public void SetPrintLevelingEquation(Vector3 position0, Vector3 position1, Vector3 position2, Vector2 bedCenter)
			if (position0 == position1 || position1 == position2 || position2 == position0)

			Plane planeOfPoints = new Plane(position0, position1, position2);

			Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3(bedCenter, 0), Vector3.UnitZ);
			bool inFront;
			double distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter = planeOfPoints.GetDistanceToIntersection(ray, out inFront);

			Matrix4X4 makePointsFlatMatrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-bedCenter.x, -bedCenter.y, -distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);
			makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateRotation(planeOfPoints.planeNormal, Vector3.UnitZ);
			makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(bedCenter.x, bedCenter.y, 0);//distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);

			bedLevelMatrix = Matrix4X4.Invert(makePointsFlatMatrix);

				// test that the points come back as 0 zs
				Vector3 outPosition0 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position0, makePointsFlatMatrix);
				Vector3 outPosition1 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position1, makePointsFlatMatrix);
				Vector3 outPosition2 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position2, makePointsFlatMatrix);

				Vector3 printPosition0 = new Vector3(LevelWizardBase.GetPrintLevelPositionToSample(0), 0);
				Vector3 printPosition1 = new Vector3(LevelWizardBase.GetPrintLevelPositionToSample(1), 0);
				Vector3 printPosition2 = new Vector3(LevelWizardBase.GetPrintLevelPositionToSample(2), 0);

				Vector3 leveledPositon0 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition0, bedLevelMatrix);
				Vector3 leveledPositon1 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition1, bedLevelMatrix);
				Vector3 leveledPositon2 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition2, bedLevelMatrix);
		public void SetPrintLevelingEquation(Vector3 position0, Vector3 position1, Vector3 position2, Vector2 bedCenter)
			if (position0 == position1 || position1 == position2 || position2 == position0)

			Plane planeOfPoints = new Plane(position0, position1, position2);

			Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3(bedCenter, 0), Vector3.UnitZ);
			bool inFront;
			double distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter = planeOfPoints.GetDistanceToIntersection(ray, out inFront);

			Matrix4X4 makePointsFlatMatrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-bedCenter.x, -bedCenter.y, -distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);
			makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateRotation(planeOfPoints.PlaneNormal, Vector3.UnitZ);
			makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(bedCenter.x, bedCenter.y, 0);//distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);

			bedLevelMatrix = Matrix4X4.Invert(makePointsFlatMatrix);
        public Vector3 GetPositionWithZOffset(Vector3 currentDestination)
			if (LevelingData.SampledPositions.Count == NumberOfRadialSamples+1)
				Vector2 destinationFromCenter = new Vector2(currentDestination) - BedCenter;

				double angleToPoint = Math.Atan2(destinationFromCenter.y, destinationFromCenter.x);

				if (angleToPoint < 0)
					angleToPoint += MathHelper.Tau;

				double oneSegmentAngle = MathHelper.Tau / NumberOfRadialSamples;
				int firstIndex = (int)(angleToPoint / oneSegmentAngle);
				int lastIndex = firstIndex + 1;
				if (lastIndex == NumberOfRadialSamples)
					lastIndex = 0;

				Plane currentPlane = new Plane(LevelingData.SampledPositions[firstIndex], LevelingData.SampledPositions[lastIndex], LevelingData.SampledPositions[NumberOfRadialSamples]);

				double hitDistance = currentPlane.GetDistanceToIntersection(new Vector3(currentDestination.x, currentDestination.y, 0), Vector3.UnitZ);

				currentDestination.z += hitDistance;

			return currentDestination;
예제 #4
		public void GetPerimetersForAllLayers(Mesh meshToSlice, double firstLayerHeight, double otherLayerHeights)
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox meshBounds = meshToSlice.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
			double heightWithoutFirstLayer = meshBounds.ZSize - firstLayerHeight;
			int layerCount = (int)((heightWithoutFirstLayer / otherLayerHeights) + .5);
			double currentZ = otherLayerHeights;
			if (firstLayerHeight > 0)
				currentZ = firstLayerHeight;

