public LogInfo(UnityEngine.Object source, string channel, LogSeverity severity, List <LogStackFrame> callstack, LogStackFrame originatingSourceLocation, object message) { Source = source; Channel = channel; Severity = severity; Message = ""; OriginatingSourceLocation = originatingSourceLocation; var messageString = message as String; if (messageString != null) { Message = messageString; } else { if (message != null) { Message = message.ToString(); } } Callstack = callstack; RelativeTimeStamp = Logger.GetRelativeTime(); AbsoluteTimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; RelativeTimeStampAsString = String.Format("{0:0.0000}", RelativeTimeStamp); AbsoluteTimeStampAsString = AbsoluteTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
static bool GetCallstack(ref List <LogStackFrame> callstack, out LogStackFrame originatingSourceLocation) { callstack.Clear(); StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(true); // get call stack StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); // get method calls (frames) bool encounteredIgnoredMethodPreviously = false; originatingSourceLocation = null; for (int i = stackFrames.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StackFrame stackFrame = stackFrames[i]; var method = stackFrame.GetMethod(); if (method.IsDefined(typeof(LogUnityOnly), true)) { return(true); } if (!method.IsDefined(typeof(StackTraceIgnore), true)) { IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode showHideMode = ShowOrHideMethod(method); bool setOriginatingSourceLocation = (showHideMode == IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode.Show); if (showHideMode == IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode.ShowIfFirstIgnoredMethod) { if (!encounteredIgnoredMethodPreviously) { encounteredIgnoredMethodPreviously = true; showHideMode = IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode.Show; } else { showHideMode = IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode.Hide; } } if (showHideMode == IgnoredUnityMethod.Mode.Show) { var logStackFrame = new LogStackFrame(stackFrame); callstack.Add(logStackFrame); if (setOriginatingSourceLocation) { originatingSourceLocation = logStackFrame; } } } } // Callstack has been processed backwards -- correct order for presentation callstack.Reverse(); return(false); }
GUIContent GetFrameSourceGUIContent(LogStackFrame frame) { var source = GetSourceForFrame(frame); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { var content = new GUIContent(source); return(content); } return(null); }
string GetSourceForFrame(LogStackFrame frame) { if (SourceLinesFrame == frame) { return(SourceLines); } if (frame.FileName == null) { return(""); } var osFileName = MaxyGames.uNodeLogger.Logger.ConvertDirectorySeparatorsFromUnityToOS(frame.FileName); var filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), osFileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { return(""); } int lineNumber = frame.LineNumber - 1; int linesAround = 3; var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename); var firstLine = Mathf.Max(lineNumber - linesAround, 0); var lastLine = Mathf.Min(lineNumber + linesAround + 1, lines.Count()); SourceLines = ""; if (firstLine != 0) { SourceLines += "...\n"; } for (int c1 = firstLine; c1 < lastLine; c1++) { string str = lines[c1] + "\n"; if (c1 == lineNumber) { str = "<color=#ff0000ff>" + str + "</color>"; } SourceLines += str; } if (lastLine != lines.Count()) { SourceLines += "...\n"; } SourceLinesFrame = frame; return(SourceLines); }
bool JumpToSource(LogStackFrame frame) { if (frame.FileName != null) { var osFileName = MaxyGames.uNodeLogger.Logger.ConvertDirectorySeparatorsFromUnityToOS(frame.FileName); var filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), osFileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { if (UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.OpenFileAtLineExternal(filename, frame.LineNumber)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
void ToggleShowSource(LogStackFrame frame) { ShowFrameSource = !ShowFrameSource; }
public void DrawLogDetails() { var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; SelectedRenderLog = Mathf.Clamp(SelectedRenderLog, 0, CurrentLogList.Count); if (RenderLogs.Count > 0 && SelectedRenderLog >= 0) { var countedLog = RenderLogs[SelectedRenderLog]; var log = countedLog.Log; var logLineStyle = EntryStyleBackEven; var sourceStyle = new GUIStyle(; sourceStyle.richText = true; var drawRect = new Rect(DrawPos, new Vector2(position.width - DrawPos.x, position.height - DrawPos.y)); //Work out the content we need to show, and the sizes var detailLines = new List <GUIContent>(); float contentHeight = 0; float contentWidth = 0; float lineHeight = 0; int messageLength = 0; var message = log.Message.Split('\n'); for (int i = 1; i < message.Length; i++) { var content = new GUIContent(message[i]); detailLines.Add(content); var contentSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content); contentHeight += contentSize.y; lineHeight = Mathf.Max(lineHeight, contentSize.y); contentWidth = Mathf.Max(contentSize.x, contentWidth); messageLength++; } for (int c1 = 0; c1 < log.Callstack.Count; c1++) { var frame = log.Callstack[c1]; var methodName = frame.GetFormattedMethodNameWithFileName(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) { var content = new GUIContent(methodName); detailLines.Add(content); var contentSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content); contentHeight += contentSize.y; lineHeight = Mathf.Max(lineHeight, contentSize.y); contentWidth = Mathf.Max(contentSize.x, contentWidth); if (ShowFrameSource && c1 + messageLength == SelectedCallstackFrame) { var sourceContent = GetFrameSourceGUIContent(frame); if (sourceContent != null) { var sourceSize = sourceStyle.CalcSize(sourceContent); contentHeight += sourceSize.y; contentWidth = Mathf.Max(sourceSize.x, contentWidth); } } } } //Render the content var contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, Mathf.Max(contentWidth, drawRect.width), contentHeight); LogDetailsScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(drawRect, LogDetailsScrollPosition, contentRect); float lineY = 0; for (int c1 = 0; c1 < detailLines.Count; c1++) { var lineContent = detailLines[c1]; if (lineContent != null) { logLineStyle = (c1 % 2 == 0) ? EntryStyleBackEven : EntryStyleBackOdd; if (c1 == SelectedCallstackFrame) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1); } else { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } var lineRect = new Rect(0, lineY, contentRect.width, lineHeight); LogStackFrame frame = null; if (messageLength <= c1) { frame = log.Callstack[c1 - messageLength]; // Handle clicks on the stack frame if (GUI.Button(lineRect, lineContent, logLineStyle)) { if (c1 == SelectedCallstackFrame) { if (Event.current.button == 1) { ToggleShowSource(frame); Repaint(); } else { if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - LastFrameClickTime < DoubleClickInterval) { LastFrameClickTime = 0; JumpToSource(frame); } else { LastFrameClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } } } else { SelectedCallstackFrame = c1; LastFrameClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } } } else { if (GUI.Button(lineRect, lineContent, logLineStyle)) { SelectedCallstackFrame = c1; LastFrameClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } } lineY += lineHeight; //Show the source code if needed if (ShowFrameSource && c1 == SelectedCallstackFrame) { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (frame != null) { var sourceContent = GetFrameSourceGUIContent(frame); if (sourceContent != null) { var sourceSize = sourceStyle.CalcSize(sourceContent); var sourceRect = new Rect(0, lineY, contentRect.width, sourceSize.y); GUI.Label(sourceRect, sourceContent, sourceStyle); lineY += sourceSize.y; } } } } } GUI.EndScrollView(); } GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor; }