/// <summary> /// Re-Formats a Markdown table to nicely formatted output (size permitting) /// </summary> /// <param name="tableMarkdown"></param> /// <returns>formatted markdown, if it can't be formatted original is returned</returns> public string FormatMarkdownTable(string tableMarkdown) { var parser = new TableParser(); var type = parser.DetectTableType(tableMarkdown); if (type == MarkdownTableType.None) { return(null); } var tableData = ParseMarkdownToData(tableMarkdown); if (tableData == null) { return(tableMarkdown); } string output = null; switch (type) { case MarkdownTableType.Pipe: output = parser.ToPipeTableMarkdown(tableData); break; case MarkdownTableType.Grid: output = parser.ToGridTableMarkdown(tableData); break; case MarkdownTableType.Html: output = parser.ToTableHtml(tableData); break; } return(output); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var name = (sender as Control).Name; if (sender == ButtonOk) { var parser = new TableParser(); if (TableMode == "Grid Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToGridTableMarkdown(TableData); } else if (TableMode == "HTML Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToTableHtml(TableData); } else { TableHtml = parser.ToPipeTableMarkdown(TableData); } Cancelled = false; DialogResult = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonCancel) { Cancelled = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonPasteHtml) { CreateTableFromClipboardHtml(); } else if (sender == ButtonImportCsv) { var form = new TableEditorCsvImport(); form.Owner = this; form.ShowDialog(); if (form.IsCancelled) { return; } var parser = new TableParser(); bool deleteCsvFile = false; string csvFile = form.CsvFilename; if (form.ImportFromClipboard) { string csvText = ClipboardHelper.GetText(); csvFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); csvFile = Path.ChangeExtension(csvFile, "csv"); File.WriteAllText(csvFile, csvText); deleteCsvFile = true; } var data = parser.ParseCsvFileToData(csvFile, form.CsvSeparator); if (data == null || data.Count < 1) { AppModel.Window.ShowStatusError($"Couldn\'t open file {csvFile} or the file is empty."); return; } TableData = data; DataGridTableEditor.TableSource = TableData; if (deleteCsvFile) { File.Delete(csvFile); } } var focusedTextBox = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this) as TextBox; if (focusedTextBox == null) { return; } if ("MenuInsertColumnRight" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Right); } else if ("MenuInsertColumnLeft" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Left); } else if ("MenuDeleteColumn" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column); } else if ("MenuInsertRowBelow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Below); } else if ("MenuInsertRowAbove" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Above); } else if ("MenuDeleteRow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteRow(pos.Row, pos.Column); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var name = (sender as Control).Name; if (sender == ButtonOk) { var parser = new TableParser(); if (TableMode == "Grid Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToGridTableMarkdown(TableData); } else if (TableMode == "HTML Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToTableHtml(TableData); } else { TableHtml = parser.ToPipeTableMarkdown(TableData); } Cancelled = false; DialogResult = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonCancel) { Cancelled = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonPasteHtml) { CreateTableFromClipboardHtml(); } else if (sender == ButtonImportCsv) { var fd = new OpenFileDialog { DefaultExt = ".csv", Filter = "Csv files (*.csv)|*.csv|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", CheckFileExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, Multiselect = false, Title = "Open CsvFile" }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder)) { fd.InitialDirectory = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; } var res = fd.ShowDialog(); if (res == null || !res.Value) { return; } var parser = new TableParser(); var data = parser.ParseCsvFileToData(fd.FileName); if (data == null || data.Count < 1) { AppModel.Window.ShowStatusError($"Couldn\'t open file {fd.FileName} or the file is empty."); return; } TableData = data; DataGridTableEditor.TableSource = TableData; } var focusedTextBox = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this) as TextBox; if (focusedTextBox == null) { return; } if ("MenuInsertColumnRight" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Right); } else if ("MenuInsertColumnLeft" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Left); } else if ("MenuDeleteColumn" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column); } else if ("MenuInsertRowBelow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Below); } else if ("MenuInsertRowAbove" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Above); } else if ("MenuDeleteRow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteRow(pos.Row, pos.Column); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var name = (sender as Control).Name; if (sender == ButtonOk) { var parser = new TableParser(); if (TableMode == "Grid Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToGridTableMarkdown(TableData); } else if (TableMode == "HTML Table") { TableHtml = parser.ToTableHtml(TableData); } else { TableHtml = parser.ToPipeTableMarkdown(TableData); } Cancelled = false; DialogResult = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonCancel) { Cancelled = true; Close(); } else if (sender == ButtonPasteHtml) { CreateTableFromClipboardHtml(); } var focusedTextBox = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this) as TextBox; if (focusedTextBox == null) { return; } if (sender == ButtonInsertColumnRight || "MenuInsertColumnRight" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Right); } else if (sender == ButtonInsertColumnLeft || "MenuInsertColumnLeft" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column, ColumnInsertLocation.Left); } else if (sender == ButtonDeleteColumn || "MenuDeleteColumn" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteColumn(pos.Row, pos.Column); } else if (sender == ButtonInsertRowBelow || "MenuInsertRowBelow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Below); } else if (sender == ButtonInsertRowAbove || "MenuInsertRowAbove" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.AddRow(pos.Row, pos.Column, RowInsertLocation.Above); } else if (sender == ButtonDeleteRow || "MenuDeleteRow" == name) { var pos = focusedTextBox.Tag as TablePosition; DataGridTableEditor.DeleteRow(pos.Row, pos.Column); } }