private bool CanUsePortal(Exit p, Pathfinder x) { if (!p.HasFlag("recallmechanic")) { if (!x.CanUsePortals) { return(false); } } else { if (!x.CanUseRecalls) { return(false); } } if (p.MinLevel > x.CharacterLevel + x.CharacterTier * 10 || p.MaxLevel < x.CharacterLevel) { return(false); } if (p.HasFlag("nogq") && x.IsGlobalQuest) { return(false); } if (x.SkipPortals != null && x.SkipPortals.Contains(p)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool CommandExit(InputData i) { // 1 2 3 4 // @"^(help)?(room\s+\d+)?(\d+)?(\s+.+)?" if (i.Arguments.Groups[1].Length != 0) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wSyntax:", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage(string.Format("{0,-20}", "map exit") + " - show exits in current room.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage(string.Format("{0,-20}", "map exit help") + " - show this message.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage(string.Format("{0,-20}", "map exit room <room ID>") + " - show exits in room.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage(string.Format("{0,-20}", "map exit <ID> [option] [value]") + " - change exit options / show information by exit ID.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wAvailable options for exit:", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "addflag") + " @w- Add a flag to exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "removeflag") + " @w- Remove a flag from exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "command") + " @w- Change command that activates exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "doorcommand") + " @w- Change command that we use to open door, for example '@Wopen altar@w'. Use clear to remove this field.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "cost") + " @w- Change cost of using exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "minlevel") + " @w- Minimum level required to use exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "maxlevel") + " @w- Maximum level allowed to use exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "delete confirm") + " @w- Delete the exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wAvailable default flags:", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "recallmechanic") + " @w- This exit uses recall mechanic, can't use in norecall (for portals).", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "door") + " @w- This exit has a door.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "nogq") + " @w- Don't use this exit on a global quest (for regular chaos portals).", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "disabled") + " @w- Don't use this exit ever.", i.ClientMask); //World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "nopass") + " @w- The door is nopass.", i.ClientMask); //World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "locked") + " @w- The door is locked.", i.ClientMask); //World.Instance.SendMessage("@W" + string.Format("{0,-15}", "pickable") + " @w- Door can be pick locked or bashdoor.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wNote: there may be custom flags that are implemented by other plugins / scripts that aren't listed here.", i.ClientMask); return(true); } if (i.Arguments.Groups[2].Length != 0 || (i.Arguments.Groups[2].Length == 0 && i.Arguments.Groups[1].Length == 0 && i.Arguments.Groups[3].Length == 0)) { uint roomId; if (i.Arguments.Groups[2].Length != 0) { string str = i.Arguments.Groups[2].Value.Substring(4).Trim(); if (!uint.TryParse(str, out roomId)) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wInvalid room ID given. Type '@Wmap exit help@w' for syntax.", i.ClientMask); return(true); } } else { roomId = CurrentRoomId; if (roomId == uint.MaxValue) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wYou are in an unknown room.", i.ClientMask); return(true); } } Room r = GetRoom(roomId); if (r == null) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wNo such room in database (@R" + roomId + "@w).", i.ClientMask); return(true); } World.Instance.SendMessage("@wExits in '@G" + r.Name + "@w' [@Y" + r.Entry + "@w]:", i.ClientMask); if (r.exits.Count == 0) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wNo exits found.", i.ClientMask); } else { World.Instance.SendMessage("@WEntry Command To", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@G====== ==================== ========================", i.ClientMask); foreach (Exit e in r.exits) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@Y" + string.Format("{0,-6}", e.Entry) + " @W" + string.Format("{0,-20}", e.Command) + " @w[@Y" + string.Format("{0,6}", e.To.Entry) + "@w] @G" + e.To.Name, i.ClientMask); } World.Instance.SendMessage("", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wType '@Wmap exit <exit ID>@w' for more information about an exit.