private static CALayer CreateSymbolFromVectorStyle(VectorStyle style) { const int defaultWidth = 32; const int defaultHeight = 32; var symbol = new CAShapeLayer(); if (style.Fill != null && style.Fill.Color != null) { symbol.FillColor = style.Fill.Color.ToCG(); } else { symbol.BackgroundColor = new CGColor(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (style.Outline != null) { symbol.LineWidth = (float)style.Outline.Width; symbol.StrokeColor = style.Outline.Color.ToCG(); } var frame = new CGRect(-defaultWidth * 0.5f, -defaultHeight * 0.5f, defaultWidth, defaultHeight); symbol.Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect((CGRect)frame, (nfloat)frame.Width / 2).CGPath; return symbol; }
void layerRequest_LayerRecived(object sender, EventArgs e) { Polygon poligono; Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Layer layer = sender as Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Layer; if (layer != null) { isFirstTime = false; layersTest = layer; foreach (Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Zone zon in layer.Zones) { foreach (var p in zon.Polygons) { poligono = new Polygon { ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(ConvertHexCoordinates(p.Locations.Select(l => new Location(l.Longitude.Value, l.Latitude.Value)).ToList())) }; var feature = new Feature { Geometry = poligono }; var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(48, 255, 255, 255) }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 241, 251, 187), Width = 2 }, //#F1FBBB }; feature.Styles.Add(vStyle); _source.Features.Add(feature); } } Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); } Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); }
private static XamlShapes.Shape CreateSymbolFromVectorStyle(VectorStyle style, double opacity = 1, SymbolType symbolType = SymbolType.Ellipse, double width = SymbolStyle.DefaultWidth, double height = SymbolStyle.DefaultHeight) { var path = new XamlShapes.Path { StrokeThickness = 0 }; //The SL StrokeThickness default is 1 which causes blurry bitmaps if (style.Fill != null && (style.Fill.Color != null || style.Fill.BitmapId != -1)) path.Fill = style.Fill.ToXaml(); else path.Fill = new XamlMedia.SolidColorBrush(XamlColors.Transparent); if (style.Outline != null) { path.Stroke = new XamlMedia.SolidColorBrush(style.Outline.Color.ToXaml()); path.StrokeThickness = style.Outline.Width; path.StrokeDashArray = style.Outline.PenStyle.ToXaml(); } if (symbolType == SymbolType.Ellipse) path.Data = CreateEllipse(width, height); else path.Data = CreateRectangle(width, height); path.Opacity = opacity; return path; }
private void BtnNY_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.xMapControl.Map = new Mapsui.Map(); IProvider wShapeFile = new Mapsui.Desktop.Shapefile.ShapeFile("NYTOWNS_POLY.shp", true); var wLayerStyle = new Mapsui.Styles.VectorStyle(); wLayerStyle.Fill = new Mapsui.Styles.Brush { FillStyle = FillStyle.Solid, Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Gray }; wLayerStyle.Line = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Black, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; wLayerStyle.Outline = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Black, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; var wLayer = new Layer { Name = "NY Townships", DataSource = wShapeFile, Style = wLayerStyle, Enabled = true }; this.xMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(wLayer); this.xMapControl.Refresh(); this.xMapControl.Refresh(); }
protected BaseLayer() { Name = "Layer"; Style = new VectorStyle(); Enabled = true; MinVisible = 0; MaxVisible = double.MaxValue; Opacity = 1; Id = _instanceCounter++; }
private static void DrawPointWithVectorStyle(VectorStyle vectorStyle, Point destination) { var color = vectorStyle.Fill.Color; GL.Color4((byte) color.R, (byte) color.G, (byte) color.B, (byte) color.A); GL.PointSize((float) SymbolStyle.DefaultWidth); GL.EnableClientState(All.VertexArray); var destAsArray = new[] {(float) destination.X, (float) destination.Y}; GL.VertexPointer(2, All.Float, 0, destAsArray); GL.DrawArrays(All.Points, 0, 1); GL.DisableClientState(All.VertexArray); }
public TileLayer(ITileSource source = null, int minTiles = 200, int maxTiles = 300, int maxRetries = TileFetcher.DefaultMaxAttempts, int maxThreads = TileFetcher.DefaultMaxThreads, IFetchStrategy fetchStrategy = null, IRenderGetStrategy renderFetchStrategy = null, int minExtraTiles = -1, int maxExtraTiles = -1) { _memoryCache = new MemoryCache<Feature>(minTiles, maxTiles); Style = new VectorStyle { Outline = { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) } }; // initialize with transparent outline _maxRetries = maxRetries; _maxThreads = maxThreads; _fetchStrategy = fetchStrategy ?? new FetchStrategy(); _renderFetchStrategy = renderFetchStrategy ?? new RenderGetStrategy(); _minExtraTiles = minExtraTiles; _maxExtraTiles = maxExtraTiles; SetTileSource(source); }
