private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ( != null) { foreach (HiringRequests hr in HiringRequests.GetAllHiringRequests()) { if (hr.PersonId == personId) { hr.DeclineHiringRequest(); } } form.UpdateGUI(); } else { foreach (FiringRequests fr in FiringRequests.GetAllFiringRequests()) { if (fr.PersonId == personId) { fr.DeclineFiringRequest(); } } form.UpdateGUI(); } }
public void UpdateGUI() { firingRequests = null; controls.Clear(); flpRequests.Controls.Clear(); firingRequests = FiringRequests.GetAllFiringRequests(); hiringRequests = HiringRequests.GetAllHiringRequests(); promotionrequests = PromotionRequests.GetAllPromotionRequests(); foreach (FiringRequests fr in firingRequests) { controls.Add(new RequestControl(fr.PersonId, fr.CreatedById, fr.DepartmentId, fr.Description, fr.FirstName, fr.LastName, fr.Username, this)); } foreach (PromotionRequests pr in promotionrequests) { controls.Add(new RequestControl(pr.PersonId, pr.CreatedById, pr.Username, pr.FirstName, pr.LastName, pr.HourlyWage, pr.DepartmentId, this)); } foreach (HiringRequests hr in hiringRequests) { controls.Add(new RequestControl(hr.PersonId, hr.CreatedById, hr.Username, hr.FirstName, hr.LastName, hr.HourlyWage, hr.DepartmentId, hr.ContractStartDate, hr.PhoneNumber, hr.Email, this)); } foreach (RequestControl request in controls) { flpRequests.Controls.Add(request); } }
private void btnApprove_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to approve this request?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (lblRequest.Text.Contains("Hiring")) { foreach (HiringRequests hr in HiringRequests.GetAllHiringRequests()) { if (hr.PersonId == personId) { hr.ApproveHiringRequest(); } } form.UpdateGUI(); } else if (lblRequest.Text.Contains("firing")) { foreach (FiringRequests fr in FiringRequests.GetAllFiringRequests()) { if (fr.PersonId == personId) { fr.ApproveFiringRequest(); } } form.UpdateGUI(); } else if (lblRequest.Text.Contains("Promotion")) { foreach (PromotionRequests pr in PromotionRequests.GetAllPromotionRequests()) { if (pr.PersonId == personId) { pr.ApprovePromotionRequest(); } } form.UpdateGUI(); } } }
private void btnSendRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal minHourlyWage = 7; if (tbUsername.Text == "Username" || tbFirstName.Text == "First name" || tbLastName.Text == "Last name" || tbCountry.Text == "Country" || tbRegion.Text == "region" || tbPostcode.Text == "postcode" || tbStreet.Text == "street" || tbPhoneNumber.Text == "Phone number" || tbPassword.Text == "Password") { MessageBox.Show("Please change the initial information in the fields!"); } else if (tbUsername.Text == "" || tbFirstName.Text == "" || tbLastName.Text == "" || tbCountry.Text == "Country" || tbRegion.Text == "" || tbPostcode.Text == "" || tbStreet.Text == "" || tbPhoneNumber.Text == "" || tbPassword.Text == "" || tbEmail.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all the fields in the table!"); } else if (!cbMonday.Checked && !cbTuesday.Checked && !cbWednesday.Checked && !cbThursday.Checked && !cbFriday.Checked && !cbSaturday.Checked && !cbSunday.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("Please select available working days!"); } else if (!cbMorningShift.Checked && !cbAfternoonShift.Checked && !cbEveningShift.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a prefered workshift!"); } else if (nHourlyWage.Value < minHourlyWage) { MessageBox.Show("Employee hourly wage must be above the minimum!"); } else if (cmbDepartment.Text == "Department" || cmbDepartment.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select a department from the menu!"); } else if (!IsValidEmail(tbEmail.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid email address!"); } else { if (UniqueUsername()) { MySqlConnection conn = Utils.GetConnection(); try { int accountType = 0; if (rbAdmin.Checked) { accountType = (int)ProfileRoles.ADMINISTRATOR; } else if (rbManager.Checked) { accountType = (int)ProfileRoles.MANAGER; } else if (rbEmployee.Checked) { accountType = (int)ProfileRoles.EMPLOYEE; } int contract_id = 0; this.username = tbUsername.Text; string firstName = tbFirstName.Text; string lastName = tbLastName.Text; DateTime dateOfBirth = dtpBirthdate.Value; string street = tbStreet.Text; string postcode = tbPostcode.Text; string region = tbRegion.Text; string country = tbCountry.Text; string email = tbEmail.Text; hourlyWage = nHourlyWage.Value; string password = tbPassword.Text; long phoneN = Convert.ToInt64(tbPhoneNumber.Text); DateTime contractStartDate = dtbContractStartDate.Value; int departmentId = ((DepartmentComboBoxItem)cmbDepartment.SelectedItem).Id; pc.CreateWorker(accountType, username, password, firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, street, postcode, region, country, phoneN, email, hourlyWage, contractStartDate, departmentId);//adds worker to person table string contractQuery = "INSERT into contract (person_id, contract_start) VALUES (@person_id, @contract_start);"; MySqlCommand contractCmd = new MySqlCommand(contractQuery, conn); contractCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person_id", pc.GetIdByUsername(username)); contractCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contract_start", contractStartDate); conn.Open(); contractCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string employeDetailsQuery = "INSERT into employee_details(person_id, hourly_wage, contract_id, department_id, is_approved) VALUES (@person_id, @hourly_wage, @contract_id, @department_id, @is_approved);"; MySqlCommand employeDetailsCmd = new MySqlCommand(employeDetailsQuery, conn); employeDetailsCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person_id", pc.GetIdByUsername(username)); employeDetailsCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hourly_wage", hourlyWage); employeDetailsCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contract_id", pc.GetContractId(pc.GetIdByUsername(username))); employeDetailsCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@department_id", departmentId);//department ID department class employeDetailsCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_approved", 1); employeDetailsCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (cbMonday.Checked) { workdays.Add(0); } if (cbTuesday.Checked) { workdays.Add(1); } if (cbWednesday.Checked) { workdays.Add(2); } if (cbThursday.Checked) { workdays.Add(3); } if (cbFriday.Checked) { workdays.Add(4); } if (cbSaturday.Checked) { workdays.Add(5); } if (cbSunday.Checked) { workdays.Add(6); } if (cbMorningShift.Checked) { workshifts.Add(1); } if (cbAfternoonShift.Checked) { workshifts.Add(2); } if (cbEveningShift.Checked) { workshifts.Add(3); } foreach (int shift in workshifts) { foreach (int day in workdays) { string shiftsQuery = "INSERT into employee_working_days (employee_id,week_day_id, shift) VALUE(@userId,@week_day_id, @shift)"; MySqlCommand shiftsQueryCmd = new MySqlCommand(shiftsQuery, conn); shiftsQueryCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@shift", shift); shiftsQueryCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", pc.GetIdByUsername(username)); shiftsQueryCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@week_day_id", day); shiftsQueryCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } HiringRequests hr = new HiringRequests(pc.GetIdByUsername(username), loggedInUser, this.username, firstName, lastName, this.hourlyWage, departmentId, contractStartDate, phoneN, email); HiringRequests hr1 = new HiringRequests(pc.GetIdByUsername(username), loggedInUser); if (!hr1.FrExists) { MessageBox.Show("Hiring request already exists!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Request sent successfully!"); } addContact = true; if (addContact) { btnAddOtherContact.Enabled = true; btnOpenContact.Enabled = true; btnDeleteContact.Enabled = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("User with that username already exists."); } } }