예제 #1
        public string GetCommandLineArguments()
            string sep = " ";

            // space after mednafen.exe
            string baseStr = sep;

            // Get a Dictionary object with a list of config parameter names, along with the object itself
            //Dictionary<string, object> cmds = DictionaryFromType(Config);

            // Create a new List object to hold actual parameters that will be passed to Mednafen
            List <ConfigKeyValue> activeCmds = new List <ConfigKeyValue>();

            foreach (var thing in SysConfigObject)
                // Check for Null and Empty values
                if (thing.Value == null || thing.Value.ToString().Trim() == "")
                    // null or empty value - continue

                // convert all values to strings
                string v = thing.Value.ToString();
                // convert SQL bool values to 0 and 1 strings
                if (thing.Value.ToString() == "True")
                    v = "1";
                if (thing.Value.ToString() == "False")
                    v = "0";

                if (thing.Key == "ConfigId" || thing.Key == "UpdatedTime" || thing.Key == "isEnabled" ||
                    thing.Key == "systemIdent" || thing.Key.Contains("__enable"))
                    // non-mednafen config settings or settings that must be added as a - param
                else if (thing.Key.Contains("shared_memcards"))
                    if (SystemId == 9)
                        ConfigKeyValue ckvSharedMem = new ConfigKeyValue();

                        ckvSharedMem.Key = "filesys.fname_sav";

                        // psx
                        if (v == "1")
                            ckvSharedMem.Value = "%s.%X";
                            ckvSharedMem.Value = "%F.%M%x";

                    // convert key to correct mednafen config format
                    string k = thing.Key.Replace("__", ".");

                    // is the parameter illegal (ie. in the list of illegal config parameters)
                    if (IsParameterLegal(k) == false)
                        // illegal - break out of the loop and continue to next parameter

                    // add command to activeCmds
                    ConfigKeyValue ckv = new ConfigKeyValue();
                    ckv.Key   = k;
                    ckv.Value = v;

            // build parameter string
            foreach (var pair in activeCmds)
                baseStr += "-" + pair.Key + sep + Validate(pair.Value) + sep;

            // add netplay settings
            if (Global.enableNetplay == true)
                // add -connect switch
                baseStr += "-connect" + sep;

                // console font
                baseStr += "-netplay.console.font " + Validate(Netplay.netplay__console__font) + sep;
                // console lines
                baseStr += "-netplay.console.lines " + Validate(Netplay.netplay__console__lines.ToString()) + sep;
                // console scale
                baseStr += "-netplay.console.scale " + Validate(Netplay.netplay__console__scale.ToString()) + sep;
                // localplayers
                baseStr += "-netplay.localplayers " + Validate(Netplay.netplay__localplayers.ToString()) + sep;
                // nickname
                baseStr += "-netplay.nick " + Validate(Netplay.netplay__nick) + sep;

                // add server settings

                // host
                if (Server.netplay__host == null || Server.netplay__host.Trim() == "")
                    // ignore
                    // host has been set
                    baseStr += "-netplay.host " + Validate(Server.netplay__host) + sep;

                // port
                if (Server.netplay__port == null || Server.netplay__port.ToString().Trim() == "")
                    // no port set
                    baseStr += "-netplay.port " + Validate(Server.netplay__port.ToString()) + sep;

                // add password and gamekey fields from Server row

                // password
                if (Server.netplay__password == null || Server.netplay__password.Trim() == "")
                    // no password set - apply blank
                    baseStr += "-netplay.password \"\"" + sep;
                    baseStr += "-netplay.password " + Validate(Server.netplay__password) + sep;

                // gamekey
                if (Server.netplay__gamekey == null || Server.netplay__gamekey.Trim() == "")
                    // no gamekey set - set blank
                    baseStr += "-netplay.gamekey \"\"" + sep;
                    baseStr += "-netplay.gamekey " + Validate(Server.netplay__gamekey) + sep;

             * // password
             * baseStr += "-netplay.password " + Server.netplay__password + sep;
             * // gamekey
             * baseStr += "-netplay.gamekey " + Server.netplay__gamekey + sep;

            // faust
            if (SystemId == 16)
                // force faust
                baseStr += "-force_module snes_faust" + sep;
            // pce_fast
            if (SystemId == 17)
                // force pce_fast
                baseStr += "-force_module pce_fast" + sep;

            // shared memcard

            // perform mednafen version check and replace/remove config options that are not viable
            baseStr = VersionChecker.GetCompatLaunchString(baseStr);

            // add gamepath to command line
            baseStr += "\"" + BuildFullGamePath(RomFolder, RomPath) + "\"";

예제 #2
        public static bool CheckVersions()
            // skip this as still testing
            // return false;

            string dbPath = @"Data\Settings\MedLaunch.db";

            // first check whether the database exists - return if it does not
            if (!File.Exists(dbPath))

            // create System.Data.SQLite connection
            string connString = "Data Source=" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + dbPath;

            string dbVersion  = "";
            string appVersion = VersionChecker.ReturnApplicationVersion();

            // connect to database and retreive the current version
            using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connString))
                StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
                query.Append("SELECT dbVersion ");
                query.Append("FROM Versions ");
                query.Append("WHERE versionId = 1");
                using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(query.ToString(), conn))
                    using (SQLiteDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (dr.Read())
                            //Console.WriteLine(dr.GetValue(0) + " " + dr.GetValue(1) + " " + dr.GetValue(2));
                            dbVersion = dr.GetValue(0).ToString();

            // check the two versions
            string[] dbVersionArr  = dbVersion.Split('.');
            string[] appVersionArr = appVersion.Split('.');
            int      i             = 0;
            bool     upgradeNeeded = false;

            while (i < 3)
                // if anything but the 4th number (private build) is greater in the appVersion - database needs to be upgraded
                if (Convert.ToInt32(appVersionArr[i]) > Convert.ToInt32(dbVersionArr[i]))
                    // database upgrade needed
                    upgradeNeeded = true;

            if (upgradeNeeded == false)

            /* start the DB upgrade procedure */
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises the single instance of logparser
 /// </summary>
 public static void Init()
     Instance = new VersionChecker();