예제 #1
        private void SetupScene1()

            TextureMaterial woodMaterial = new TextureMaterial(woodTexture, 0.2, 0.0, 2, .5);
            TextureMaterial marbleMaterial = new TextureMaterial(marbleTexture, 0.0, 0.0, 2, .5);
            TextureMaterial wallMaterial = new TextureMaterial(wallTexture, 0.0, 0.0, 2, .4);

            scene = new Scene();
            scene.Background = new Background(new RGBA_Doubles(.8, .8, .8), 0.8);
            Vector campos = new Vector(5, 1.8, -15);
            scene.Camera = new Camera(campos, campos / -3, new Vector(0, 1, 0).Normalize());

            // marble
            scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(1, 1, -5), 1,

            scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0, 1, 0).Normalize(), 0, woodMaterial));
            scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0, 0, 1).Normalize(), 0, wallMaterial));

            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(25, 20, -20), new RGBA_Doubles(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(-3, 5, -15), new RGBA_Doubles(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
예제 #2
        // marble balls scene
        private void SetupScene0()
            TextureMaterial texture = new TextureMaterial(marbleTexture, 0.0, 0.0, 2, .5);

            scene = new Scene();
            scene.Camera = new Camera(new Vector3(0, 0, -15), new Vector3(-.2, 0, 5), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            // setup a solid reflecting sphere
            scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(-1.5, 0.5, 0), .5,
                               new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(0, .5, .5), 0.2, 0.0, 2.0)));

            // setup sphere with a marble texture from an image
            scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(0, 0, 0), 1, texture));

            scene.Shapes.Add(new BoxShape(new Vector(0, 0, -15), new Vector(.5, .5, .5), new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(0, 0, 1), .1, 0, .2)));

            // setup the chessboard floor
            scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0.1, 0.9, -0.5).Normalize(), 1.2,
                               new ChessboardMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(1, 1, 1), new RGBA_Doubles(0, 0, 0), 0.2, 0, 1, 0.7)));

            //add two lights for better lighting effects
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(5, 10, -1), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(-3, 5, -15), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));

예제 #3
		private void CreateScene()
			scene = new Scene();
			scene.camera = new TrackBallCamera(trackballTumbleWidget);
			//scene.background = new Background(new RGBA_Floats(0.5, .5, .5), 0.4);
			scene.background = new Background(new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1, 0), 0.6);


			allObjects = BoundingVolumeHierarchy.CreateNewHierachy(renderCollection);
			allObjectsHolder = new Transform(allObjects);
			//allObjects = root;


			//add two lights for better lighting effects
			//scene.lights.Add(new Light(new Vector3(5000, 5000, 5000), new RGBA_Floats(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));
			scene.lights.Add(new PointLight(new Vector3(-5000, -5000, 3000), new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
예제 #4
		private void CreateScene()
			scene = new Scene();
			scene.camera = new TrackBallCamera(trackballTumbleWidget);
			scene.background = new Background(new RGBA_Floats(0.5, .5, .5), 0.4);

#if false
            renderCollection.Add(new BoxShape(new Vector3(), new Vector3(1, 1, 1),
                               new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Floats(.9, .2, .1), .01, 0.0, 2.0)));
            renderCollection.Add(new BoxShape(new Vector3(.5,.5,.5), new Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
                               new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Floats(.9, .2, .1), .01, 0.0, 2.0)));
			//renderCollection.Add(new CylinderShape(.25, 1, new SolidMaterial(RGBA_Floats.Cyan, 0, 0, 0)));



			allObjects = BoundingVolumeHierarchy.CreateNewHierachy(renderCollection);
			allObjectsHolder = new Transform(allObjects);
			//allObjects = root;


			//add two lights for better lighting effects
			scene.lights.Add(new PointLight(new Vector3(5000, 5000, 5000), new RGBA_Floats(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));
			scene.lights.Add(new PointLight(new Vector3(-5000, -5000, 3000), new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
예제 #5
        public RGBA_Floats CreateAndTraceSecondaryRays(IntersectInfo info, Ray ray, Scene scene, int depth)
            // calculate ambient light
            RGBA_Floats infoColorAtHit = info.closestHitObject.GetColor(info);
            RGBA_Floats color = infoColorAtHit * scene.background.Ambience;
            double shininess = Math.Pow(10, info.closestHitObject.Material.Gloss + 1);

            foreach (Light light in scene.lights)

