public static WorldResult FindNearestWorldMatch(string name, string milieu, int x, int y) { const string sql = "SELECT sector_x, sector_y, hex_x, hex_y, " + "((@x - x) * (@x - x) + (@y - y) * (@y - y)) AS distance " + "FROM worlds " + "WHERE name = @name AND milieu = @milieu " + "ORDER BY distance ASC"; if (milieu == null) { milieu = SectorMap.DEFAULT_MILIEU; } using (var connection = DBUtil.MakeConnection()) using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@x", x); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@y", y); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@milieu", milieu); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name); using (var row = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (!row.Read()) { return(null); } return(new WorldResult(row.GetInt32(0), row.GetInt32(1), (byte)row.GetInt32(2), (byte)row.GetInt32(3))); } } }
public static void PopulateDatabase(ResourceManager resourceManager, Action <string> statusCallback) { // Lock to prevent indexing twice, without blocking tile requests. lock (SearchEngine.s_lock) { // NOTE: This (re)initializes a static data structure used for // resolving names into sector locations, so needs to be run // before any other objects (e.g. Worlds) are loaded. SectorMap map = SectorMap.GetInstance(resourceManager); using (var connection = DBUtil.MakeConnection()) { SqlCommand sqlCommand; // // Repopulate the tables - locally first // FUTURE: will need to batch this up rather than keep it in memory! // DataTable dt_sectors = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < SECTORS_COLUMNS.Length; ++i) { dt_sectors.Columns.Add(new DataColumn()); } DataTable dt_subsectors = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < SUBSECTORS_COLUMNS.Length; ++i) { dt_subsectors.Columns.Add(new DataColumn()); } DataTable dt_worlds = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < WORLDS_COLUMNS.Length; ++i) { dt_worlds.Columns.Add(new DataColumn()); } DataTable dt_labels = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < LABELS_COLUMNS.Length; ++i) { dt_labels.Columns.Add(new DataColumn()); } // Map of (milieu, string) => [ points ... ] Dictionary <Tuple <string, string>, List <Point> > labels = new Dictionary <Tuple <string, string>, List <Point> >(); Action <string, string, Point> AddLabel = (string milieu, string text, Point coords) => { if (text == null) { return; } text = SanifyLabel(text); var key = Tuple.Create(milieu, text); if (!labels.ContainsKey(key)) { labels.Add(key, new List <Point>()); } labels[key].Add(coords); }; statusCallback("Parsing data..."); foreach (Sector sector in map.Sectors) { // TODO: Index alternate milieu if (!sector.Tags.Contains("OTU") && !sector.Tags.Contains("Faraway")) { continue; } foreach (Name name in sector.Names) { DataRow row = dt_sectors.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = new object[] { sector.CanonicalMilieu, sector.X, sector.Y, name.Text }; dt_sectors.Rows.Add(row); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector.Abbreviation)) { DataRow row = dt_sectors.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = new object[] { sector.CanonicalMilieu, sector.X, sector.Y, sector.Abbreviation }; dt_sectors.Rows.Add(row); } foreach (Subsector subsector in sector.Subsectors) { DataRow row = dt_subsectors.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = new object[] { sector.CanonicalMilieu, sector.X, sector.Y, subsector.Index, subsector.Name }; dt_subsectors.Rows.Add(row); } foreach (Border border in sector.Borders.Where(b => b.ShowLabel)) { AddLabel( sector.CanonicalMilieu, border.GetLabel(sector), Astrometrics.LocationToCoordinates(new Location(sector.Location, border.LabelPosition))); } foreach (Label label in sector.Labels) { AddLabel( sector.CanonicalMilieu, label.Text, Astrometrics.LocationToCoordinates(new Location(sector.Location, label.Hex))); } #if DEBUG if (!sector.Selected) { continue; } #endif // NOTE: May need to page this at some point WorldCollection worlds = sector.GetWorlds(resourceManager, cacheResults: false); if (worlds == null) { continue; } var world_query = from world in worlds where !world.IsPlaceholder select world; foreach (World world in world_query) { DataRow row = dt_worlds.