예제 #1
파일: Scanner.cs 프로젝트: akoltz/ggcbnet
        private async Task UpdatePartitionAsync(IMatchHistoryGetNextPlayerCollectionResult partition, PartitionUpdateResult stats)
            // We'll decrement this each time we update one.
            stats.NumPlayersFailed = partition.Players.Count;

            // This scanner may support performance tuning options that allow the administrator
            // to configure the number of simultaneous threads used in scanning.  This is so that
            // we can safely turn on scanning in the web worker roles without worrying about
            // too much of a perf impact on the site itself.  We refresh this value each time
            // so that we adjust when the configuration is changed.
            int? degreeOfParallelism = _scannerConfig.RefreshMaxDegreeOfParallelism();

            await UpdateAppState("Updating Players in set " + partition.CollectionId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.TraceInformation("Updating partition running up to {0} simultaneous workers", degreeOfParallelism.HasValue ? degreeOfParallelism.ToString() : "unlimited");

            int numWinsForPartition = 0;

            // Update the players in this partition.
            await Async.ForEachAsync(partition.Players, degreeOfParallelism, async (player) =>
                int numWinsForPlayer = await UpdatePlayerAsync(player, stats).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Interlocked.Add(ref numWinsForPartition, numWinsForPlayer);

            // This will naturally be updated in table storage when the lock is released.  
            partition.PlayerSet.TotalWinsForEvent += numWinsForPartition;
예제 #2
파일: Scanner.cs 프로젝트: akoltz/ggcbnet
        private async Task RecordLatestRefreshResult(PartitionUpdateResult refreshResult)
            var record = _participationHandle.CreateDetailedInfoRecord(InfoLevel.Progress);

            record.AddEntry("PartitionId", refreshResult.PartitionId);
            record.AddEntry("TimeTilNextUpdate", refreshResult.TimeTilNextUpdate.HasValue ? (long)refreshResult.TimeTilNextUpdate.Value.TotalSeconds : -1);
            record.AddEntry("TotalDuration", (long)refreshResult.TotalDuration.Value.TotalMilliseconds);
            record.AddEntry("GetPartitionDuration", (long)refreshResult.GetPartitionDuration.Value.TotalMilliseconds);
            record.AddEntry("UpdatePartitionDuration", (long)refreshResult.UpdatePartitionDuration.Value.TotalMilliseconds);
            record.AddEntry("NumPlayersUpdated", refreshResult.NumPlayersUpdated);
            record.AddEntry("NumNewMatchesFound", refreshResult.NumNewMatchesFound);
            record.AddEntry("NumNewWinsFound", refreshResult.NumNewWinsFound);
            record.AddEntry("NumRetrieveMatchesFailures", refreshResult.NumRetrieveMatchesFailures);
            record.AddEntry("NumMatchResultsProviderFailures", refreshResult.NumMatchResultsProviderFailures);
            record.AddEntry("NumPlayersFailed", refreshResult.NumPlayersFailed);
            record.AddEntry("NumSaveMatchesFailures", refreshResult.NumSaveMatchesFailures);
            record.AddEntry("NumUpdateRegistrationFailures", refreshResult.NumUpdateRegistrationFailures);
            record.AddEntry("AreResultsOfficial", refreshResult.AreResultsOfficial ? 1 : 0);

            await _participationHandle.IncrementWorkItemsCompletedAsync(refreshResult.NumPlayersUpdated).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await record.SaveAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #3
파일: Scanner.cs 프로젝트: akoltz/ggcbnet
        private async Task<int> UpdatePlayerAsync(IMatchHistoryWritablePlayerResults player, PartitionUpdateResult stats)
            Log.TraceInformation("Updating player {0}", player.Registration.PlayerId);

            IMatchResultsProviderResult latestMatches = null;
            List<IMatchResult> previousMatches = null;
            const int maxRetries = 3;
            int numAttempts = 0;
            int previousErrorCount = player.ErrorCount;

            while ((numAttempts < maxRetries)
                    && (latestMatches == null || previousMatches == null))
                if (numAttempts > 0)


                ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<IMatchResultsProviderResult> latestMatchesTask = Task.FromResult<IMatchResultsProviderResult>(null).ConfigureAwait(false);
                ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<List<IMatchResult>> previousMatchesTask = Task.FromResult<List<IMatchResult>>(null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Log.TraceInformation("Starting the task to retrieve player {0}'s stored matches", player.Registration.PlayerId);

                // Start the task to grab the matches for this player from our storage.
                if (previousMatches == null)
                    previousMatchesTask = player.GetMatchesAsync(Traits.NumMatchesPerQuery).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Log.TraceInformation("Starting the task to retrieve player {0}'s latest results", player.Registration.PlayerId);

                // Start the task to grab the most recent matches for this player.
                if (latestMatches == null)
                    latestMatchesTask = _resultsProvider.GetMatchesForPlayerAsync(

                Log.TraceInformation("Finishing the task to retrieve player {0}'s stored matches", player.Registration.PlayerId);

                    previousMatches = await previousMatchesTask;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Failed to retrieve the stored matches for player {0} with the following exception: {1}", player.Registration.PlayerId, exception);
                        String.Format("Worker {0} failed to get old matches from storage for player {1}", _workerId, player.Registration.PlayerId), 

                    if (IsCriticalException(exception))

                Log.TraceInformation("Finishing the task to retrieve player {0}'s latest results", player.Registration.PlayerId);

                    latestMatches = await latestMatchesTask;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Failed to retrieve the latest matches for player {0} with the following exception: {1}", player.Registration.PlayerId, exception);
                        String.Format("Worker {0} failed to get new matches for player {1}", _workerId, player.Registration.PlayerId), 

                    if (IsCriticalException(exception))

            // Count the error and then abandon updating this player.
            if (latestMatches == null)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.NumMatchResultsProviderFailures);
            if (previousMatches == null)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.NumRetrieveMatchesFailures);
            if (latestMatches == null || previousMatches == null)
                Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Abandoning the update for player {0}", player.Registration.PlayerId);

                await player.UpdateErrorCountAsync(previousErrorCount + 1).ConfigureAwait(false);

                return 0;

            // I decided to force the provider to specify the order so that it was always an explicit decision.
            // Without doing this, I often forgot which order was used.  But only one is really supported.  Better
            // to explicitly throw if the wrong one is used rather than silently fail.
            if (latestMatches.Order == MatchOrdering.LeastRecentlyPlayedFirst)
                throw new NotSupportedException("This ordering is not supported.  You must return matches in most-recently-played order.");

            Log.TraceInformation("Merging player {0}'s matches", player.Registration.PlayerId);
            // Merge the two lists, and extract the matches that are new.
            var newMatches = MergeMatches(previousMatches, latestMatches.Matches);

            Log.TraceInformation("Found {0} new matches for player {1}", newMatches.Count, player.Registration.PlayerId);

            Interlocked.Add(ref stats.NumNewMatchesFound, newMatches.Count);

            // We may be in the baseline phase, in which case we want to add matches
            // to the history, but we don't want to count them towards their goal
            // yet.
            bool shouldCountOfficialResults = ShouldCountOfficialResults();

            if (shouldCountOfficialResults)
                Log.TraceInformation("Adding wins to the official result count for player {0}", player.Registration.PlayerId);
                Interlocked.Add(ref stats.NumNewWinsFound, newMatches.Where(m => m.IsWin).Count());

            // We also should only count matches that occurred in the event timeframe. 
            // When we're finishing the event, we'll do a scan after it completes to make sure
            // we don't miss any results, but we might pick up matches that were played after
            // the deadline.  Exclude those.  Similarly, during baselining we exclude matches
            // that occurred before the event started.
            int numWinsToCountTowardsEvent = (!shouldCountOfficialResults) ? 0 :
                  newMatches.Where(m => (m.IsWin)
                                   && (m.DatePlayed > _scanTraits.EventStart) 
                                   && (m.DatePlayed < _scanTraits.EventEnd)).Count();