                // calculate diffuse lighting
                Vector3 directiorFromHitToLight = light.Transform.Position - info.hitPosition;
                double distanceToLight = directiorFromHitToLight.Length;
                Vector3 directiorFromHitToLightNormalized = directiorFromHitToLight.GetNormal();

                if (RenderDiffuse)
                    double L = Vector3.Dot(directiorFromHitToLightNormalized, info.normalAtHit);
                    if (L > 0.0f)
                        color += infoColorAtHit * light.Color * L;

                // this is the max depth of raytracing.
                // increasing depth will calculate more accurate color, however it will
                // also take longer (exponentially)
                if (depth < 3)
                    // calculate reflection ray
                    if (RenderReflection && info.closestHitObject.Material.Reflection > 0)
                        Ray reflectionRay = GetReflectionRay(info.hitPosition, info.normalAtHit, ray.direction);
                        IntersectInfo reflectionInfo = TracePrimaryRay(reflectionRay, scene);
                        RGBA_Floats reflectionColorAtHit;// = reflectionInfo.closestHitObject.GetColor(reflectionInfo);
                        if (reflectionInfo.hitType != IntersectionType.None && reflectionInfo.distanceToHit > 0)
                            // recursive call, this makes reflections expensive
                            reflectionColorAtHit = CreateAndTraceSecondaryRays(reflectionInfo, reflectionRay, scene, depth + 1);
                        else // does not reflect an object, then reflect background color
                            reflectionColorAtHit = scene.background.Color;

                        color = color.Blend(reflectionColorAtHit, info.closestHitObject.Material.Reflection);

                    //calculate refraction ray
                    if (RenderRefraction && info.closestHitObject.Material.Transparency > 0)
                        Ray refractionRay = new Ray(info.hitPosition, ray.direction, Ray.sameSurfaceOffset, double.MaxValue);  // GetRefractionRay(info.hitPosition, info.normalAtHit, ray.direction, info.closestHit.Material.Refraction);
                        IntersectInfo refractionInfo = TracePrimaryRay(refractionRay, scene);
                        RGBA_Floats refractionColorAtHit = refractionInfo.closestHitObject.GetColor(refractionInfo);
                        if (refractionInfo.hitType != IntersectionType.None && refractionInfo.distanceToHit > 0)
                            // recursive call, this makes refractions expensive
                            refractionColorAtHit = CreateAndTraceSecondaryRays(refractionInfo, refractionRay, scene, depth + 1);
                            refractionColorAtHit = scene.background.Color;

                        color = refractionColorAtHit.Blend(color, info.closestHitObject.Material.Transparency);

                IntersectInfo shadow = new IntersectInfo();
                if (RenderShadow)
                    // calculate shadow, create ray from intersection point to light
                    Ray shadowRay = new Ray(info.hitPosition, directiorFromHitToLightNormalized, Ray.sameSurfaceOffset, double.MaxValue); // it may be usefull to limit the legth to te dist to the camera (but I doubt it LBB).
                    shadowRay.isShadowRay = true;

                    // if the normal at the closest hit is away from the shadow it is already it it's own shadow.
                    if (Vector3.Dot(info.normalAtHit, directiorFromHitToLightNormalized) < 0)
                        shadow.hitType = IntersectionType.FrontFace;
                        color *= 0.5;// +0.5 * Math.Pow(shadow.closestHit.Material.Transparency, 0.5); // Math.Pow(.5, shadow.HitCount);
                        // find any element in between intersection point and light
                        shadow = TracePrimaryRay(shadowRay, scene);
                        if (shadow.hitType != IntersectionType.None && shadow.closestHitObject != info.closestHitObject && shadow.distanceToHit < distanceToLight)
                            // only cast shadow if the found interesection is another
                            // element than the current element
                            color *= 0.5;// +0.5 * Math.Pow(shadow.closestHit.Material.Transparency, 0.5); // Math.Pow(.5, shadow.HitCount);

