public static void PopulateDB(DotNetBinary dnb) { try { SetConnection(); m_dbConnection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + dbName + " WHERE hash = '" + dnb.hash + "' AND application = '" + dnb.application + "';"; SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // check if we've seen this file before (in terms of hash and file location). If not, add it to the db if (!reader.HasRows) { sql = "INSERT into " + dbName + " (name, application, hash, numSQLi, numCodEx, numFileEx, numInfoLeak, numXSS, numRedirect, numXPath, numLDAP) values ('" + + "','" + dnb.application + "','" + dnb.hash + "'," + dnb.numSQLi + "," + dnb.numCodEx + "," + dnb.numFileEx + "," + dnb.numInfoLeak + "," + dnb.numXSS + "," + dnb.numRedirect + "," + dnb.numXPath + "," + dnb.numLDAP + ")"; ExecuteQuery(sql); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public static bool seenBefore(DotNetBinary dnb) { SetConnection(); m_dbConnection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + dbName + " WHERE hash = '" + dnb.hash + "' AND application = '" + dnb.application + "';"; SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); return(reader.HasRows); }
// extract bug classes and number of bugs where > 0 public static string getBugs(DotNetBinary dnb) { string retstring = ""; retstring += (dnb.numCodEx > 0) ? "CodeExecution:" + dnb.numCodEx + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numFileEx > 0) ? "FileCanonicalisation:" + dnb.numFileEx + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numInfoLeak > 0) ? "InfoLeak:" + dnb.numInfoLeak + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numLDAP > 0) ? "LDAPi:" + dnb.numLDAP + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numRedirect > 0) ? "Redirect:" + dnb.numRedirect + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numSQLi > 0) ? "SQLi:" + dnb.numSQLi + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numXPath > 0) ? "XPathi:" + dnb.numXPath + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numXSS > 0) ? "XSS:" + dnb.numXSS + "," : ""; retstring = retstring.Substring(0, retstring.Length - 1); return(retstring); }
// extract bug classes and number of bugs where > 0 public static string getBugs(DotNetBinary dnb) { string retstring = ""; retstring += (dnb.numCodEx > 0) ? "CodeExecution:" + dnb.numCodEx + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numFileEx > 0) ? "FileCanonicalisation:" + dnb.numFileEx + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numInfoLeak > 0) ? "InfoLeak:" + dnb.numInfoLeak + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numLDAP > 0) ? "LDAPi:" + dnb.numLDAP + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numRedirect > 0) ? "Redirect:" + dnb.numRedirect + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numSQLi > 0) ? "SQLi:" + dnb.numSQLi + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numXPath > 0) ? "XPathi:" + dnb.numXPath + "," : ""; retstring += (dnb.numXSS > 0) ? "XSS:" + dnb.numXSS + "," : ""; retstring = retstring.Substring(0, retstring.Length - 1); return retstring; }
public void TraverseAndRun(string root, string binary, string rules, string dest) { label1.Text = "Enumerating .NET EXE and DLL Files..."; label1.Refresh(); DotNetBinary dnb = new DotNetBinary(); try { // enumerate all .NET dll and exe files in the given directory var dotNetFiles = from file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(root, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) where (isDotNet(file, "_CorDllMain") && file.EndsWith(".dll")) || (isDotNet(file, "_CorExeMain") && file.EndsWith(".exe")) select new { File = file }; label1.Text = "Enumerating Files... Complete. Found " + dotNetFiles.Count().ToString() + " files."; label1.Refresh(); // only continue if we found >= 1 file if (dotNetFiles.Count() != 0) { int count = 0; progressBar1.Step = (int)(progressBar1.Maximum / dotNetFiles.Count()); // calculate the given CAT.NET timeout (how long before CAT gives up on processing a binary) int timeout; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(CATtimeout.Text, out timeout); if (isNumeric) { timeout = timeout * 1000 * 60; } else { timeout = 300000; } List<string> errorFiles = new List<string>(); foreach (var f in dotNetFiles) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(f.File); string filePath = dest + "\\" + fi.Name; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = "\"" + binary + "\""; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.Arguments = "/file:" + "\"" + f.File + "\"" + rules + " /report:\"" + filePath + "\"" + ".xml" + " /reportxsloutput:\"" + filePath + "\"" + ".html"; label1.Text = "Processing " + fi.Name + " : " + (++count).ToString() + " of " + dotNetFiles.Count().ToString(); label1.Refresh(); dnb.hash = hashFile(fi); = fi.Name; dnb.application = Path.GetDirectoryName(f.File); // only run CAT.NET on the binary if we haven't done so before if (!DbFuncs.seenBefore(dnb)) { try { // Start the process with the info we specified. Call WaitForExit and then the using statement will close. using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo)) { // give the process 5 minutes runtime before we kill it and move on to the next file bool cleanExit = exeProcess.WaitForExit(timeout); // default is 300000 label1.Text = "Timeout reached. Moving to next file."; if (!cleanExit) { exeProcess.Kill(); label1.Text = "Timout reached and process kill forced. Moving to next file."; errorFiles.Add(fi.Name); } else { label1.Text = " "; label1.Refresh(); // add the file to our TreeNode TreeNode[] results = parseXML(filePath + ".xml"); TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(f.File.ToString(), results); treeView1.Nodes.Add(treeNode); treeView1.Refresh(); foreach (TreeNode tn in results) { string[] s = tn.Text.Split(':'); Console.Write(s[0] + " " + s[1]); if (s[0].Equals("SQLi")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numSQLi); } if (s[0].Equals("Command Execution")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numCodEx); } if (s[0].Equals("File