public ScrollView GetAddNewLayout(MenuItemType type, BaseMenuItem item = null) { var scrollView = new ScrollView(this); var layout = new LinearLayout(this); layout.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; var aLabel = new TextView(this); aLabel.Text = string.Format("What is the name of the {0}?", type.ToString()); layout.AddView(aLabel); var textField = new EditText(this); layout.AddView(textField); var saveButton = new Button(this); saveButton.Text = "Create"; saveButton.Click += (sender, e) => { switch (type) { case MenuItemType.Game: menu.Games.Add(new GameNode(textField.Text)); UpdateMenu(); SetContentView(GetHomeLayout()); break; case MenuItemType.PlayerCharacter: var newCharacter = new PlayerCharacterNode(textField.Text, (GameNode)item); ((GameNode)item).Characters.Add(newCharacter); var gameItem = (GameNode)UpdateMenu(type, newCharacter); SetContentView(GetGameLayout(gameItem)); break; case MenuItemType.Opponent: var newOpponent = new OpponentMatchupNode(textField.Text, (PlayerCharacterNode)item); ((PlayerCharacterNode)item).Opponents.Add(newOpponent); var newItem = (PlayerCharacterNode)UpdateMenu(type, newOpponent); SetContentView(GetCharacterLayout(newItem)); break; default: break; } }; layout.AddView(saveButton); scrollView.AddView(layout); return scrollView; }
public ScrollView GetOpponentLayout(OpponentMatchupNode pOpponent) { var scrollView = new ScrollView(this); var layout = new LinearLayout(this); layout.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; var aLabel = new TextView(this); aLabel.Text = pOpponent.Parent.Title + " VS " + pOpponent.Title; layout.AddView(aLabel); var winButton = new Button(this); winButton.Text = "Wins: " + pOpponent.Wins; winButton.Click += (sender, e) => { pOpponent.Wins++; UpdateMenu(); SetContentView(GetOpponentLayout(pOpponent)); }; layout.AddView(winButton); var lossButton = new Button(this); lossButton.Text = "Losses: " + pOpponent.Losses; lossButton.Click += (sender, e) => { pOpponent.Losses++; UpdateMenu(); SetContentView(GetOpponentLayout(pOpponent)); }; layout.AddView(lossButton); var notesLabel = new TextView(this); notesLabel.Text = pOpponent.Notes; layout.AddView(notesLabel); var editButton = new Button(this); editButton.Text = "Edit"; editButton.Click += (sender, e) => { SetContentView(GetEditLayout(pOpponent)); }; layout.AddView(editButton); var backButton = new Button(this); backButton.Text = "Back"; backButton.Click += (sender, e) => { SetContentView(GetCharacterLayout(pOpponent.Parent)); }; layout.AddView(backButton); scrollView.AddView(layout); return scrollView; }
public ScrollView GetEditLayout(OpponentMatchupNode item) { var scrollView = new ScrollView(this); var layout = new LinearLayout(this); layout.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; var aLabel = new TextView(this); aLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} VS {1} Notes:", item.Parent.Title, item.Title); layout.AddView(aLabel); var textField = new EditText(this); textField.Text = item.Notes; layout.AddView(textField); var saveButton = new Button(this); saveButton.Text = "Save"; saveButton.Click += (sender, e) => { item.Notes = textField.Text; UpdateMenu(); SetContentView(GetOpponentLayout(item)); }; layout.AddView(saveButton); scrollView.AddView(layout); return scrollView; }