                // only show highlights if it is not in the shadow of another object
                if (RenderHighlights && shadow.hitType == IntersectionType.None && info.closestHitObject.Material.Gloss > 0)
                    // only show Gloss light if it is not in a shadow of another element.
                    // calculate Gloss lighting (Phong)
                    Vector3 Lv = (info.hitPosition - light.Transform.Position).GetNormal();
                    Vector3 E = (scene.camera.Origin - info.hitPosition).GetNormal();
                    Vector3 H = (E - Lv).GetNormal();

                    double Glossweight = 0.0;
                    Glossweight = Math.Pow(Math.Max(Vector3.Dot(info.normalAtHit, H), 0), shininess);
                    color += light.Color * (Glossweight);

            return color;
예제 #6
        public void TracePrimaryRayBundle(RayBundle rayBundle, IntersectInfo[] intersectionsForBundle, Scene scene)
            if (scene.shapes.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("You can only trace a ray bundle into a sigle shape, usually a BoundingVolumeHierachy.");

            scene.shapes[0].GetClosestIntersections(rayBundle, 0, intersectionsForBundle);
예제 #7
        public IntersectInfo TracePrimaryRay(Ray ray, Scene scene)
            IntersectInfo primaryRayIntersection = new IntersectInfo();

            foreach (IRayTraceable shapeToTest in scene.shapes)
                IntersectInfo info = shapeToTest.GetClosestIntersection(ray);
                if (info != null && info.hitType != IntersectionType.None && info.distanceToHit < primaryRayIntersection.distanceToHit && info.distanceToHit >= 0)
                    primaryRayIntersection = info;
            return primaryRayIntersection;
예제 #8
        public void FullyTraceRayBundle(RayBundle rayBundle, IntersectInfo[] intersectionsForBundle, Scene scene)
            TracePrimaryRayBundle(rayBundle, intersectionsForBundle, scene);
            for (int i = 0; i < rayBundle.rayArray.Length; i++)
                IntersectInfo primaryInfo = TracePrimaryRay(rayBundle.rayArray[i], scene);
                if (intersectionsForBundle[i].hitType != IntersectionType.None)
                    intersectionsForBundle[i].totalColor = CreateAndTraceSecondaryRays(primaryInfo, rayBundle.rayArray[i], scene, 0);

                intersectionsForBundle[i].totalColor = scene.background.Color;
예제 #9
        public RGBA_Floats FullyTraceRay(Ray ray, Scene scene)
            IntersectInfo primaryInfo = TracePrimaryRay(ray, scene);
            if (primaryInfo.hitType != IntersectionType.None)
                RGBA_Floats totalColor = CreateAndTraceSecondaryRays(primaryInfo, ray, scene, 0);
                return totalColor;

            return scene.background.Color;
예제 #10
        public void AntiAliasScene(Graphics2D graphics2D, RectangleInt viewport, Scene scene, RGBA_Floats[][] buffer, int maxSamples)
            IImageByte destImage = (IImageByte)graphics2D.DestImage;

            if (destImage.BitDepth != 32)
                throw new Exception("We can only render to 32 bit dest at the moment.");

            Byte[] destBuffer = destImage.GetBuffer();

            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(1, viewport.Height - 1, y => //  
            for (int y = 1; y < viewport.Height - 1; y++)
                int fillY = viewport.Top - (viewport.Bottom + y);
                int bufferOffset = 0;
                if (y > 0 && y < destImage.Height)
                    bufferOffset = destImage.GetBufferOffsetY(y);

                for (int x = 1; x < viewport.Width - 1; x++)
                    RGBA_Floats avg = (buffer[x - 1][y - 1] + buffer[x][y - 1] + buffer[x + 1][y - 1] +
                                 buffer[x - 1][y] + buffer[x][y] + buffer[x + 1][y] +
                                 buffer[x - 1][y + 1] + buffer[x][y + 1] + buffer[x + 1][y + 1]) / 9;