public static void Draw(CALayer target, IViewport viewport, IStyle style, IFeature feature) { var point = feature.Geometry as Geometries.Point; var dest = viewport.WorldToScreen(point); //var path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new Rectangle((int)dest.X, (int)dest.Y, 20, 20)); var path = CGPath.FromRect(new CGRect((float)dest.X, (float)dest.Y, 20, 20), CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity()); style = new VectorStyle(); if (!feature.RenderedGeometry.Keys.Contains(style)) { feature.RenderedGeometry[style] = CreateRenderedPoint(); } else { Console.WriteLine("test"); } var renderedGeometry = (CAShapeLayer) feature.RenderedGeometry[style]; renderedGeometry.Path = path; target.AddSublayer(renderedGeometry); }
public TestLayer(string name) : base(name) { _source = new MemoryProvider(); DataSource = _source; List<Location> locations = new List<Location>(); locations.Add(new Location(-63.307, -23.203)); locations.Add(new Location(-63.200, -23.203)); locations.Add(new Location(-63.200, -23.350)); locations.Add(new Location(-63.307, -23.350)); locations.Add(new Location(-63.307, -23.203)); var polygon = new Polygon { ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(ConvertHexCoordinates(locations)) }; var feature = new Feature { Geometry = polygon }; var color = Color.Blue; if (name.Equals("08-may")) { color = Color.Green; } else if (name.Equals("03-jun")) { color = Color.Red; } var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = color }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 0 }, }; feature.Styles.Add(vStyle); _source.Features.Add(feature); //Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); }
private void BtnOSMWithNY_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var customTrans = new CustomMinimalTransformation(); customTrans.LoadSourceWKT("NYTOWNS_POLY.prj"); //this.xMapControl.RenderMode = Mapsui.UI.Wpf.RenderMode.Wpf; this.xMapControl.Map = new Mapsui.Map() { CRS = "EPSG:3857", Transformation = customTrans }; this.xMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(new TileLayer(KnownTileSources.Create(KnownTileSource.BingHybrid))); IProvider wShapeFile = new Mapsui.Desktop.Shapefile.ShapeFile("NYTOWNS_POLY.shp", true) { CRS = "EPSG:CUSTOM" }; var wLayerStyle = new Mapsui.Styles.VectorStyle(); wLayerStyle.Fill = new Mapsui.Styles.Brush { FillStyle = FillStyle.Solid, Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Gray }; wLayerStyle.Line = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Black, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; wLayerStyle.Outline = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Black, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; var wLayer = new Layer { Name = "NY Townships", DataSource = wShapeFile, Style = wLayerStyle, Enabled = true }; this.xMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(wLayer); this.xMapControl.Refresh(); }
private void BtnOSMWithUS_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var customTrans = new CustomMinimalTransformation(); customTrans.LoadSourceWKT(null); this.xMapControl.RenderMode = Mapsui.UI.Wpf.RenderMode.Wpf; this.xMapControl.Map = new Mapsui.Map() { CRS = "EPSG:3857", Transformation = customTrans }; this.xMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(new TileLayer(KnownTileSources.Create(KnownTileSource.OpenStreetMap))); IProvider wShapeFile = new Mapsui.Desktop.Shapefile.ShapeFile("lower48.shp", true) { CRS = "EPSG:4326" }; //IProvider wShapeFile = new Mapsui.Desktop.Shapefile.ShapeFile("lower48.shp", true); var wLayerStyle = new Mapsui.Styles.VectorStyle(); wLayerStyle.Fill = new Mapsui.Styles.Brush { FillStyle = FillStyle.Solid, Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Orange }; wLayerStyle.Line = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Black, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; wLayerStyle.Outline = new Mapsui.Styles.Pen { Color = Mapsui.Styles.Color.Red, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid }; var wLayer = new Layer { Name = "Lower 48 States", DataSource = wShapeFile, Style = wLayerStyle, Enabled = true }; this.xMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(wLayer); this.xMapControl.Refresh(); }
void layerRequest_LayerRecived(object sender, EventArgs e) { isFirstTime = false; Polygon poligono; Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Layer layer = sender as Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Layer; if (layer != null) { foreach (Earthwatchers.Models.KmlModels.Zone zon in layer.Zones) { if (zon.Name == "Zona Amarilla") { #region YellowArea foreach (var p in zon.Polygons) { poligono = new Polygon { ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(ConvertHexCoordinates(p.Locations.Select(l => new Location(l.Longitude.Value, l.Latitude.Value)).ToList())) }; var feature = new Feature { Geometry = poligono }; var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(58, 254, 238, 0) }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 0), Width = 2 }, }; feature.Styles.Add(vStyle); _source.Features.Add(feature); } #endregion } else if (zon.Name == "Zona Roja") { #region RedArea foreach (var p in zon.Polygons) { poligono = new Polygon { ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(ConvertHexCoordinates(p.Locations.Select(l => new Location(l.Longitude.Value, l.Latitude.Value)).ToList())) }; var feature = new Feature { Geometry = poligono }; var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(58, 255, 0, 0) }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0, 0), Width = 2 }, }; feature.Styles.Add(vStyle); _source.Features.Add(feature); } #endregion } else if (zon.Name == "Zona Verde") { #region GreenArea foreach (var p in zon.Polygons) { poligono = new Polygon { ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(ConvertHexCoordinates(p.Locations.Select(l => new Location(l.Longitude.Value, l.Latitude.Value)).ToList())) }; var feature = new Feature { Geometry = poligono }; var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(110, 0, 144, 69) }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 3, 255, 3), Width = 2 }, }; feature.Styles.Add(vStyle); _source.Features.Add(feature); } #endregion } } Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); } Loaded(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
private VectorStyle GetVectorStyle(LandStatus status, bool isOwnLand) { Brush fill; Pen outline; switch (status) { case LandStatus.NotChecked: fill = new Brush { Color = Color.White }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 2 }; break; case LandStatus.Ok: fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Green }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 2 }; break; case LandStatus.Alert: fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Red }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 2 }; break; default: fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Orange }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 2 }; break; } if (isOwnLand) { outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Orange, Width = 4 }; } var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = fill, Outline = outline, }; vStyle.SetOpacity(opacity); return vStyle; }
public static Map InitializeMap() { //Initialize a new map based on the simple map var map = new Map(); //Layer osm = new Layer("OSM"); //string url = ""; //var tileSources = TileSourceWmsC.TileSourceBuilder(new Uri(url), null); //var tileSource = new List<ITileSource>(tileSources).Find(source => source.Schema.Name == "osm-map"); //osm.DataSource = new TileProvider(tileSource, "OSM"); //map.Layers.Add(osm); //Set up countries layer var countryLayer = new Layer("Countries"); //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder countryLayer.DataSource = new ShapeFile("GeoData/World/countries.shp", true); countryLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326; var style = new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Green }, Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black } }; countryLayer.Styles.Add(style); map.Layers.Add(countryLayer); //set up cities layer var cityLayer = new Layer("Cities"); //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder cityLayer.DataSource = new ShapeFile("GeoData/World/cities.shp", true); cityLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326; cityLayer.MaxVisible = 0.09; map.Layers.Add(cityLayer); //Set up a country label layer var countryLabelLayer = new LabelLayer("Country labels"); countryLabelLayer.DataSource = countryLayer.DataSource; countryLabelLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326; countryLabelLayer.Enabled = true; countryLabelLayer.MaxVisible = 0.18; countryLabelLayer.MinVisible = 0.054; countryLabelLayer.LabelColumn = "NAME"; var labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black; labelStyle.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "GenericSerif", Size = 12 }; labelStyle.BackColor = new Brush { Color = new Color { A = 128, R = 255, G = 255, B = 255 } }; labelStyle.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center; countryLabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviour = LabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest; countryLabelLayer.Styles.Add(labelStyle); map.Layers.Add(countryLabelLayer); //Set up a city label layer var cityLabelLayer = new LabelLayer("City labels"); cityLabelLayer.DataSource = cityLayer.DataSource; cityLabelLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326; cityLabelLayer.Enabled = true; cityLabelLayer.LabelColumn = "NAME"; cityLabelLayer.MaxVisible = countryLabelLayer.MinVisible; cityLabelLayer.MinVisible = 0; cityLabelLayer.LabelFilter = LabelCollisionDetection.ThoroughCollisionDetection; var cityLabelStyle = new LabelStyle(); cityLabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black; cityLabelStyle.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "GenericSerif", Size = 11 }; cityLabelStyle.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left; cityLabelStyle.VerticalAlignment = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom; cityLabelStyle.Offset = new Offset { X = 3, Y = 3 }; cityLabelStyle.Halo = new Pen { Color = Color.Yellow, Width = 2 }; cityLabelStyle.CollisionDetection = true; cityLabelLayer.Styles.Add(cityLabelStyle); map.Layers.Add(cityLabelLayer); //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density //First create two styles that specify min and max styles //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated. IStyle min = new Style(); IStyle max = new Style(); //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max) var popdens = new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max); //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er. //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills. //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale popdens.FillColorBlend = ColorBlend.Rainbow5; countryLayer.Styles.Add(popdens); //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well var lblMin = new LabelStyle(); var lblMax = new LabelStyle(); lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblMin.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "Sans Serif", Size = 6 }; lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblMax.BackColor = new Brush { Color = new Color { A = 128, R = 255, G = 255, B = 255 } }; lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor; lblMax.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "Sans Serif", Size = 9 }; countryLabelLayer.Styles.Add(new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax)); //Lets scale city icons based on city population //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol var citymin = new SymbolStyle(); var citymax = new SymbolStyle(); const string iconPath = "Images/icon.png"; if (!File.Exists(iconPath)) { throw new Exception( String.Format("Error file '{0}' could not be found, make sure it is at the expected location", iconPath)); } citymin.Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) }; citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f; citymax.Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) }; citymax.SymbolScale = 1f; cityLayer.Styles.Add(new GradientTheme("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax)); var geodanLayer = new Layer("Geodan"); geodanLayer.DataSource = new MemoryProvider(new Point(4.9130567, 52.3422033)); geodanLayer.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle { Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) } }); map.Layers.Add(geodanLayer); //limit the zoom to 360 degrees width map.BackColor = Color.White; return map; }
private static void DrawPointWithVectorStyle(SKCanvas canvas, VectorStyle vectorStyle, Point destination, SymbolType symbolType = SymbolType.Ellipse) { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate((float)destination.X, (float)destination.Y); DrawPointWithVectorStyle(canvas, vectorStyle, symbolType); canvas.Restore(); }
private static void DrawPointWithVectorStyle(SKCanvas canvas, VectorStyle vectorStyle, SymbolType symbolType = SymbolType.Ellipse) { var fillPaint = new SKPaint { Color = vectorStyle.Fill.Color.ToSkia(), Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, IsAntialias = true }; var linePaint = (vectorStyle.Outline == null) ? null : new SKPaint { Color = vectorStyle.Outline.Color.ToSkia(), StrokeWidth = (float) vectorStyle.Outline.Width, Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, IsAntialias = true }; if (symbolType == SymbolType.Rectangle) { var rect = new SKRect(-HalfWidth, -HalfHeight, HalfWidth, HalfHeight); DrawRect(canvas, rect, fillPaint, linePaint); } else if (symbolType == SymbolType.Ellipse) { DrawCircle(canvas, 0, 0, HalfWidth, fillPaint, linePaint); } }
private static IThemeStyle CreateCountryTheme() { //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density //First create two styles that specify min and max styles //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated. var min = new VectorStyle { Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black } }; var max = new VectorStyle { Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black } }; //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max) return new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max) { FillColorBlend = ColorBlend.Rainbow5 }; }