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = new object[] { sector.CanonicalMilieu, world.Coordinates.X, world.Coordinates.Y, sector.X, sector.Y, world.X, world.Y, string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.Name) ? (object)DBNull.Value : (object)world.Name, world.UWP, world.Remarks, world.PBG, string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.Zone) ? "G" : world.Zone, world.Allegiance, sector.Names.Count > 0 ? (object)sector.Names[0] : (object)DBNull.Value }; dt_worlds.Rows.Add(row); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <string, string>, List <Point> > entry in labels) { string milieu = entry.Key.Item1; string name = entry.Key.Item2; List <Point> points = entry.Value; Point avg = new Point( (int)Math.Round(points.Select(p => p.X).Average()), (int)Math.Round(points.Select(p => p.Y).Average())); Point min = new Point(points.Select(p => p.X).Min(), points.Select(p => p.Y).Min()); Point max = new Point(points.Select(p => p.X).Max(), points.Select(p => p.Y).Max()); Size size = new Size(max.X - min.X, max.Y - min.Y); int radius = Math.Max(size.Width, size.Height); DataRow row = dt_labels.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = new object[] { milieu, avg.X, avg.Y, radius, name }; dt_labels.Rows.Add(row); } // // Rebuild the tables with fresh schema // const string INDEX_OPTIONS = " WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON)"; const string DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS = "IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'{0}') AND type = (N'U')) DROP TABLE {0}"; string[] rebuild_schema = { string.Format(DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS, "sectors"), "CREATE TABLE sectors (" + string.Join(",", SECTORS_COLUMNS) + ")", "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX sector_name ON sectors ( name ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX sector_milieu ON sectors ( milieu ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, string.Format(DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS, "subsectors"), "CREATE TABLE subsectors (" + string.Join(",", SUBSECTORS_COLUMNS) + ")", "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX subsector_name ON subsectors ( name ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX subsector_milieu ON subsectors ( milieu ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, string.Format(DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS, "worlds"), "CREATE TABLE worlds (" + string.Join(",", WORLDS_COLUMNS) + ")", "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_name ON worlds ( name ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_uwp ON worlds ( uwp ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_pbg ON worlds ( pbg ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_alleg ON worlds ( alleg ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_sector_name ON worlds ( sector_name ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX world_milieu ON worlds ( milieu ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, string.Format(DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS, "labels"), "CREATE TABLE labels (" + string.Join(",", LABELS_COLUMNS) + ")", "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX name ON labels ( name ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX milieu ON labels ( milieu ASC )" + INDEX_OPTIONS, }; statusCallback("Rebuilding schema..."); foreach (string cmd in rebuild_schema) { sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, connection); sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // // And shovel the data into the database en masse // Action <string, DataTable, int> BulkInsert = (string name, DataTable table, int batchSize) => { using (var bulk = new SqlBulkCopy(connection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock, null)) { statusCallback($"Writing {table.Rows.Count} {name}..."); bulk.BatchSize = batchSize; bulk.DestinationTableName = name; bulk.WriteToServer(table); } }; BulkInsert("sectors", dt_sectors, dt_sectors.Rows.Count); BulkInsert("subsectors", dt_subsectors, dt_subsectors.Rows.Count); BulkInsert("worlds", dt_worlds, 4096); BulkInsert("labels", dt_labels, dt_labels.Rows.Count); } statusCallback("Complete!"); } }