                    // use a more accurate antialasing method (MonteCarlo implementation)
                    // this will fire multiple rays per pixel
                    double sumOfDifferencesThreshold = .05; // TODO: figure out a good way to determin this.
                    if (avg.SumOfDistances(buffer[x][y]) > sumOfDifferencesThreshold)
                        RGBA_Floats accumulatedColor = buffer[x][y];
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxSamples; i++)
                            // get some 'random' samples
                            double rx = Math.Sign(i % 4 - 1.5) * (IntNoise(x + y * viewport.Width * maxSamples * 2 + i) + 1) / 4;
                            double ry = Math.Sign(i % 2 - 0.5) * (IntNoise(x + y * viewport.Width * maxSamples * 2 + 1 + i) + 1) / 4;

                            double xp = x + rx;
                            double yp = y + ry;

                            Ray ray = scene.camera.GetRay(xp, yp);
                            accumulatedColor += FullyTraceRay(ray, scene);
                        buffer[x][y] = accumulatedColor / (maxSamples + 1);

                        // this is the slow part of the painting algorithm, it can be greatly speed up
                        // by directly accessing the bitmap data
                        int fillX = viewport.Left + x;
                        int totalOffset = bufferOffset + fillX * 4;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)buffer[x][y].Blue0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)buffer[x][y].Green0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)buffer[x][y].Red0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset] = 255;

예제 #11
        public void RayTraceScene(Graphics2D graphics2D, RectangleInt viewport, Scene scene)
            int maxsamples = (int)AntiAliasing;

            //graphics2D.FillRectangle(viewport, RGBA_Floats.Black);

            if (imageBufferAsDoubles == null || imageBufferAsDoubles.Length < viewport.Width || imageBufferAsDoubles[0].Length < viewport.Height)
                imageBufferAsDoubles = new RGBA_Floats[viewport.Width][];
                for (int i = 0; i < viewport.Width; i++)
                    imageBufferAsDoubles[i] = new RGBA_Floats[viewport.Height];

            IImageByte destImage = (IImageByte)graphics2D.DestImage;

            if (destImage.BitDepth != 32)
                throw new Exception("We can only render to 32 bit dest at the moment.");

            Byte[] destBuffer = destImage.GetBuffer();

            viewport.Bottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(destImage.Height, viewport.Bottom));
            viewport.Top = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(destImage.Height, viewport.Top));

            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(viewport.Bottom, viewport.Height, y => //  
            for (int y = viewport.Bottom; y < viewport.Height; y++)
                for (int x = viewport.Left; x < viewport.Right; x++)
                    if (traceWithRayBundles)
                        int width = Math.Min(8, viewport.Right - x);
                        int height = Math.Min(8, viewport.Top - y);
                        FrustumRayBundle rayBundle = new FrustumRayBundle(width * height);
                        IntersectInfo[] intersectionsForBundle = new IntersectInfo[width * height];
                        for (int rayY = 0; rayY < height; rayY++)
                            for (int rayX = 0; rayX < width; rayX++)
                                rayBundle.rayArray[rayX + rayY * width] = scene.camera.GetRay(x + rayX, y + rayY);
                                intersectionsForBundle[rayX + rayY * width] = new IntersectInfo();

                        rayBundle.CalculateFrustum(width, height,  scene.camera.Origin);
                        FullyTraceRayBundle(rayBundle, intersectionsForBundle, scene);

                        for (int rayY = 0; rayY < height; rayY++)
                            int bufferOffset = destImage.GetBufferOffsetY(y + rayY);

                            for (int rayX = 0; rayX < width; rayX++)
                                imageBufferAsDoubles[x + rayX][y + rayY] = intersectionsForBundle[rayX + rayY * width].totalColor;

                                // we don't need to set this if we are anti-aliased
                                int totalOffset = bufferOffset + (x + rayX) * 4;
                                destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x + rayX][y + rayY].Blue0To255;
                                destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x + rayX][y + rayY].Green0To255;
                                destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x + rayX][y + rayY].Red0To255;
                                destBuffer[totalOffset] = 255;
                        x += width - 1; // skip all the pixels we bundled
                        y += height - 1; // skip all the pixels we bundled
                        int bufferOffset = destImage.GetBufferOffsetY(y);

                        Ray ray = scene.camera.GetRay(x, y);

