예제 #1
        public void DrawMarkers(IEnumerable<Land> landPieces)
            if (landPieces == null) return;


            if (Current.Instance.MapControl.Viewport.Resolution > 50)

            foreach (var land in landPieces.Where(x => x.DemandAuthorities))
                var sphericalMid = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(land.Longitude, land.Latitude);
                var feature = new Feature
                    Geometry = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(sphericalMid.x, sphericalMid.y),
                var offset = new Offset();
                offset.X = 100;
                double scale = 19.109256744384766 / Current.Instance.MapControl.Viewport.Resolution;
                //var symbolStyle = new SymbolStyle { Symbol = GetSymbol("demandar.png"), SymbolType = SymbolType.Rectangle, SymbolOffset = offset, SymbolScale = scale };
                var symbolStyle = new SymbolStyle { Symbol = GetSymbol("demandar.png"), SymbolScale = 1 };


예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a label to the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">Graphics reference</param>
        /// <param name="labelPoint">Label placement</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset of label in screen coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font used for rendering</param>
        /// <param name="forecolor">Font forecolor</param>
        /// <param name="backcolor">Background color</param>
        /// <param name="halo">Color of halo</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">Text rotation in degrees</param>
        /// <param name="text">Text to render</param>
        /// <param name="viewport"></param>
        public static void DrawLabel(Graphics graphics, Point labelPoint, Offset offset, Styles.Font font, Styles.Color forecolor, Styles.Brush backcolor, Styles.Pen halo, double rotation, string text, IViewport viewport, StyleContext context)
            SizeF fontSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font.ToGdi(context)); //Calculate the size of the text
            labelPoint.X += offset.X; labelPoint.Y += offset.Y; //add label offset
            if (Math.Abs(rotation) > Constants.Epsilon && !double.IsNaN(rotation))
                graphics.TranslateTransform((float)labelPoint.X, (float)labelPoint.Y);
                graphics.TranslateTransform(-fontSize.Width / 2, -fontSize.Height / 2);
                if (backcolor != null && backcolor.ToGdi(context) != Brushes.Transparent)
                    graphics.FillRectangle(backcolor.ToGdi(context), 0, 0, fontSize.Width * 0.74f + 1f, fontSize.Height * 0.74f);
                var path = new GraphicsPath();
                path.AddString(text, new FontFamily(font.FontFamily), (int)font.ToGdi(context).Style, font.ToGdi(context).Size, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), null);
                if (halo != null)
                    graphics.DrawPath(halo.ToGdi(context), path);
                graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(forecolor.ToGdi()), path);
                //g.DrawString(text, font, new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(forecolor), 0, 0);
                if (backcolor != null && backcolor.ToGdi(context) != Brushes.Transparent)
                    graphics.FillRectangle(backcolor.ToGdi(context), (float)labelPoint.X, (float)labelPoint.Y, fontSize.Width * 0.74f + 1, fontSize.Height * 0.74f);

                var path = new GraphicsPath();

                //Arial hack
                path.AddString(text, new FontFamily("Arial"), (int)font.ToGdi(context).Style, (float)font.Size, new System.Drawing.Point((int)labelPoint.X, (int)labelPoint.Y), null);
                if (halo != null)
                    graphics.DrawPath(halo.ToGdi(context), path);
                graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(forecolor.ToGdi()), path);
                //g.DrawString(text, font, new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(forecolor), LabelPoint.X, LabelPoint.Y);
예제 #3
 public SymbolStyle()
     SymbolOffset = new Offset();
     SymbolScale = 1f;
     Opacity = 1f;
     BitmapId = -1;
예제 #4
 public SymbolStyle()
     SymbolOffset = new Offset();
     SymbolScale = 1f;
     Opacity = 1f;
     BitmapId = -1;
     Width = DefaultWidth;
     Height = DefaultHeight;
예제 #5
 public LabelStyle()
     Font = new Font { FontFamily = "Verdana", Size = 12 };
     Offset = new Offset { X = 0, Y = 0 };
     CollisionDetection = false;
     ForeColor = Color.Black;
     BackColor = new Brush { Color = Color.White };
     HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
     VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
예제 #6
 public LabelStyle(LabelStyle labelStyle)
     Font = new Font(labelStyle.Font);
     Offset = new Offset(labelStyle.Offset);
     CollisionDetection = false;
     CollisionBuffer = new Size(labelStyle.CollisionBuffer);
     ForeColor = new Color(labelStyle.ForeColor);
     BackColor = new Brush(labelStyle.BackColor);
     HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
     VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
예제 #7
 public LabelStyle(LabelStyle labelStyle)
     Font = new Font(labelStyle.Font);
     Offset = new Offset(labelStyle.Offset);
     CollisionDetection = false;
     ForeColor = new Color(labelStyle.ForeColor);
     BackColor = new Brush(labelStyle.BackColor);
     HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
     VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center;
     Text = labelStyle.Text;
     LabelColumn = labelStyle.LabelColumn;
     LabelMethod = labelStyle.LabelMethod;
예제 #8
        public static Canvas RenderStackedLabelLayer(IViewport viewport, LabelLayer layer)
            var canvas = new Canvas();
            canvas.Opacity = layer.Opacity;

