableHttps = false; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableDashboardResourceMinification = true; EnableAnonymousUsageReporting = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnableFolderView = true; EnableUPnP = true; SharingExpirationDays = 30; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; LibraryMonitorDelay = 60; EnableInternetProviders = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Book" }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Movie", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicVideo", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Series", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheAudioDB" } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Logo } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "TheAudioDB" } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "BoxSet", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Thumb } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database", "TheMovieDb" } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Episode", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new [] { "The Open Movie Database" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new [] { "TheMovieDb" } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { MediaEncodingQuality = EncodingQuality.Auto; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnablePeoplePrefixSubFolders = true; EnableUPnP = true; DownMixAudioBoost = 2; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; EnableInternetProviders = true; //initial installs will need these PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; ManualLoginClients = new string[] { }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; UICulture = "en-us"; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "Book"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) {ItemType = "Season"} }; SubtitleOptions = new SubtitleOptions(); LiveTvOptions = new LiveTvOptions(); TvFileOrganizationOptions = new TvFileOrganizationOptions(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() { LocalNetworkAddresses = new string[] { }; Migrations = new string[] { }; SqliteCacheSize = 0; EnableLocalizedGuids = true; DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons = true; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; PublicHttpsPort = 8920; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; HttpsPortNumber = 8920; EnableHttps = false; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableDashboardResourceMinification = true; EnableAnonymousUsageReporting = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnableUPnP = true; SharingExpirationDays = 30; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; EnableLibraryMonitor = AutoOnOff.Auto; LibraryMonitorDelay = 60; EnableInternetProviders = true; FindInternetTrailers = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "Book"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Movie", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicVideo", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Series", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "BoxSet", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Thumb } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new []{ "The Open Movie Database", "TheMovieDb" } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Episode", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary } }, DisabledMetadataFetchers = new []{ "The Open Movie Database" }, DisabledImageFetchers = new []{ "TheMovieDb" } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { MediaEncodingQuality = EncodingQuality.Auto; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnablePeoplePrefixSubFolders = true; EnableUPnP = true; DownMixAudioBoost = 2; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; EnableInternetProviders = true; FindInternetTrailers = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); InsecureApps2 = new[] { "Roku", "Chromecast", "iOS", "Android", "Windows Phone" }; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Book" }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season" } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; PublicHttpsPort = 8920; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; HttpsPortNumber = 8920; EnableHttps = false; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableDashboardResourceMinification = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnableUPnP = true; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; EnableInternetProviders = true; FindInternetTrailers = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); InsecureApps8 = new[] { "Chromecast", "iOS", "Unknown app", "MediaPortal", "Media Portal", "iPad", "iPhone", "Roku", "Windows Phone" }; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Book" }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Movie", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 3, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Series", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 2, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season" } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() { ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; PublicHttpsPort = 8920; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; HttpsPortNumber = 8920; EnableHttps = false; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableDashboardResourceMinification = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; DenyIFrameEmbedding = true; EnableUPnP = true; SharingExpirationDays = 30; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; EnableLibraryMonitor = AutoOnOff.Auto; RealtimeLibraryMonitorDelay = 40; EnableInternetProviders = true; FindInternetTrailers = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); EnableVideoFrameAnalysis = true; VideoFrameAnalysisLimitBytes = 600000000; InsecureApps9 = new[] { "Chromecast", "iOS", "Unknown app", "iPad", "iPhone", "Windows Phone" }; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "Book"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Movie", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicVideo", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Series", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "BoxSet", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 0, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Thumb } } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { MediaEncodingQuality = EncodingQuality.Auto; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; LegacyWebSocketPortNumber = 8945; EnableHttpLevelLogging = true; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnablePeoplePrefixSubFolders = true; EnableUPnP = true; DownMixAudioBoost = 2; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; MinResumeDurationSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).TotalSeconds); RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; EnableInternetProviders = true; //initial installs will need these PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; MetadataRefreshDays = 30; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; ManualLoginClients = new string[] { }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; LiveTvOptions = new LiveTvOptions(); TvFileOrganizationOptions = new TvFileOrganizationOptions(); EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; List <MetadataOptions> options = new List <MetadataOptions> { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Book" }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum" }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist" }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) { ItemType = "Season" } }; MetadataOptions = options.ToArray(); DlnaOptions = new DlnaOptions(); UICulture = "en-us"; NotificationOptions = new NotificationOptions(); SubtitleOptions = new SubtitleOptions(); ChannelOptions = new ChannelOptions(); ChapterOptions = new ChapterOptions(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { MediaEncodingQuality = EncodingQuality.Auto; ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; LegacyWebSocketPortNumber = 8945; EnableHttpLevelLogging = true; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableMovieChapterImageExtraction = true; EnableEpisodeChapterImageExtraction = false; EnableOtherVideoChapterImageExtraction = false; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnablePeoplePrefixSubFolders = true; EnableUPnP = true; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; MinResumeDurationSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).TotalSeconds); RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; RecentItemDays = 10; EnableInternetProviders = true; //initial installs will need these ManualLoginClients = new ManualLoginCategory[] { }; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; MetadataRefreshDays = 30; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; LiveTvOptions = new LiveTvOptions(); TvFileOrganizationOptions = new TvFileOrganizationOptions(); EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; var options = new List<MetadataOptions> { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "Book"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "MusicAlbum"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "MusicArtist"}, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) {ItemType = "Season"} }; MetadataOptions = options.ToArray(); DlnaOptions = new DlnaOptions(); UICulture = "en-us"; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServerConfiguration" /> class. /// </summary> public ServerConfiguration() : base() { ImageSavingConvention = ImageSavingConvention.Compatible; PublicPort = 8096; HttpServerPortNumber = 8096; EnableDashboardResponseCaching = true; EnableAutomaticRestart = true; EnableWin8HttpListener = true; EnableUPnP = true; MinResumePct = 5; MaxResumePct = 90; // 5 minutes MinResumeDurationSeconds = 300; RealtimeMonitorDelay = 30; EnableInternetProviders = true; FindInternetTrailers = true; PathSubstitutions = new PathSubstitution[] { }; ContentTypes = new NameValuePair[] { }; PreferredMetadataLanguage = "en"; MetadataCountryCode = "US"; SortReplaceCharacters = new[] { ".", "+", "%" }; SortRemoveCharacters = new[] { ",", "&", "-", "{", "}", "'" }; SortRemoveWords = new[] { "the", "a", "an" }; SeasonZeroDisplayName = "Specials"; EnableRealtimeMonitor = true; UICulture = "en-us"; PeopleMetadataOptions = new PeopleMetadataOptions(); InsecureApps7 = new[] { "Chromecast", "iOS", "Unknown app", "MediaPortal", "Media Portal", "iPad", "iPhone", "Roku" }; MetadataOptions = new[] { new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) {ItemType = "Book"}, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Movie", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 3, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "Series", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 2, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Primary }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Banner }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Thumb }, new ImageOption { Limit = 1, Type = ImageType.Logo } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicAlbum", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default as it's rarely used. new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Disc } } }, new MetadataOptions(1, 1280) { ItemType = "MusicArtist", ImageOptions = new [] { new ImageOption { Limit = 1, MinWidth = 1280, Type = ImageType.Backdrop }, // Don't download this by default // They do look great, but most artists won't have them, which means a banner view isn't really possible new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Banner }, // Don't download this by default // Generally not used new ImageOption { Limit = 0, Type = ImageType.Art } } }, new MetadataOptions(0, 1280) {ItemType = "Season"} }; }