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wOr '@Wmap exit help@w' for syntax.", i.ClientMask); } return(true); } if (i.Arguments.Groups[3].Length != 0) { uint exitId; if (!uint.TryParse(i.Arguments.Groups[3].Value, out exitId)) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wInvalid exit ID given. Type '@Wmap exit help@w' for syntax.", i.ClientMask); return(true); } Exit e = GetExit(exitId); if (e == null && IPortals.ContainsKey(exitId)) { e = IPortals[exitId]; } if (e == null) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wNo such exit in database (@R" + exitId + "@w).", i.ClientMask); return(true); } if (i.Arguments.Groups[4].Length != 0) { string key, val; string str = i.Arguments.Groups[4].Value.Trim(); if (str.Contains(' ')) { key = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf(' ')).ToLower(); val = str.Substring(key.Length).Trim(); switch (key) { case "addflag": e.AddFlag(val); break; case "removeflag": e.RemoveFlag(val); break; case "command": val = val.ToLower(); e.Command = PathfindResult.IsDirectionCommand(val) != 'x' ? PathfindResult.IsDirectionCommand(val).ToString() : val; break; case "doorcommand": val = val.ToLower(); e.DoorCommand = val != "clear" ? val : null; break; case "cost": { uint u; if (uint.TryParse(val, out u)) { e.Cost = u; } } break; case "minlevel": { int lvl; if (int.TryParse(val, out lvl)) { e.MinLevel = lvl; } } break; case "maxlevel": { int lvl; if (int.TryParse(val, out lvl)) { e.MaxLevel = lvl; } } break; case "delete": { if (val == "confirm") { if (e.HasFlag("portal")) { IPortals.Remove(e.Entry); e.To.Area.Portals.Remove(e); } else { IExits.Remove(e.Entry); e.From.exits.Remove(e); } World.Instance.SendMessage("@wDeleted exit or portal (@R" + e.Entry + "@w).", i.ClientMask); return(true); } World.Instance.SendMessage("@wEnter '@Wmap exit <num> delete confirm@w' to remove the exit.", i.ClientMask); } break; default: World.Instance.SendMessage("@wInvalid key value pair entered '@R" + key + " " + val + "@w'.", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@wUse '@Wmap exit help@w' to see syntax.", i.ClientMask); break; } } } World.Instance.SendMessage("@w+----------------------------------------------------------------------+", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WEntry @w: @Y" + string.Format("{0,-55}", e.Entry) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); if (!e.HasFlag("portal")) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WFrom @w: @w[@Y" + string.Format("{0,6}", e.From.Entry) + "@w] @G" + Utility.FormatColoredString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.From.Name) ? e.From.Name : "Unknown", -46) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); } World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WTo @w: @w[@Y" + string.Format("{0,6}", e.To.Entry) + "@w] @G" + Utility.FormatColoredString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.To.Name) ? e.To.Name : "Unknown", -46) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WCommand @w: @c" + string.Format("{0,-55}", e.Command) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WDoor command@w: @c" + string.Format("{0,-55}", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.DoorCommand) ? e.DoorCommand : "none") + "@w|", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WCost @w: @C" + string.Format("{0,-55}", e.Cost) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); StringBuilder strFlags = new StringBuilder(); if (e.IFlags != null) { foreach (string x in e.IFlags) { if (strFlags.Length > 0) { strFlags.Append(", "); } strFlags.Append(x); } } string[] spl = Utility.WrapColored(strFlags.ToString(), 54, 0); for (int j = 0; j < spl.Length; j++) { if (j == 0) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WFlags @w: " + string.Format("{0,-55}", spl[j]) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); } else { World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| : " + string.Format("{0,-55}", spl[j]) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); } } World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WMin level @w: @W" + string.Format("{0,-55}", e.MinLevel) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w| @WMax level @w: @W" + string.Format("{0,-55}", e.MaxLevel) + "@w|", i.ClientMask); World.Instance.SendMessage("@w+----------------------------------------------------------------------+", i.ClientMask); if (i.Arguments.Groups[4].Length == 0) { World.Instance.SendMessage("@wSee '@Wmap exit help@w' for information on how to edit this exit.", i.ClientMask); } return(true); } World.Instance.SendMessage("0", i.ClientMask); return(true); }