            //todo: take into account the priority 
            var features = layer.GetFeaturesInView(viewport.Extent, viewport.Resolution);
            var margin = viewport.Resolution * 50;

            foreach (var layerStyle in layer.Styles)
                var style = layerStyle;

                var clusters = new List<Cluster>();
                //todo: repeat until there are no more merges
                ClusterFeatures(clusters, features, margin, layerStyle, viewport.Resolution);

                foreach (var cluster in clusters)
                    Offset stackOffset = null;
                    foreach (var feature in cluster.Features.OrderBy(f => f.Geometry.GetBoundingBox().GetCentroid().Y))
                        if (layerStyle is IThemeStyle) style = (layerStyle as IThemeStyle).GetStyle(feature);
                        if ((style == null) || (style.Enabled == false) || (style.MinVisible > viewport.Resolution) || (style.MaxVisible < viewport.Resolution)) continue;

                        if (stackOffset == null) //first time
                            stackOffset = new Offset();
                            if (cluster.Features.Count > 1)
                                canvas.Children.Add(RenderBox(cluster.Box, viewport));
                        else stackOffset.Y += 18; //todo: get size from text, (or just pass stack nr)
                        if (!(style is LabelStyle)) throw new Exception("Style of label is not a LabelStyle");
                        var labelStyle = style as LabelStyle;
                        string labelText = layer.GetLabel(feature);
                        var position = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(cluster.Box.GetCentroid().X, cluster.Box.Bottom);
                        canvas.Children.Add(RenderLabel(position, stackOffset, labelStyle, viewport, labelText));

            return canvas;
예제 #9
        public static Canvas RenderLabelLayer(IViewport viewport, LabelLayer layer)
            var canvas = new Canvas();
            canvas.Opacity = layer.Opacity;

            //todo: take into account the priority 
            var features = layer.GetFeaturesInView(viewport.Extent, viewport.Resolution).ToList();
            var stackOffset = new Offset();

            foreach (var layerStyle in layer.Styles)
                var style = layerStyle;

                foreach (var feature in features)
                    if (layerStyle is IThemeStyle) style = (layerStyle as IThemeStyle).GetStyle(feature);

                    if ((style == null) || (style.Enabled == false) || (style.MinVisible > viewport.Resolution) || (style.MaxVisible < viewport.Resolution)) continue;
                    if (!(style is LabelStyle)) throw new Exception("Style of label is not a LabelStyle");
                    var labelStyle = style as LabelStyle;
                    string labelText = layer.GetLabel(feature);
                        stackOffset, labelStyle, viewport, labelText));

            return canvas;
예제 #10
        public static UIElement RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, Offset stackOffset, LabelStyle style, IViewport viewport, string text)
            Mapsui.Geometries.Point p = viewport.WorldToScreen(point);
            var windowsPoint = new WinPoint(p.X, p.Y);

            var border = new Border();
            var textblock = new TextBlock();

            textblock.Text = text;

            textblock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(style.ForeColor.ToXaml());
            border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(style.BackColor.Color.ToXaml());

            textblock.FontFamily = new FontFamily(style.Font.FontFamily);
            textblock.FontSize = style.Font.Size;

            //set some defaults which should be configurable someday
            const double witdhMargin = 3.0;
            const double heightMargin = 0.0;
            textblock.Margin = new Thickness(witdhMargin, heightMargin, witdhMargin, heightMargin);
            border.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(4);
            border.Child = textblock;

            var textWidth = textblock.ActualWidth;
            var textHeight = textblock.ActualHeight;
            // in WPF the width and height is not calculated at this point. So we use FormattedText
            getTextWidthAndHeight(ref textWidth, ref textHeight, style, text);
            border.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, windowsPoint.X + style.Offset.X + stackOffset.X - (textWidth + 2 * witdhMargin) * (short)style.HorizontalAlignment * 0.5f);
            border.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, windowsPoint.Y + style.Offset.Y + stackOffset.Y - (textHeight + 2 * heightMargin) * (short)style.VerticalAlignment * 0.5f);
            return border;
예제 #11
 public static UIElement RenderLabel(Mapsui.Geometries.Point point, Offset stackOffset, LabelStyle style, IViewport viewport)
     return RenderLabel(point, stackOffset, style, viewport, style.Text);
예제 #12
		public static CALayer RenderLabelLayer(IViewport viewport, LabelLayer layer, List<IFeature> features)
			var canvas = new CALayer();
			canvas.Opacity = (float)layer.Opacity;

			//todo: take into account the priority 
			var stackOffset = new Offset();

			if (layer.Style != null)
				var style = layer.Style;

				foreach (var feature in features)
					if (style is IThemeStyle) style = (style as IThemeStyle).GetStyle(feature);

					if ((style == null) || (style.Enabled == false) || (style.MinVisible > viewport.Resolution) || (style.MaxVisible < viewport.Resolution)) continue;
					if (!(style is LabelStyle)) throw new Exception("Style of label is not a LabelStyle");
					//var labelStyle = style as LabelStyle;
					string labelText = layer.GetLabelText(feature);

					var label = RenderLabel (feature.Geometry as Mapsui.Geometries.Point,
					                         style as LabelStyle, feature, viewport, labelText);


			return canvas;
예제 #13
 public bool Equals(Offset offset)
     if (X != offset.X) return false;
     if (Y != offset.Y) return false;
     return true;
예제 #14
 public Offset(Offset offset)
     X = offset.X;
     Y = offset.Y;