예제 #1
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            if (GetResponseFunctions.Count == 0) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to get a response for \"" + context.Message.Text + "\", but no valid responses have been registered.");

            return GetResponseFunctions[new Random().Next(GetResponseFunctions.Count - 1)](context);
        public void GivenASlackMessageWhenThereIsNotAYouTubeLinkThenReturnFalse(string text)
            var slackMessage = new SlackMessage {Text = text};

            var isYouTubeLink = slackMessage.IsYouTubeLink();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, isYouTubeLink);
예제 #3
        public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
            if (this.Scorebook == null || this.TeamID != context.TeamID) {
                // start up scorebook for this team
                this.TeamID = context.TeamID;
                this.Scorebook = new Scorebook(TeamID);
            // put the scorebook in context in case someone wants to see the scoreboard

            return !context.Message.User.IsSlackbot && Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, SCORE_REGEX);
        protected virtual BotMessage GetExceptionResponse(Exception exception, SlackMessage message)
            this.supportApi.CreateSupportTicketOnTrello(new SupportTicketModel()
                                                    Message = exception.ToString(),
                                                    Subject = "Exception in Bot Runner",
                                                    Status = (int) Status.Open,
                                                    Type = (int) SupportType.Bug

            reactionApi.AddReaction(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BotKey"], "exclamation", message.GetChannelId(), message.GetTimeStamp());
            return new BotMessage { Text = "" };
예제 #5
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            string message =
                @"I'm " + context.BotUserName + " v." +
                version.Major.ToString() + "." +
                version.Minor.ToString() + "." +
                version.Build.ToString() + "! Here's what all's been goin' on with me lately.```" +
                "- Those nerdy bots down at my local game store have suckered me into learnin' how to play Dungeons and Draggins! Ask me about my character!\n" +
                "- My internet legacy is growin', y'all! My wiki at https://github.com/jammerware/margiebot/wiki is real polished now, and you can add me to your next bot project from NuGet! Just Install-Package MargieBot. \n" +

            return new BotMessage() { Text = message };
        private BotMessage FineRecipients(List<string> userIds, UserModel issuer, string reason, SlackMessage message)
            foreach(var slackId in userIds)
                var userModel = this.userApi.GetUserBySlackId(slackId);

                IssueFineResult result = this.fineApi.IssueFine(issuer.Id, userModel.Id, reason);

                if (result.HasErrors) {
                    return this.GetErrorResponse(result, message);

            reactionApi.AddReaction(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BotKey"], "ok_hand", message.GetChannelId(), message.GetTimeStamp());

            return new BotMessage{ Text = ""};
예제 #7
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            Match match = Regex.Match(context.Message.Text, WIKI_MULTIWORD_REGEX);
            string searchTerm = string.Empty;
            if (match.Success) {
                searchTerm = match.Groups["term"].Value;
            else {
                match = Regex.Match(context.Message.Text, WIKI_SINGLEWORD_REGEX);
                searchTerm = match.Groups["term"].Value;
            string requestUrl = string.Format("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&format=json&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&srsearch={0}&utf8=&continue=", WebUtility.UrlEncode(searchTerm.Trim()));
            string response = new NoobWebClient().GetResponse(requestUrl, RequestMethod.Get).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            JObject responseData = JObject.Parse(response);

            if (responseData["query"] != null && responseData["query"]["searchinfo"] != null) {
                int totalHits = responseData["query"]["searchinfo"]["totalhits"].Value<int>();

                if (totalHits > 0) {
                    string articleTitle = responseData["query"]["search"][0]["title"].Value<string>();
                    string articleRequestUrl = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&titles=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(articleTitle);
                    string articleResponse = new NoobWebClient().GetResponse(articleRequestUrl, RequestMethod.Get).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    JObject articleData = JObject.Parse(articleResponse);

                    if (articleData["query"]["pages"]["-1"] == null) {
                        string summary = articleData["query"]["pages"].First.First["extract"].Value<string>();
                        if (summary.IndexOf('\n') > 0) {
                            summary = summary.Substring(0, summary.IndexOf('\n'));

                        return new BotMessage() {
                            Text = "Awwww yeah. I know all about that. Check it, y'all!: " + string.Format("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{0}", articleTitle.Replace(" ", "_")) + " \n> " + summary

            return new BotMessage() {
                Text = "I never heard of that, which isn't all that surprisin'. What IS surprisin' is that neither has Wikipedia. Have you been hangin' out behind the barn again with SkeeterBot?"
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> scores = context.Get<Scorebook>().GetScores();

            if (scores.Count > 0) {
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(context.Get<Phrasebook>().GetScoreboardHype());