public static IEnumerable <SearchResult> PerformSearch(string milieu, string query, SearchResultsType types, int maxResultsPerType, bool random = false) { List <SearchResult> results = new List <SearchResult>(); types = ParseQuery(query, types, out var clauses, out var terms); if (clauses.Count() == 0 && !random) { return(results); } clauses.Insert(0, "milieu = @term"); terms.Insert(0, milieu ?? SectorMap.DEFAULT_MILIEU); string where = string.Join(" AND ", clauses.Select((clause, index) => "(" + clause.Replace("@term", $"@term{index}") + ")")); string orderBy = random ? "ORDER BY NEWID()" : ""; // NOTE: DISTINCT is to filter out "Ley" and "Ley Sector" (different names, same result). // * {0} is the list of distinct fields (i.e. coordinates), // * {1} is the list of fields in the subquery (same as {0} but with "name" added, // * {2} is the table // * {3} is the filter (WHERE clause, not including "WHERE") // * {4} is the order (ORDERBY clause) // * {5} is the limit (TOP clause, not including "TOP") // Since we need the distinct values from the term {0} but don't use the name for the results construction, // we can ignore name in the resultset. This allows us to get the top N results from the database, sort by // name, and then toss out duplicates not based on name but on the other, used, columns. Here's a sample // subquery that works for the sector table: // SELECT DISTINCT TOP 160 tt.x, tt.y // FROM (SELECT TOP 160 x, y,name // FROM sectors // WHERE (name LIKE 'LEY%' OR name LIKE '%LEY%') // ORDER BY name ASC) AS tt; // TODO: Include the searched-for name in the results, and show alternate names in the result set. string query_format = "SELECT DISTINCT TOP {5} {0} FROM (SELECT TOP {5} {1} FROM {2} WHERE {3} {4}) AS TT"; using (var connection = DBUtil.MakeConnection()) { // Sectors if (types.HasFlag(SearchResultsType.Sectors)) { // Note duplicated field names so the results of both queries can come out right. string sql = string.Format(query_format, "TT.x, TT.y", "x, y", "sectors", where, orderBy, maxResultsPerType); using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { for (int i = 0; i < terms.Count; ++i) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@term{i}", terms[i]); } using (var row = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (row.Read()) { results.Add(new SectorResult(row.GetInt32(0), row.GetInt32(1))); } } } } // Subsectors if (types.HasFlag(SearchResultsType.Subsectors)) { // Note duplicated field names so the results of both queries can come out right. string sql = string.Format(query_format, "TT.sector_x, TT.sector_y, TT.subsector_index", "sector_x, sector_y, subsector_index", "subsectors", where, orderBy, maxResultsPerType); using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { for (int i = 0; i < terms.Count; ++i) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@term{i}", terms[i]); } using (var row = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (row.Read()) { char[] chars = new char[1]; row.GetChars(2, 0, chars, 0, chars.Length); results.Add(new SubsectorResult(row.GetInt32(0), row.GetInt32(1), chars[0])); } } } } // Worlds & UWPs, etc if (types.HasFlag(SearchResultsType.Worlds)) { // Note duplicated field names so the results of both queries can come out right. string sql = string.Format(query_format, "TT.sector_x, TT.sector_y, TT.hex_x, TT.hex_y", "sector_x, sector_y, hex_x, hex_y", "worlds", where, orderBy, maxResultsPerType); using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { for (int i = 0; i < terms.Count; ++i) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@term{i}", terms[i]); } using (var row = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (row.Read()) { results.Add(new WorldResult(row.GetInt32(0), row.GetInt32(1), (byte)row.GetInt32(2), (byte)row.GetInt32(3))); } } } } // Labels if (types.HasFlag(SearchResultsType.Labels)) { // Note duplicated field names so the results of both queries can come out right. string sql = string.Format(query_format, "TT.x, TT.y, TT.radius,", "x, y, radius, name", "labels", where, orderBy, maxResultsPerType); using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { for (int i = 0; i < terms.Count; ++i) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@term{i}", terms[i]); } using (var row = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (row.Read()) { results.Add(new LabelResult(row.GetString(3), new Point(row.GetInt32(0), row.GetInt32(1)), row.GetInt32(2))); } } } } } return(results); }