예제 #1
        private void GenerateButtons(Panel canvas, ICollection <int> range, double radiusRatio, IValueConverter isCheckedConverter, Func <int, string> stylePropertySelector,
                                     string format, ClockDisplayMode clockDisplayMode)
            var anglePerItem   = 360.0 / range.Count;
            var radiansPerItem = anglePerItem * (Math.PI / 180);

            //nothing fancy with sizing/measuring...we are demanding a height
            if (canvas.Width < 10.0 || Math.Abs(canvas.Height - canvas.Width) > 0.0)

            _centreCanvas = new Point(canvas.Width / 2, canvas.Height / 2);
            var hypotenuseRadius = _centreCanvas.X * radiusRatio;

            foreach (var i in range)
                var button = new ClockItemButton();
                button.SetBinding(StyleProperty, GetBinding(stylePropertySelector(i)));

                var adjacent = Math.Cos(i * radiansPerItem) * hypotenuseRadius;
                var opposite = Math.Sin(i * radiansPerItem) * hypotenuseRadius;

                button.CentreX = _centreCanvas.X + opposite;
                button.CentreY = _centreCanvas.Y - adjacent;

                button.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, GetBinding("Time", converter: isCheckedConverter, converterParameter: i));
                button.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, GetBinding("X", button));
                button.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, GetBinding("Y", button));

                button.Content = (i == 60 ? 0 : (i == 24 && clockDisplayMode == ClockDisplayMode.Hours ? 0 : i)).ToString(format);
예제 #2
        private void GenerateButtons(Panel canvas, ICollection <int> range, double radiusRatio, IValueConverter isCheckedConverter, Func <int, string> stylePropertySelector,
                                     string format, int interval = 1)
            var anglePerItem   = 360.0 / range.Count;
            var radiansPerItem = anglePerItem * (Math.PI / 180);

            //nothing fancy with sizing/measuring...we are demanding a height
            if (canvas.Width < 10.0 || Math.Abs(canvas.Height - canvas.Width) > 0.0)

            _centreCanvas = new Point(canvas.Width / 2, canvas.Height / 2);
            var hypotenuseRadius = _centreCanvas.X * radiusRatio;

            var lastItem = range.LastOrDefault();

            range = range.Where(i => i % interval == 0).ToList();   //generate buttons only for values % the given interval
            if (!range.Contains(lastItem))
                range.Add(lastItem);    //zero value should always be displayed (item 24 or 60)
            foreach (var i in range)
                var button = new ClockItemButton();
                button.SetBinding(StyleProperty, GetBinding(stylePropertySelector(i)));

                var adjacent = Math.Cos(i * radiansPerItem) * hypotenuseRadius;
                var opposite = Math.Sin(i * radiansPerItem) * hypotenuseRadius;

                button.CentreX = _centreCanvas.X + opposite;
                button.CentreY = _centreCanvas.Y - adjacent;

                button.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, GetBinding("Time", converter: isCheckedConverter, converterParameter: i));
                button.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, GetBinding("X", button));
                button.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, GetBinding("Y", button));

                button.Content = (i == 60 ? 0 : (i == 24 ? 0 : i)).ToString(format);
		private void GenerateButtons(Panel canvas, ICollection<int> range, double radiusRatio, IValueConverter isCheckedConverter, Func<int, string> stylePropertySelector,
            string format)
			var anglePerItem = 360.0 / range.Count;
			var radiansPerItem = anglePerItem * (Math.PI / 180);

			//nothing fancy with sizing/measuring...we are demanding a height
			if (canvas.Width < 10.0 || Math.Abs(canvas.Height - canvas.Width) > 0.0) return;

            _centreCanvas = new Point(canvas.Width / 2, canvas.Height / 2);
            var hypotenuseRadius = _centreCanvas.X * radiusRatio;

			foreach (var i in range)
				var button = new ClockItemButton();
				button.SetBinding(StyleProperty, GetBinding(stylePropertySelector(i)));

				var adjacent = Math.Cos(i*radiansPerItem)*hypotenuseRadius;
				var opposite = Math.Sin(i*radiansPerItem)*hypotenuseRadius;

			    button.CentreX = _centreCanvas.X + opposite;
                button.CentreY = _centreCanvas.Y - adjacent;

				button.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, GetBinding("Time", converter: isCheckedConverter, converterParameter: i));
				button.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, GetBinding("X", button));
				button.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, GetBinding("Y", button));

				button.Content = (i == 60 ? 0 : (i == 24 ? 0 : i)).ToString(format);