                // add the scores to a list for sorting. while we do, figure out who has the longest name for the pseudo table formatting
                List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> sortedScores = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();
                string longestName = string.Empty;

                foreach (string key in scores.Keys) {
                    KeyValuePair<string, int> newScore = new KeyValuePair<string, int>(context.UserNameCache[key], scores[key]);

                    if(newScore.Key.Length > longestName.Length) {
                        longestName = newScore.Key;

                sortedScores.Sort((x, y) => { return y.Value.CompareTo(x.Value); });

                foreach(KeyValuePair<string, int> userScore in sortedScores)  {
                    StringBuilder nameString = new StringBuilder(userScore.Key);
                    while(nameString.Length < longestName.Length) {
                        nameString.Append(" ");

                    builder.Append(nameString.ToString() + " | " + userScore.Value.ToString() + "\n");


                return new BotMessage() {
                    Text = builder.ToString()
            else { return new BotMessage() { Text = "Not a one-of-ya has scored yet. Come on, sleepyheads!" }; }
예제 #9
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            string data = string.Empty;
            if (LastDataGrab != null && LastDataGrab.Value > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10)) {
                data = LastData;
            else {
                NoobWebClient client = new NoobWebClient();
                data = client.GetResponse("http://api.wunderground.com/api/" + WundergroundAPIKey + "/conditions/q/TN/Nashville.json", RequestMethod.Get).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                LastData = data;
                LastDataGrab = DateTime.Now;

            JObject jData = JObject.Parse(data);
            if (jData["current_observation"] != null) {
                string tempString = jData["current_observation"]["temp_f"].Value<string>();
                double temp = double.Parse(tempString);

                return new BotMessage() { Text = "It's about " + Math.Round(temp).ToString() + "° out, and it's " + jData["current_observation"]["weather"].Value<string>().ToLower() + ". " + context.Get<Phrasebook>().GetWeatherAnalysis(temp) + "\n\nIf you wanna see more. head over to " + jData["current_observation"]["forecast_url"].Value<string>() + " - my girlfriend DonnaBot works over there!" };
            else {
                return new BotMessage() { Text = "Aww, nuts. My weatherbot gal-pal ain't around. Try 'gin later - she's prolly just fixin' her makeup." };
예제 #10
 public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
     return (context.Message.ChatHub.Type == SlackChatHubType.DM || context.Message.MentionsBot) && (Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, WIKI_MULTIWORD_REGEX) || Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, WIKI_SINGLEWORD_REGEX));
예제 #11
 public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
     return (context.Message.MentionsBot || context.Message.ChatHub.Type == SlackChatHubType.DM) && Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, @"\bscore\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
예제 #12
        static void _bot_MessageReceived(string json)
            //Copied from MargieBot source and modified to allow all messages

            var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
            if (jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.Type].Value<string>() != "message") return;

            var channelID = jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.Channel].Value<string>();
            SlackChatHub hub;

            if (_bot.ConnectedHubs.ContainsKey(channelID))
                hub = _bot.ConnectedHubs[channelID];
                hub = SlackChatHub.FromID(channelID);
                var hubs = new List<SlackChatHub>();

            var messageText = (jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.Text] != null ? jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.Text].Value<string>() : null);

            var message = new SlackMessage
                ChatHub = hub,
                RawData = json,
                Text = messageText,
                User = (jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.User] != null ? new SlackUser { ID = jObject[Keys.Slack.MessageJson.User].Value<string>() } : null)

            var context = new ResponseContext
                BotHasResponded = false,
                BotUserID = _bot.UserID,
                BotUserName = _bot.UserName,
                Message = message,
                TeamID = _bot.TeamID,
                UserNameCache = new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>(_userNameCache)

            if (_bot.ResponseContext != null)
                foreach (var key in _bot.ResponseContext.Keys)
                    context.Set(key, _bot.ResponseContext[key]);

            foreach (var handler in _messageHandlers)
예제 #13
 public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
     return (context.Message.MentionsBot || context.Message.ChatHub.Type == SlackChatHubType.DM) && Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, DEFINE_REGEX);
 protected virtual BotMessage GetErrorResponse(ValidationResult result, SlackMessage message)
     reactionApi.AddReaction(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BotKey"], "raised_hand", message.GetChannelId(), message.GetTimeStamp());
     chatApi.PostMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BotKey"], message.User.ID, result.FullTrace);
     return new BotMessage { Text = "" };
예제 #15
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            // perform scoring
            List<ScoringResult> scoringResults = new List<ScoringResult>();

            // bet you anything there's a better way to do this
            Match match = Regex.Match(context.Message.Text, SCORE_REGEX);
            for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups["formattedUserID"].Captures.Count; i++) {
                scoringResults.Add(new ScoringResult() {
                    FormattedUserID = match.Groups["formattedUserID"].Captures[i].Value,
                    IsNewScorer = !this.Scorebook.HasUserScored(match.Groups["userID"].Captures[i].Value),
                    IsValidScorer = (match.Groups["userID"].Captures[i].Value != context.Message.User.ID),
                    UserID = match.Groups["userID"].Captures[i].Value

            IList<string> newScorers = scoringResults.Where(r => r.IsNewScorer).Select(r => r.UserID).ToList();
            IList<string> scoringUsers = scoringResults.Where(r => r.IsValidScorer).Select(r => r.UserID).ToList();
            IList<string> allUsers = scoringResults.Select(r => r.UserID).ToList();

            // score the users and shove the scorebook into the context for use by the ScoreboardRequestResponder
            Scorebook.ScoreUsers(scoringUsers, 1);

            Phrasebook phrasebook = context.Get<Phrasebook>();
            StringBuilder responseBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (allUsers.Contains(context.Message.User.ID)) {
                responseBuilder.Append(string.Format("Bless your heart, {0}. You can't score yourself - what kinda game would that be?! Y'all, {0} is cute, but I think he/she might be dumb as a box o' rocks.\n\n", context.Message.User.FormattedUserID));

            if(scoringUsers.Count() > 0) {
                if(responseBuilder.Length > 0) {
                    responseBuilder.Append("Anyway... ");

                if(scoringUsers.Count() == 1) {
                    if(scoringUsers[0] == context.BotUserID) {
                        int margieScore = Scorebook.GetUserScore(context.BotUserID);
                        responseBuilder.Append(string.Format("Awwww, aren't you a sweetie! *[blushes]* If you insist. Now I have {0} point{1}.\n\n", margieScore, margieScore == 1 ? string.Empty : "s"));
                    else if(newScorers.Contains(scoringUsers[0])) {
                        responseBuilder.Append(string.Format("A new challenger appears, y'all! {0} is on the board with a point. {1}", scoringResults.Where(r => r.UserID == scoringUsers[0]).First().FormattedUserID, phrasebook.GetAffirmation()));
                    else {
                        ScoringResult scoredUser = scoringResults.Where(r => r.UserID == scoringUsers[0]).First();

                                "{0} {1} just scored a point. {2} {1}, your score is now {3}.",
                else {
                    responseBuilder.Append("There's points all over this joint, y'all. ");
                    IList<ScoringResult> scoringUserResults = scoringResults.Where(r => r.IsValidScorer).ToList();

                    if (scoringUserResults.Count == 2) {
                                "{1} and {2} each just scored a point. {3}",
                    else {
                        for (int i = 0; i < scoringUserResults.Count; i++) {

                            if (i < scoringResults.Count - 2) {
                                responseBuilder.Append(", ");
                            else if(i == scoringResults.Count - 2) {
                                responseBuilder.Append(", and ");

                        responseBuilder.Append(" each just scored a point. " + phrasebook.GetExclamation());


            return new BotMessage() { Text = responseBuilder.ToString().Trim() };
        private PaymentImageModel GetImage(SlackMessage message)
            var rawMessageModel = new JsonSerializer<SlackRawMessageModel>().DeserializeFromString(message.RawData);

            if(rawMessageModel.file == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawMessageModel.file.url))
                return null;

            byte[] data;

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                data = client.DownloadData(rawMessageModel.file.url);

            return new PaymentImageModel
                       FileName = rawMessageModel.file.name,
                       ImageBytes = data,
                       MimeType = rawMessageModel.file.mimetype
예제 #17
        private async Task ListenTo(string json)
           JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
            if (jObject["type"].Value<string>() == "message") {
                string channelID = jObject["channel"].Value<string>();
                SlackChatHub hub = null;

                if (ConnectedHubs.ContainsKey(channelID))
                    hub = ConnectedHubs[channelID];
                    hub = SlackChatHub.FromID(channelID);
                    Dictionary<string, SlackChatHub> hubs = new Dictionary<string, SlackChatHub>(ConnectedHubs.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value));
                    hubs.Add(hub.ID, hub);
                    ConnectedHubs = hubs;

                string messageText = (jObject["text"] != null ? jObject["text"].Value<string>() : null);
                // check to see if bot has been mentioned
                SlackMessage message = new SlackMessage() {
                    ChatHub = hub,
                    MentionsBot = (messageText != null ? Regex.IsMatch(messageText, BotNameRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) : false),
                    RawData = json,
                    // some messages may not have text or a user (like unfurled data from URLs)
                    Text = messageText,
                    User = (jObject["user"] != null ? new SlackUser() { ID = jObject["user"].Value<string>() } : null)

