private void GetDummyEnumerable(IEnumerable <dynamic> cleanDapperResult, string memberName, bool nested, bool allowDuplicates, Type enumType, Type TType) { if (!nested) { if (!allowDuplicates) { this.DummyEnumerable = cleanDapperResult .Select(dyn => (IDictionary <string, object>)dyn) .Select(dict => dict[memberName]) .Distinct(); } else { this.DummyEnumerable = cleanDapperResult .Select(dyn => (IDictionary <string, object>)dyn) .Select(dict => dict[memberName]); } } else { Type genericType = enumType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; bool genericIsInterface = genericType.IsInterface && !typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(genericType) && !(typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(genericType) && !typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(genericType)); if (genericIsInterface) { genericType = ResolveInterface(genericType, cleanDapperResult); } MapperStore store = new MapperStore(); iDapperMapper nestedMapper = store.GetMapper(genericType); if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(enumType)) { IList result = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(genericType)); if (!allowDuplicates) { IEnumerable <dynamic> distinctCleanResult = nestedMapper.GetDistinctDapperResult(cleanDapperResult, true); foreach (dynamic dyn in distinctCleanResult) { result.Add(nestedMapper.NoGenericMap(dyn, true)); } } else { foreach (dynamic dyn in cleanDapperResult) { result.Add(nestedMapper.NoGenericMap(dyn, true)); } } this.DummyEnumerable = result; } else { // var addMethod = enumType.GetMethod("Add", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); // Property doesn't support Adding if (addMethod == null) //throw new InvalidOperationException("Method Add does not exist on class " + enumType.Name); { throw new CustomException_DapperMapper( $@"EnumerableMapper.GetDummyEnumerable: Method Add doesn't exist in enumerable type to map. enumType: {enumType.Name} ; member name: {memberName}."); } if (enumType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { this.DummyEnumerable = (IEnumerable)Activator.CreateInstance(enumType.MakeGenericType(genericType)); } else { this.DummyEnumerable = (IEnumerable)Activator.CreateInstance(enumType); } if (!allowDuplicates) { IEnumerable <dynamic> distinctCleanResult = nestedMapper.GetDistinctDapperResult(cleanDapperResult, true); foreach (dynamic dyn in distinctCleanResult) { addMethod.Invoke(this.DummyEnumerable, new object[] { nestedMapper.NoGenericMap(dyn, true) }); } } else { foreach (dynamic dyn in cleanDapperResult) { addMethod.Invoke(this.DummyEnumerable, new object[] { nestedMapper.NoGenericMap(dyn, true) }); } } } } }
private void GetDummyDictionary( IEnumerable <dynamic> dResult, string memberName, bool nested, bool isAnInterface, bool cleanResult, Type dictType, Type masterType) { string[] keyValueNames = _Dictionaries[masterType][memberName]; Type keysType = dictType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; //keys types of dummy dict Type valuesType = dictType.GenericTypeArguments[1]; //values types of dummy dict this.DummyDictionary = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(dictType.GenericTypeArguments)); if (!nested) { bool noKeys = true; foreach (dynamic dyn in dResult) { IDictionary <string, object> dict = dyn as IDictionary <string, object>; if (!dict.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[0])) { continue; } if (this.DummyDictionary.Contains(dict[keyValueNames[0]])) { continue; } noKeys = false; if (!dict.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[1])) { DummyDictionary.Add(dict[keyValueNames[0]], GetDefault(valuesType)); } else { DummyDictionary.Add(dict[keyValueNames[0]], dict[keyValueNames[1]]); } } //if there aren't any key correct, exception if (noKeys)//preDummy == null)//(!preDummy.Any(dyn => dyn.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[0]))) { throw new CustomException_DapperMapper( $@"DictionaryMapper.GetDummyDictionary: Dynamic dapper result doesn't have members with the name required to create dictionary {memberName} keys in {masterType.Name}. Key-value names configurated: ({keyValueNames[0]}, {keyValueNames[1]})"); } } else { MapperStore store = new MapperStore(); if (isAnInterface) { bool keysAreInterface = keysType.IsInterface && !typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(keysType) && !(typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(keysType) && !typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(keysType)); bool valuesAreInterface = valuesType.IsInterface && !typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(valuesType) && !(typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(valuesType) && !typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(valuesType)); if (keysAreInterface) { keysType = ResolveInterface(keysType, dResult); } if (valuesAreInterface) { valuesType = ResolveInterface(valuesType, dResult); } } iDapperMapper keysNestedMapper = store.GetMapper(keysType); iDapperMapper valuesNestedMapper = store.GetMapper(valuesType); //if there aren't any key correct, exception if (keysNestedMapper != null && !keysNestedMapper.CheckIfDynamicHasAllTypeMembersByName(dResult.First())) { throw new CustomException_DapperMapper( $@"DictionaryMapper.GetDummyDictionary: Dynamic dapper result doesn't have members with the name required to create dictionary {memberName} in {masterType.Name}. Key-value names configurated: ({keyValueNames[0]}, {keyValueNames[1]})"); } //if both keys and values are nested types if (keysNestedMapper != null && valuesNestedMapper != null) { foreach (dynamic dyn in dResult) { dynamic cleanDyn = GetCleanResult(dyn, keysNestedMapper, valuesNestedMapper, cleanResult); object key = keysNestedMapper.NoGenericMap(cleanDyn, true); if (this.DummyDictionary.Contains(key)) { continue; } this.DummyDictionary.Add( key, valuesNestedMapper.NoGenericMap(cleanDyn, true)); } } //if only values are nested else if (keysNestedMapper == null) { foreach (dynamic dyn in dResult) { IDictionary <string, object> dict = (IDictionary <string, object>)dyn; if (!dict.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[0])) { continue; } dynamic cleanDyn = GetCleanResult(dyn, keyValueNames[0], valuesNestedMapper, cleanResult); dict = (IDictionary <string, object>)cleanDyn; if (this.DummyDictionary.Contains(dict[keyValueNames[0]])) { continue; } if (!dict.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[1])) { this.DummyDictionary.Add(dict[keyValueNames[0]], GetDefault(valuesType)); } else { this.DummyDictionary.Add(dict[keyValueNames[0]], valuesNestedMapper.NoGenericMap(cleanDyn, true)); } } } //if only keys are nested else { //bool noKeys = true; foreach (dynamic dyn in dResult) { IDictionary <string, object> dict = (IDictionary <string, object>)dyn; //if (!keysNestedMapper.CheckIfDynamicHasAllTypeMembersByName(dyn)) continue; //noKeys = false; dynamic cleanDyn = GetCleanResult(dyn, keysNestedMapper, keyValueNames[1], cleanResult); dict = (IDictionary <string, object>)cleanDyn; object key = keysNestedMapper.NoGenericMap(cleanDyn, true); if (this.DummyDictionary.Contains(key)) { continue; } if (!dict.ContainsKey(keyValueNames[1])) { this.DummyDictionary.Add(key, GetDefault(valuesType)); } else { this.DummyDictionary.Add(key, dict[keyValueNames[1]]); } } //if there aren't any key correct, exception // if (noKeys)//preDummy == null) // throw new CustomException_DapperMapper( // $@"DictionaryMapper.GetDummyDictionary: Dynamic dapper result doesn't have members with the name //required to create dictionary {memberName} in {masterType.Name}. Key-value names configurated: ({keyValueNames[0]}, {keyValueNames[1]})"); } } }