private VectorStyle GetVectorStyle(LandStatus status, bool isOwnLand, bool demandAuthorities, bool ischecked, bool isGreenpeaceUser, bool islockedOnly, bool denouncedByMe) { Brush fill = null; Pen outline = null; switch (status) { case LandStatus.NotChecked: //STATUS 2 SIN CHEQUEAR fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255) }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 1 }; break; case LandStatus.Ok: //STATUS 3 SIN DESMONTES fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(143, 121, 136, 35) }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 169, 183, 41), Width = 4 }; break; case LandStatus.Alert: //STATUS 4 CON DESMONTES fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(143, 255, 236, 0) }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 242, 0), Width = 4 }; break; default: //DEFAULT, IDEM SIN CHEQUEAR fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255) }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black, Width = 1 }; break; } if (ischecked && (status == LandStatus.Alert || status == LandStatus.Ok)) //VERIFICADA POR MI DESMONTADA O SIN DESMONTE { outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), Width = 1 }; } if (isOwnLand && (status != LandStatus.Alert && status != LandStatus.Ok)) //MI PROPIA LAND { outline = new Pen { Color = Color.White, Width = 4 }; } if (demandAuthorities) //LISTA PARA DEMANDAR { fill = new Brush { Color = Color.FromArgb(143, 167, 11, 10) }; outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 217, 7, 7), Width = 4 }; if (denouncedByMe) { outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), Width = 1 }; } } if (!demandAuthorities && islockedOnly) { outline = new Pen { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), Width = 1 }; } var vStyle = new VectorStyle { Fill = fill, Outline = outline, }; if (opacity == 0) { vStyle.SetOpacity(0); } else { if (Current.Instance.MapControl.Viewport.Resolution > 2.4 || Current.Instance.MapControl.Viewport.Resolution == 0) { vStyle.SetOpacity(opacity); } else { vStyle.SetOpacity(0); } } return vStyle; }
private static void RenderGeometry(Graphics graphics, IViewport viewport, IGeometry feature, VectorStyle style) { if (feature is Point) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawPoint(graphics, (Point)feature, style, viewport); else if (feature is MultiPoint) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawMultiPoint(graphics, (MultiPoint) feature, style, viewport); else if (feature is LineString) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawLineString(graphics, (LineString)feature, style.Line.Convert(), viewport); else if (feature is MultiLineString) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawMultiLineString(graphics, (MultiLineString)feature, style.Line.Convert(), viewport); else if (feature is Polygon) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawPolygon(graphics, (Polygon)feature, style.Fill.Convert(), style.Outline.Convert(), viewport); else if (feature is MultiPolygon) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawMultiPolygon(graphics, (MultiPolygon)feature, style.Fill.Convert(), style.Outline.Convert(), viewport); else if (feature is IRaster) GdiGeometryRenderer.DrawRaster(graphics, feature as IRaster, viewport); }
private static GradientTheme CreateCountryTheme() { //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density //First create two styles that specify min and max styles //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated. var min = new VectorStyle(); min.Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black }; var max = new VectorStyle(); max.Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black }; //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max) var popdens = new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max); //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er. //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills. //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale popdens.FillColorBlend = ColorBlend.Rainbow5; //countries.Styles.Clear(); //remove styles added earlier return popdens; }
private static XamlShapes.Path CreatePolygonPath(VectorStyle style, double resolution) { var path = new XamlShapes.Path(); if (style.Outline != null) { path.Stroke = new XamlMedia.SolidColorBrush(style.Outline.Color.ToXaml()); path.StrokeThickness = style.Outline.Width * resolution; path.Tag = new double?(style.Outline.Width); // see #outlinehack } path.Fill = style.Fill.ToXaml(); path.IsHitTestVisible = false; return path; }
private static XamlShapes.Path CreateLineStringPath(VectorStyle style) { var path = new XamlShapes.Path(); if (style.Outline != null) { //todo: render an outline around the line. } path.Stroke = new XamlMedia.SolidColorBrush(style.Line.Color.ToXaml()); path.StrokeThickness = style.Line.Width; path.Tag = new double?(style.Line.Width); // see #outlinehack path.IsHitTestVisible = false; return path; }
private static XamlShapes.Shape CreateSymbolFromVectorStyle(VectorStyle style, double opacity = 1, SymbolType symbolType = SymbolType.Ellipse) { // The SL StrokeThickness default is 1 which causes blurry bitmaps var path = new XamlShapes.Path { StrokeThickness = 0, Fill = ToXaml(style.Fill) }; if (style.Outline != null) { path.Stroke = new XamlMedia.SolidColorBrush(style.Outline.Color.ToXaml()); path.StrokeThickness = style.Outline.Width; path.StrokeDashArray = style.Outline.PenStyle.ToXaml(); } if (symbolType == SymbolType.Ellipse) path.Data = CreateEllipse(SymbolStyle.DefaultWidth, SymbolStyle.DefaultHeight); else path.Data = CreateRectangle(SymbolStyle.DefaultWidth, SymbolStyle.DefaultHeight); path.Opacity = opacity; return path; }