                ResponseContext context = new ResponseContext() {
                    BotHasResponded = false,
                    BotUserID = UserID,
                    BotUserName = UserName,
                    Message = message,
                    TeamID = this.TeamID,
                    UserNameCache = new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>(this.UserNameCache)

                // if the end dev has added any static entries to the ResponseContext collection of Bot, add them to the context being passed to the responders.
                if (ResponseContext != null) {
                    foreach (string key in ResponseContext.Keys) {
                        context.Set(key, ResponseContext[key]);

                // margie can never respond to herself and requires that the message have text and be from an actual person
                if (message.User != null && message.User.ID != UserID && message.Text != null) {
                    foreach (IResponder responder in Responders) {
                        if (responder.CanRespond(context)) {
                            await Say(responder.GetResponse(context), context);
                            context.BotHasResponded = true;

예제 #18
 public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
     return CanRespondFunction(context);
예제 #19
        public BotMessage GetResponse(SlackMessage context)
            string term = WebUtility.UrlEncode(Regex.Match(context.Message.Text, DEFINE_REGEX).Groups["term"].Value);

            NoobWebClient client = new NoobWebClient();
            string definitionData = client.GetResponse(

            XElement root = XElement.Parse(definitionData);

            if (root.Descendants("suggestion").FirstOrDefault() != null) {
                return new BotMessage() {
                    Text = "You know what? I don't even know what that is, and neither does my buddy WebsterBot. And he's super smart, y'all. He wanted to know if maybe you meant *" + root.Descendants("suggestion").First().Value + "*?"
            else if (root.Descendants("ew").FirstOrDefault() == null) {
                return new BotMessage() {
                    Text = "Are y'all funnin' with me again? That can't be a real thing, can it?"
            else {
                string word = root.Descendants("ew").First().Value;
                string partOfSpeech = root.Descendants("fl").First().Value;
                string definition = root.Descendants("dt").First().Value;
                string etymology = null;
                string audioFile = null;

                if (root.Descendants("et").FirstOrDefault() != null) {
                    etymology = root.Descendants("et").First().Value;
                    etymology = Regex.Replace(etymology, "</?it>", "_");

                // compute the sound url thing
                if (root.Descendants("sound") != null) {
                    audioFile = root.Descendants("wav").First().Value;

                    // do a bunch of dumb stuff to find the audio file URL because this API is wacky
                    // http://www.dictionaryapi.com/info/faq-audio-image.htm#collegiate
                    if (audioFile.StartsWith("bix")) {
                        audioFile = "bix/" + audioFile;
                    else if (audioFile.StartsWith("gg")) {
                        audioFile = "gg/" + audioFile;
                    else if (audioFile.StartsWith("number")) {
                        audioFile = "number/" + audioFile;
                    else {
                        audioFile = audioFile.Substring(0, 1) + "/" + audioFile;

                    audioFile = "http://media.merriam-webster.com/soundc11/" + audioFile;

                string[] defSplits = definition.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (defSplits.Length > 1) {
                    StringBuilder defBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (string def in defSplits) {
                        defBuilder.Append("• " + def + "\n");

                    definition = defBuilder.ToString();
                else { definition = definition.Replace(":", string.Empty); }

                return new BotMessage() {
                    Attachments = new List<SlackAttachment>() {
                    new SlackAttachment() {
                        ColorHex = "#AD91C2",
                        Fallback = "Define " + term,
                        Fields = new List<SlackAttachmentField>() {
                            new SlackAttachmentField() { IsShort = true, Title = "Definition", Value = definition },
                            new SlackAttachmentField() { IsShort = true, Title = "Part of Speech", Value = partOfSpeech },
                            new SlackAttachmentField() { IsShort = true, Title = "Etymology", Value = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(etymology) ? etymology : "It's a made up word. They all are.") },
                            new SlackAttachmentField() { IsShort = true, Title = "How to Say It", Value = audioFile },
                        Title =  "Define: " + term,
                        TitleLink = "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(term),
                    Text = "Well, I have literally _no_ idea what that means, so I called my friend WebsterBot."
예제 #20
 public bool CanRespond(SlackMessage context)
     return (context.Message.MentionsBot || context.Message.ChatHub.Type == SlackChatHubType.DM) && Regex.IsMatch(context.Message.Text, @"\bweather\b");