            // Flush the matches we've found for the current player.
            Log.TraceInformation("Flushing matches for player {0}", player.Registration.PlayerId);
                await player.AddMatchesAndFlushAsync(newMatches, latestMatches.ContinuationToken, numWinsToCountTowardsEvent).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref stats.NumPlayersFailed);
            catch(Exception exception)
                Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Failed to flush the new matches for player {0} with exception {1}", 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.NumSaveMatchesFailures);
                player.UpdateErrorCountAsync(previousErrorCount + 1).Wait();

                if (IsCriticalException(exception))

            Log.TraceInformation("Updating the registration for player {0}", player.Registration.PlayerId);
                await GGCharityDatabase.GetRetryPolicy().ExecuteAsync(async () =>
                    using (GGCharityDatabase db = new GGCharityDatabase(null, null))
                        await db.PerformAsync(async () =>
                            var eventRegistration = await db.EventRegistrations.FindAsync(player.Registration.PlayerId, Int32.Parse(_scanTraits.EventId));
                            eventRegistration.WinsAchieved += numWinsToCountTowardsEvent;
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Failed to update the registration for player {0} with exception {1}", 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.NumUpdateRegistrationFailures);
                player.UpdateErrorCountAsync(previousErrorCount + 1).Wait();
                if (IsCriticalException(exception))

            return numWinsToCountTowardsEvent;
예제 #4
파일: Scanner.cs 프로젝트: akoltz/ggcbnet
        public async Task<PartitionUpdateResult> RefreshNextPartitionAsync()
            Log.TraceInformation("Refreshing the next partition...");

            await UpdateAppState("Searching for stale partitions").ConfigureAwait(false);

            PartitionUpdateResult result = new PartitionUpdateResult();
            using (new DurationMeasurement(result.TotalDuration))
                TimeSpan getEntriesStalerThan = GetRefreshTime();
                Log.TraceInformation("The refresh time for this iteration is {0}", getEntriesStalerThan);

                // Get the most stale collection that hasn't been refreshed in the specified
                // time period.
                IMatchHistoryGetNextPlayerCollectionResult nextCollectionResult;
                using (new DurationMeasurement(result.GetPartitionDuration))
                    Log.TraceInformation("Getting the next collection");
                    nextCollectionResult = await _collection.GetNextPlayerCollectionForUpdateAsync(getEntriesStalerThan, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // The partition is empty, which means there are currently no accounts that 
                // are staler than the specified time period.  For test passes, or for official
                // runs after the event has ended, this means we're done.  For official runs, 
                // while the event is in progress, this means we sleep.
                if (nextCollectionResult.Players == null)
                    Log.TraceInformation("Did not find a stale collection");
                    if ((Traits.Type == ScanType.TestPass)
                        || (Time.UtcNow > Traits.EventEnd))
                        Log.TraceInformation("Found that the scan is over");
                        // Only hit each player once.  If there are no more
                        // stale entries then we're done.
                        result.TimeTilNextUpdate = null;
                        result.TimeTilNextUpdate = nextCollectionResult.timeTilNextUpdate.Value;
                        Log.TraceInformation("No work to do at the moment, but the scan is ongoing.  Wait time of {0}", result.TimeTilNextUpdate);
                    Log.TraceInformation("Found stale player collection {0}, refreshing...", nextCollectionResult.CollectionId);
                    result.TimeTilNextUpdate = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    result.PartitionId = nextCollectionResult.CollectionId;
                    result.AreResultsOfficial = ShouldCountOfficialResults();
                    result.NumPlayersUpdated = nextCollectionResult.Players.Count;

                    // There are players that we need to scan.  The lock is already held.
                    using (new DurationMeasurement(result.UpdatePartitionDuration))
                        using (nextCollectionResult.Lock)
                            Log.TraceInformation("Refreshing partition {0}", nextCollectionResult.CollectionId);
                                await UpdatePartitionAsync(nextCollectionResult, result).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            catch (LockHasExpiredException)
                                // Lock expired, we need to move on to the next partition.
                                Log.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Critical, 0, "The lock expired while updating collection {0}", nextCollectionResult.CollectionId);

            await RecordLatestRefreshResult(result);

            return result;