Canonicalisation")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numFileEx); } if (s[0].Equals("Info Leak")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numInfoLeak); } if (s[0].Equals("XSS")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numXSS); } if (s[0].Equals("User Redirection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numRedirect); } if (s[0].Equals("XPath Injection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numXPath); } if (s[0].Equals("LDAP Injection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numLDAP); } } // add the results to the database DbFuncs.PopulateDB(dnb); // refresh the datagrid dataGridView1.DataSource = DbFuncs.DumpDB().Tables[0].DefaultView; } } } // error either opening file or running CAT.NET on that file. catch { errorFiles.Add(fi.Name); } } else { label1.Text = "Seen this file before; moving to next file..."; } progressBar1.PerformStep(); progressBar1.Refresh(); } progressBar1.Step = progressBar1.Maximum; progressBar1.PerformStep(); progressBar1.Refresh(); label1.Text = "Finished."; if (errorFiles.Count > 0) { string errors = "There were errors processing the following files.\nTry again with a longer CAT timeout:\n" + string.Join("\n", errorFiles.ToArray()); MessageBox.Show(errors); } } } catch(Exception e) { // e.g. some sort of dir/file exception MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public static bool seenBefore(DotNetBinary dnb) { SetConnection(); m_dbConnection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + dbName + " WHERE hash = '" + dnb.hash + "' AND application = '" + dnb.application + "';"; SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); return reader.HasRows; }
public void TraverseAndRun(string root, string binary, string rules, string dest) { label1.Text = "Enumerating .NET EXE and DLL Files..."; label1.Refresh(); DotNetBinary dnb = new DotNetBinary(); try { // enumerate all .NET dll and exe files in the given directory var dotNetFiles = from file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(root, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) where (isDotNet(file, "_CorDllMain") && file.EndsWith(".dll")) || (isDotNet(file, "_CorExeMain") && file.EndsWith(".exe")) select new { File = file }; label1.Text = "Enumerating Files... Complete. Found " + dotNetFiles.Count().ToString() + " files."; label1.Refresh(); // only continue if we found >= 1 file if (dotNetFiles.Count() != 0) { int count = 0; progressBar1.Step = (int)(progressBar1.Maximum / dotNetFiles.Count()); // calculate the given CAT.NET timeout (how long before CAT gives up on processing a binary) int timeout; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(CATtimeout.Text, out timeout); if (isNumeric) { timeout = timeout * 1000 * 60; } else { timeout = 300000; } List <string> errorFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var f in dotNetFiles) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(f.File); string filePath = dest + "\\" + fi.Name; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = "\"" + binary + "\""; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.Arguments = "/file:" + "\"" + f.File + "\"" + rules + " /report:\"" + filePath + "\"" + ".xml" + " /reportxsloutput:\"" + filePath + "\"" + ".html"; label1.Text = "Processing " + fi.Name + " : " + (++count).ToString() + " of " + dotNetFiles.Count().ToString(); label1.Refresh(); dnb.hash = hashFile(fi); = fi.Name; dnb.application = Path.GetDirectoryName(f.File); // only run CAT.NET on the binary if we haven't done so before if (!DbFuncs.seenBefore(dnb)) { try { // Start the process with the info we specified. Call WaitForExit and then the using statement will close. using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo)) { // give the process 5 minutes runtime before we kill it and move on to the next file bool cleanExit = exeProcess.WaitForExit(timeout); // default is 300000 label1.Text = "Timeout reached. Moving to next file."; if (!cleanExit) { exeProcess.Kill(); label1.Text = "Timout reached and process kill forced. Moving to next file."; errorFiles.Add(fi.Name); } else { label1.Text = " "; label1.Refresh(); // add the file to our TreeNode TreeNode[] results = parseXML(filePath + ".xml"); TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(f.File.ToString(), results); treeView1.Nodes.Add(treeNode); treeView1.Refresh(); foreach (TreeNode tn in results) { string[] s = tn.Text.Split(':'); Console.Write(s[0] + " " + s[1]); if (s[0].Equals("SQLi")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numSQLi); } if (s[0].Equals("Command Execution")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numCodEx); } if (s[0].Equals("File Canonicalisation")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numFileEx); } if (s[0].Equals("Info Leak")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numInfoLeak); } if (s[0].Equals("XSS")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numXSS); } if (s[0].Equals("User Redirection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numRedirect); } if (s[0].Equals("XPath Injection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numXPath); } if (s[0].Equals("LDAP Injection")) { int.TryParse(s[1], out dnb.numLDAP); } } // add the results to the database DbFuncs.PopulateDB(dnb); // refresh the datagrid dataGridView1.DataSource = DbFuncs.DumpDB().Tables[0].DefaultView; } } } // error either opening file or running CAT.NET on that file. catch { errorFiles.Add(fi.Name); } } else { label1.Text = "Seen this file before; moving to next file..."; } progressBar1.PerformStep(); progressBar1.Refresh(); } progressBar1.Step = progressBar1.Maximum; progressBar1.PerformStep(); progressBar1.Refresh(); label1.Text = "Finished."; if (errorFiles.Count > 0) { string errors = "There were errors processing the following files.\nTry again with a longer CAT timeout:\n" + string.Join("\n", errorFiles.ToArray()); MessageBox.Show(errors); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.g. some sort of dir/file exception MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }