private void DigBlock(int x, int y, IPlayer player, float digStrength, bool mining, bool explosion = false) { if (digHardness == null) resetDigHardness(); if (!(x > 0 && y > 0 && x < bot.Room.Width && y < bot.Room.Height)) return; if (digHardness[x, y] <= 0) return; IBlock block = bot.Room.getBlock(0, x, y); int blockId = -1; float blockXp = 0; DigPlayer digPlayer = null; if (player != null) { if (!player.HasMetadata("digplayer")) player.SetMetadata("digplayer", new DigPlayer(player)); digPlayer = (DigPlayer)player.GetMetadata("digplayer"); } if (mining) { InventoryItem temp = ItemManager.GetItemFromOreId(block.Id); if (temp != null) { Ore ore = ItemManager.GetOreByName(temp.Name); blockId = 414; if (digPlayer.digLevel >= Convert.ToInt32(ore.LevelRequired)) { if (digHardness[x, y] <= digStrength) { digHardness[x, y] = 0F; InventoryItem newsak = new InventoryItem(temp); digPlayer.Inventory.AddItem(newsak, 1); int oldLevel = digPlayer.digLevel; digPlayer.digXp += Convert.ToInt32(ore.XPGain); int newLevel = digPlayer.digLevel; if (newLevel > oldLevel) player.Reply("You have leveled up to level " + newLevel + "!"); } } else { return; } } } if (explosion) blockId = 414; switch (block.Id) { case BlockIds.Blocks.Sand.BROWN: blockId = 414; blockXp = 0.08f; break; case BlockIds.Blocks.Sand.GRAY: blockId = 414; blockXp = 0.1f; break; case 1022: // gray bricks blockId = 414; blockXp = 0.2f; break; case BlockIds.Blocks.JungleRuins.BLUE: blockId = BlockIds.Action.Liquids.WATER; blockXp = 0.1f; break; case 21: blockId = 369; //BlockIds.Action.Liquids.MUD; blockXp = 0.1f; break; default: if (blockId == -1) return; else break; } digHardness[x, y] -= digStrength; if (digHardness[x, y] <= 0) { digHardness[x, y] = 0f; bot.Room.setBlock(x, y, new NormalBlock(blockId)); lock (dugBlocksToPlaceQueueLock) dugBlocksToPlaceQueue.Enqueue(new BlockWithPos(x, y, block)); if (blockXp > 0 && digPlayer != null) digPlayer.digXp += blockXp; } }
public void Load(SaveFile file) { Dictionary<string, Node> nodes = file.Nodes; if (nodes.ContainsKey("inventory")) { Node inventory = nodes["inventory"]; //For each item in inventory foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> item in inventory.Nodes) { IInventoryItem inventoryItem = new InventoryItem(item.Key); int amount = int.Parse(item.Value.Nodes["amount"].Value); //For each data entry in item foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> data in item.Value.Nodes) { if (data.Key.Equals("amount")) continue; inventoryItem.SetData(data.Key, data.Value.Value); } AddItem(inventoryItem, amount); } } }
public bool Equals(InventoryItem item) { return item.Name == Name; }
public InventoryItem(InventoryItem item) { =; _name = item.Name; }
public bool Equals(InventoryItem item) { return(item.Name == Name); }