public bool ContainsData(bool checkCurrentTypeOnly) { if (checkCurrentTypeOnly) { if (m_ImageDataType == ImageDataType.Sprite) { return(m_Sprite != null); } else { return(m_VectorImageData != null && m_VectorImageData.ContainsData()); } } else { return(m_Sprite != null || (m_VectorImageData != null && m_VectorImageData.ContainsData())); } }
public bool ContainsData(bool checkCurrentTypeOnly) { if (checkCurrentTypeOnly) { if (m_ImageDataType == ImageDataType.Sprite) { return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ImgUrl) || m_Sprite != null); } else { return(m_VectorImageData != null && m_VectorImageData.ContainsData()); } } else { return(m_Sprite != null || (m_VectorImageData != null && m_VectorImageData.ContainsData()) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ImgUrl)); } }
public override void Show() { var prefabAddress = cachedPrefabAddress == null || cachedPrefabAddress.IsEmpty() || !cachedPrefabAddress.IsResources() ? PrefabManager.ResourcePrefabs.dialogTooltip : cachedPrefabAddress; if (prefabAddress == null || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TipText) && (m_TipImageData == null || !m_TipImageData.ContainsData()))) { if (IsExpanded()) { Hide(); } return; } ShowFrameActivity(_CacheDialogFrame, prefabAddress, (dialog, isDialog) => { _CacheDialogFrame = dialog; if (dialog != null) { dialog.Initialize("", null, null, m_TipText, new ImageData(m_TipImageData), null, null); } }); }
/// <summary>Inspector control (eg: EditorGUILayout.SpriteField) for VectorImageData. Supports undo/redo and multiple selected objects.</summary> /// <param name="label">The label to appear in the inspector control.</param> /// <param name="targetDatas">The VectorImageDatas to modify.</param> /// <param name="objectsToUndo">The objects to mark for undo/redo.</param> /// <param name="onIconPickAction">Action to call when an icon is picked.</param> /// <param name="visualReference">The VectorImageData to use for the 'current' values in the control if the VectorImageData values are different.</param> /// <returns>Whether the control was successfully able to be drawn.</returns> public static bool VectorImageDataMultiField(string label, VectorImageData[] targetDatas, Object[] objectsToUndo, Action onIconPickAction = null, VectorImageData visualReference = null) { if (targetDatas.ToList().TrueForAll(data => data == null)) { return(false); } if (visualReference == null) { visualReference = targetDatas.ToList().First(data => data != null); } string code = visualReference.glyph.unicode; string name =; Font font = visualReference.font; var vectorFont = visualReference.vectorFont; GUIStyle iconStyle = null; s_iconStyles.TryGetValue(visualReference, out iconStyle); if (iconStyle == null) { iconStyle = new GUIStyle { font = font, fontSize = font != null && font.dynamic ? vectorIconSize : 0 }; if (iconStyle.font == null && vectorFont != null && vectorFont.fontTMPro != null) { iconStyle.font = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Font>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(vectorFont.fontTMPro.creationSettings.sourceFontFileGUID)); } s_iconStyles[visualReference] = iconStyle; } iconStyle.fontSize = iconStyle.font != null && iconStyle.font.dynamic ? vectorIconSize : 0; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(label); if (EditorGUI.indentLevel > 0) { // 2 is a good 'base' offset when there are indents EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.MaxWidth(-(2 + vectorImageDataIndentOffsetSize * EditorGUI.indentLevel))); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { GUIContent iconGUIContent = new GUIContent(IconDecoder.Decode(code), name); if (iconStyle.font != null && !iconStyle.font.dynamic) { CharacterInfo charInfo; iconStyle.font.GetCharacterInfo(iconGUIContent.text[0], out charInfo); var uvRect = Rect.MinMaxRect(charInfo.uvBottomLeft.x, charInfo.uvBottomLeft.y, charInfo.uvTopRight.x, charInfo.uvTopRight.y); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.Width(vectorIconSize), GUILayout.Height(vectorIconSize)); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), iconStyle.font.material.mainTexture, uvRect); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(iconGUIContent, iconStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(iconStyle.CalcSize(iconGUIContent).x)); } if (EditorGUI.indentLevel > 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.MaxWidth(vectorImageDataIndentOffsetSize * EditorGUI.indentLevel)); } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No icon selected", GUILayout.MaxWidth(vectorImageDataMaxLabelWidth)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Pick Icon", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.MinHeight(miniButtonHeight))) { VectorImagePickerWindow.Show(targetDatas, objectsToUndo, onIconPickAction); } if (visualReference != null && visualReference.ContainsData() && GUILayout.Button(IconDecoder.Decode(@"\ue14c"), new GUIStyle { fontSize = iconStyle.fontSize, font = VectorImageManager.GetIconFont(VectorImageManager.materialDesignIconsFontName) }, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20))) { if (objectsToUndo != null) { Undo.RecordObjects(objectsToUndo, "Set Icon"); } foreach (var imageData in targetDatas) { imageData.glyph = null; imageData.vectorFont = null; } } } return(true); }