                        imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y] = FullyTraceRay(ray, scene);

                        // we don't need to set this if we are anti-aliased
                        int totalOffset = bufferOffset + x * 4;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y].Blue0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y].Green0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset++] = (byte)imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y].Red0To255;
                        destBuffer[totalOffset] = 255;
            if (AntiAliasing != AntiAliasing.None)
                AntiAliasScene(graphics2D, viewport, scene, imageBufferAsDoubles, (int)AntiAliasing);

예제 #12
		public void AntiAliasScene(RectangleInt viewport, Scene scene, RGBA_Floats[][] imageBufferAsDoubles, int maxSamples)
			System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(1, viewport.Height - 1, y => //
            for (int y = 1; y < viewport.Height - 1; y++)
				int fillY = viewport.Top - (viewport.Bottom + y);

				for (int x = 1; x < viewport.Width - 1; x++)
					RGBA_Floats avg = (imageBufferAsDoubles[x - 1][y - 1] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y - 1] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x + 1][y - 1] +
								 imageBufferAsDoubles[x - 1][y] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x + 1][y] +
								 imageBufferAsDoubles[x - 1][y + 1] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y + 1] + imageBufferAsDoubles[x + 1][y + 1]) / 9;

					// use a more accurate antialasing method (MonteCarlo implementation)
					// this will fire multiple rays per pixel
					double sumOfDifferencesThreshold = .05; // TODO: figure out a good way to determin this.
					if (avg.SumOfDistances(imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y]) > sumOfDifferencesThreshold)
						RGBA_Floats accumulatedColor = imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y];
						for (int i = 0; i < maxSamples; i++)
							// get some 'random' samples
							double rx = Math.Sign(i % 4 - 1.5) * (IntNoise(x + y * viewport.Width * maxSamples * 2 + i) + 1) / 4;
							double ry = Math.Sign(i % 2 - 0.5) * (IntNoise(x + y * viewport.Width * maxSamples * 2 + 1 + i) + 1) / 4;

							double xp = x + rx;
							double yp = y + ry;

							Ray ray = scene.camera.GetRay(xp, yp);
							IntersectInfo primaryInfo;

							accumulatedColor += FullyTraceRay(ray, scene, out primaryInfo);
						imageBufferAsDoubles[x][y] = accumulatedColor / (maxSamples + 1);
예제 #13
		public void RayTraceScene(RectangleInt viewport, Scene scene)
			int maxsamples = (int)AntiAliasing;

			//graphics2D.FillRectangle(viewport, RGBA_Floats.Black);

			if (colorBuffer == null || colorBuffer.Length < viewport.Width || colorBuffer[0].Length < viewport.Height)
				colorBuffer = new RGBA_Floats[viewport.Width][];
				for (int i = 0; i < viewport.Width; i++)
					colorBuffer[i] = new RGBA_Floats[viewport.Height];
				normalBuffer = new Vector3[viewport.Width][];
				for (int i = 0; i < viewport.Width; i++)
					normalBuffer[i] = new Vector3[viewport.Height];
				depthBuffer = new double[viewport.Width][];
				for (int i = 0; i < viewport.Width; i++)
					depthBuffer[i] = new double[viewport.Height];

			System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(viewport.Bottom, viewport.Height, y => //
            for (int y = viewport.Bottom; y < viewport.Height; y++)
				for (int x = viewport.Left; x < viewport.Right; x++)
					if (traceWithRayBundles)
						int width = Math.Min(8, viewport.Right - x);
						int height = Math.Min(8, viewport.Top - y);
						FrustumRayBundle rayBundle = new FrustumRayBundle(width * height);
						IntersectInfo[] intersectionsForBundle = new IntersectInfo[width * height];
						for (int rayY = 0; rayY < height; rayY++)
							for (int rayX = 0; rayX < width; rayX++)
								rayBundle.rayArray[rayX + rayY * width] = scene.camera.GetRay(x + rayX, y + rayY);
								intersectionsForBundle[rayX + rayY * width] = new IntersectInfo();

						// get a ray to find the origin (every ray comes from the camera and should have the same origin)
						Ray screenRay = scene.camera.GetRay(0, 0);
						rayBundle.CalculateFrustum(width, height, screenRay.origin);

						FullyTraceRayBundle(rayBundle, intersectionsForBundle, scene);

						for (int rayY = 0; rayY < height; rayY++)
							for (int rayX = 0; rayX < width; rayX++)
								colorBuffer[x + rayX][y + rayY] = intersectionsForBundle[rayX + rayY * width].totalColor;
						x += width - 1; // skip all the pixels we bundled
						y += height - 1; // skip all the pixels we bundled
						Ray ray = scene.camera.GetRay(x, y);

						IntersectInfo primaryInfo;
						colorBuffer[x][y] = FullyTraceRay(ray, scene, out primaryInfo);

						if (false)
							if (primaryInfo != null)
								normalBuffer[x][y] = primaryInfo.normalAtHit;
								depthBuffer[x][y] = primaryInfo.distanceToHit;
								normalBuffer[x][y] = Vector3.UnitZ;
								depthBuffer[x][y] = double.PositiveInfinity;
			if (AntiAliasing != AntiAliasing.None)
				AntiAliasScene(viewport, scene, colorBuffer, (int)AntiAliasing);
예제 #14
        private void SetupScene2()
            scene = new Scene();
            scene.Background = new Background(new RGBA_Doubles(.2, .3, .4), 0.5);
            Vector campos = new Vector(0, 0, -5);
            scene.Camera = new Camera(campos, campos / -2, new Vector(0, 1, 0).Normalize());

            Random rnd = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)

                // setup a solid reflecting sphere
                scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(rnd.Next(-100, 100) / 50.0, rnd.Next(-100, 100) / 50.0, rnd.Next(0, 200) / 50.0), .2,
                                   new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(rnd.Next(0, 100) / 100.0, rnd.Next(0, 100) / 100.0, rnd.Next(0, 100) / 100.0), 0.4, 0.0, 2.0)));


            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(5, 10, -1), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(-3, 5, -15), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));

예제 #15
        // metallic box with marble on stone floor
        private void SetupScene4()

            TextureMaterial woodMaterial = new TextureMaterial(woodTexture, 0.0, 0.0, 2, .5);
            TextureMaterial marbleMaterial = new TextureMaterial(marbleTexture, 0.3, 0.0, 2, .5);
            TextureMaterial wallMaterial = new TextureMaterial(wallTexture, 0.0, 0.0, 2, .4);

            scene = new Scene();
            scene.Background = new Background(new RGBA_Doubles(.3, .8, .8), 0.8);
            Vector campos = new Vector(14, 2, -6);
            scene.Camera = new Camera(campos, campos / -2.5, new Vector(-0, 1, 0.1).Normalize());

            // marble
            scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(-3, 1, 5), 2,

            // box
            scene.Shapes.Add(new BoxShape(new Vector(0, 1, -1), new Vector(1, 0, 0),

            scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0, 1, 0).Normalize(), 0, wallMaterial));

            //scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0, 0, 1).Normalize(), 0, wallMaterial));

            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(25, 20, -20), new RGBA_Doubles(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(-23, 25, -15), new RGBA_Doubles(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
예제 #16
        private void SetupScene3()

            scene = new Scene();
            scene.Camera = new Camera(new Vector(0, 0, -15), new Vector(-.2, 0, 5), new Vector(0, 1, 0));
            scene.Background = new Background(new RGBA_Doubles(0.5, .5, .5), 0.4);

            // setup a solid reflecting sphere
            scene.Shapes.Add(new SphereShape(new Vector(-0.5, 0.5, -2), 1.5,
                               new SolidMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(0, .5, .5), 0.3, 0.0, 2.0)));

            // setup the chessboard floor
            scene.Shapes.Add(new PlaneShape(new Vector(0.1, 0.9, -0.5).Normalize(), 1.2,
                               new ChessboardMaterial(new RGBA_Doubles(1, 1, 1), new RGBA_Doubles(0, 0, 0), 0.2, 0, 1, 0.7)));

            //add two lights for better lighting effects
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(5, 10, -1), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));
            scene.Lights.Add(new Light(new Vector(-3, 5, -15), new RGBA_Doubles(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));