			for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
				allLayers.Add(new SliceLayer(currentZ));
				currentZ += otherLayerHeights;

			foreach (Face face in meshToSlice.Faces)
				double minZ = double.MaxValue;
				double maxZ = double.MinValue;
				foreach (FaceEdge faceEdge in face.FaceEdges())
					minZ = Math.Min(minZ, faceEdge.firstVertex.Position.z);
					maxZ = Math.Max(maxZ, faceEdge.firstVertex.Position.z);

				for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; layerIndex++)
					SliceLayer layer = allLayers[layerIndex];
					double zHeight = layer.ZHeight;
					if (zHeight < minZ)
						// not up to the start of the face yet
					if (zHeight > maxZ)
						// done with this face
					Plane cutPlane = new Plane(Vector3.UnitZ, zHeight);

					Vector3 start;
					Vector3 end;
					if (face.GetCutLine(cutPlane, out start, out end))
						layer.UnorderedSegments.Add(new SliceLayer.Segment(new Vector2(start.x, start.y), new Vector2(end.x, end.y)));
예제 #5
		public bool GetCutLine(Plane cutPlane, out Vector3 start, out Vector3 end)
			start = new Vector3();
			end = new Vector3();
			int splitCount = 0;
			FaceEdge prevEdge = null;
			bool prevInFront = false;
			bool first = true;
			FaceEdge firstEdge = null;
			bool firstInFront = false;
			foreach (FaceEdge faceEdge in FaceEdges())
				if (first)
					prevEdge = faceEdge;
					prevInFront = cutPlane.GetDistanceFromPlane(prevEdge.firstVertex.Position) > 0;
					first = false;
					firstEdge = prevEdge;
					firstInFront = prevInFront;
					FaceEdge curEdge = faceEdge;
					bool curInFront = cutPlane.GetDistanceFromPlane(curEdge.firstVertex.Position) > 0;
					if (prevInFront != curInFront)
						// we crossed over the cut line
						Vector3 directionNormal = (curEdge.firstVertex.Position - prevEdge.firstVertex.Position).GetNormal();
						Ray edgeRay = new Ray(prevEdge.firstVertex.Position, directionNormal);
						double distanceToHit;
						bool hitFrontOfPlane;
						if (cutPlane.RayHitPlane(edgeRay, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane))
							if (splitCount == 1)
								start = edgeRay.origin + edgeRay.directionNormal * distanceToHit;
								end = edgeRay.origin + edgeRay.directionNormal * distanceToHit;

					prevEdge = curEdge;
					prevInFront = curInFront;
					if (splitCount == 2)

			if (splitCount == 1
				&& prevInFront != firstInFront)
				// we crossed over the cut line
				Vector3 directionNormal = (firstEdge.firstVertex.Position - prevEdge.firstVertex.Position).GetNormal();
				Ray edgeRay = new Ray(prevEdge.firstVertex.Position, directionNormal);
				double distanceToHit;
				bool hitFrontOfPlane;
				if (cutPlane.RayHitPlane(edgeRay, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane))
					end = edgeRay.origin + edgeRay.directionNormal * distanceToHit;

			if (splitCount == 2)
				return true;

			return false;
		public static Vector3 GetPositionWithZOffset(Vector3 currentDestination, PrintLevelingData levelingData)
			Vector2 destinationFromCenter = new Vector2(currentDestination) - ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.BedCenter;

			double angleToPoint = Math.Atan2(destinationFromCenter.y, destinationFromCenter.x);

			if (angleToPoint < 0)
				angleToPoint += MathHelper.Tau;

			double oneSegmentAngle = MathHelper.Tau / 6;
			int firstIndex = (int)(angleToPoint / oneSegmentAngle);
			int lastIndex = firstIndex + 1;
			if (lastIndex == 6)
				lastIndex = 0;

			Plane currentPlane = new Plane(levelingData.SampledPositions[firstIndex], levelingData.SampledPositions[lastIndex], levelingData.SampledPositions[6]);

			double hitDistance = currentPlane.GetDistanceToIntersection(new Vector3(currentDestination.x, currentDestination.y, 0), Vector3.UnitZ);

			currentDestination.z += hitDistance;
			return currentDestination;