private void btnReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataTable dtShop = shop.SelectAllShop(); if (dtShop.Rows.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Error ! Please provide the shop information to continue", "Shop Information Required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmShop frm = new frmShop(); frm.ShowDialog(); } else { ReportsForm rptForm = new ReportsForm(); ReportControl frm = null; Form ccr = null; string button = ((ToolStripButton)sender).Name; switch (button) { //REPORTS SECTION case "btnCurrentCashReport": ccr = new CurrentCashReport(); break; case "btnBuyerLedger": frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.Invoice); break; case "btnProductWiseReport": frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.Invoice); break; case "btnPurchaseReport": frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(true, Report.Invoice); break; case "btnSalesReport": frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.Invoice); break; case "btnCustomerTransaction": frm = new TransactionReportControl(true); break; case "btnCompanyTransaction": frm = new TransactionReportControl(false); break; case "btnProfitReport": frm = new ProfitLossReportControl(); break; case "btnDailySalesReport": frm = new DailySalesPurchaseReport(); break; case "btnBuyerLedgerReport": frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.Invoice); break; case "btnItemTransaction": frm = new ProductTransactionReportControl(); break; default: break; } if (ccr != null) { ccr.ShowDialog(); } else if (frm != null) { frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; rptForm.panelReportControl.Controls.Add(frm); this.Visible = false; rptForm.ShowDialog(); if (!this.IsDisposed) this.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLog.LogException(Modules.WelcomeForm, "btnReport", ex, "Welcome Form Exception"); } }
private void WelcomeForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control) { ReportsForm rptForm = new ReportsForm(); ReportControl frm = null; Form ccr = null; if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D0) == 0) { frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.CustomerSalesReport); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D1) == 0) { frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(true, Report.CompanyPurchaseReport); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D2) == 0) { frm = new DailySalesPurchaseReport(); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D3) == 0) { frm = new SalesPurchaseReportControl(false, Report.BuyerLedger); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D4) == 0) { frm = new TransactionReportControl(true); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D5) == 0) { frm = new TransactionReportControl(false); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D6) == 0) { frm = new ProfitLossReportControl(); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D7) == 0) { ccr = new CurrentCashReport(); } else if ((e.KeyCode ^ Keys.D8) == 0) { frm = new ProductTransactionReportControl(); } if (ccr != null) { this.Visible = false; ccr.ShowDialog(); if (!this.IsDisposed) this.Visible = true; } else if (frm != null) { frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; rptForm.panelReportControl.Controls.Add(frm); this.Visible = false; rptForm.ShowDialog(); if (!this.IsDisposed) this.Visible = true; } } else { string button = string.Empty; switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.F1: button = "btnPOS"; break; case Keys.F2: button = "btnInvoice"; break; case Keys.F3: button = "btnStock"; break; case Keys.F4: button = "btnItem"; break; case Keys.F5: button = "btnCustomer"; break; case Keys.F6: button = "btnCompany"; break; case Keys.F7: button = "btnOrder"; break; case Keys.F8: button = "btnShop";//button = "btnSystemLog"; break; default: break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(button)) ShowDialog(button); } }