static void TestApplicationSent() { var testResponse = new AddressResponse { Addr = "12345 HappytownLn", Addr2 = "APT 125", City = "Sunshine City", Zip5 = "12345" }; ApplicationSubmitter.SubmitNewApplication(_driver, testResponse, true).Wait(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("MapThe.Vote/Map Address Builder"); Console.WriteLine("By: CJ Stankovich"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Util.PreventSleep(); ParseCommandLineArguments(args); SetupDriver(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JSESSIONID)) { // Can't set a cookie for a domain that we're not yet on. // Go to something that we know will 404 so that we can set cookies // before continuing execution. _driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(@""); // TODO: Attempt to get cookie from browser. _driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new OpenQA.Selenium.Cookie("JSESSIONID", JSESSIONID, "", "/", null)); } // With our JSESSION initialized, we can move onto the actual map. _driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(@""); // Need to manually log in if we don't have a valid cookie. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JSESSIONID)) { MapTheVoteScripter.Login(_driver); var jsessionCookie = _driver.Manage().Cookies.GetCookieNamed("JSESSIONID"); if (jsessionCookie != null) { JSESSIONID = jsessionCookie.Value; } } // I hate this, but for some reason waiting for map-msg-button just doesn't work. Util.RandomWait(1000).Wait(); _driver.ClickOnElement("map-msg-button", ElementSearchType.ClassName).Wait(); DateTime startingTime = default; var numFails = 0; var lastNumAddressesParsed = 0; ViewBounds prevBounds = null; var appSubmitter = new ApplicationSubmitter(); while (numFails < 3) { Task <IEnumerable <AddressResponse> > processAppsTask = null; appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Clear(); try { // Wait for user input if we've successfully parsed everything from the // previous run. Otherwise we can use the same bounds again in order to // re-sweep for the markers that we may have missed. // This can happpen var noAddressesParsed = lastNumAddressesParsed == 0; if (noAddressesParsed || (prevBounds == null)) { if (noAddressesParsed && prevBounds != null && (prevBounds.Zoom > ViewBounds.ZOOM_LIMITS.Item1)) { MapTheVoteScripter.DecrementZoom(_driver, prevBounds); // Reset fail count if we're going to try searching around. numFails = 0; } else { // End execution if the user has idled out var success = MapTheVoteScripter.WaitForMarkerSelection(_driver); if (!success) { break; } } prevBounds = MapTheVoteScripter.GetCurrentViewBounds(_driver); } else { Console.WriteLine("Repeating the previous search to find uncached values."); } startingTime = DateTime.Now; var scraper = new AddressScraper(); scraper.Initialize(JSESSIONID); if (prevBounds != null) { MapTheVoteScripter.CenterOnViewBounds(_driver, prevBounds); } var getAddressesTask = scraper.GetTargetAddresses(_driver, prevBounds); processAppsTask = appSubmitter.ProcessApplications(_driver, scraper.ParsedAddresses); Task.WaitAll(getAddressesTask, processAppsTask); lastNumAddressesParsed = getAddressesTask.Result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.LogError(ErrorPhase.Misc, e.ToString()); } // Do this in case the user did something to f**k things up. This way we can still successfully write out the file. // TODO: Thread the filewriting. if (processAppsTask != null && processAppsTask.Status == TaskStatus.Running) { processAppsTask.Wait(); } var lastNumAddressesSubmitted = appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Count; var addressesSubmitted = lastNumAddressesSubmitted != 0; // We wait for 3 consecutive fails before ultimately deciding to call it quits. numFails = addressesSubmitted ? 0 : numFails + 1; if (addressesSubmitted) { var adressesSubmitted = lastNumAddressesSubmitted != 0; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully submitted { lastNumAddressesSubmitted } / { lastNumAddressesParsed } applications."); // Sort our addresses by Zip, City, and then address. appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Sort((lhs, rhs) => { var compareVal = lhs.Zip5.CompareTo(rhs.Zip5); if (compareVal == 0) { compareVal = lhs.City.CompareTo(rhs.City); if (compareVal == 0) { compareVal = lhs.FormattedAddress.CompareTo(rhs.FormattedAddress); } } return(compareVal); }); WriteAddressesFile(AddressesFileName, appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses); } Console.WriteLine("Completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - startingTime); } CombineAddressesFiles(); Console.WriteLine("Execution complete. Restart the application to send more registration forms."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("MapThe.Vote/Map Address Builder"); Console.WriteLine("By: CJ Stankovich"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; SetupDriver(); // Can't set a cookie for a domain that we're not yet on. // Go to something that we know will 404 so that we can set cookies // before continuing execution. _driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(@""); string JSESSIONID = "jvnZ7yJ8ePXH0aH1tP_OLA"; // TODO: Detect if JSESSION was valid. If not, we'll need to log in. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JSESSIONID)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to put in your JSESSIONID and coordinates noob."); Console.ReadLine(); System.Environment.FailFast(""); //LoginToMapTheVote(); } else { // TODO: Attempt to get cookie from browser. _driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new OpenQA.Selenium.Cookie("JSESSIONID", JSESSIONID, "", "/", null)); } // With our JSESSION initialized, we can move onto the actual map. _driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(@""); var enterMapBtn = _driver.FindElementByClassName("map-msg-button"); enterMapBtn.Click(); var numFails = 0; while (numFails < 5) { var appSubmitter = new ApplicationSubmitter(); try { WaitForAddressSelection(); var taskList = new List <Task>(); var scraper = new AddressScraper(); scraper.Initialize(JSESSIONID); taskList.Add(scraper.GetTargetAddresses(_driver)); if (!MANUAL_APPLICATION_REQUESTS) { taskList.Add(appSubmitter.ProcessApplications(_driver, scraper.ParsedAddresses)); } Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()); if (MANUAL_APPLICATION_REQUESTS) { appSubmitter.ProcessApplicationsManually(_driver, scraper.ParsedAddresses); } } catch (Exception e) { Util.LogError(ErrorPhase.Misc, e.ToString()); } var numAddressesSubmitted = appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Count; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully submitted { numAddressesSubmitted } applications."); var adressesSubmitted = numAddressesSubmitted != 0; numFails = adressesSubmitted ? 0 : numFails + 1; if (adressesSubmitted) { appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Sort((lhs, rhs) => { var compareVal = lhs.Zip5.CompareTo(rhs.Zip5); if (compareVal == 0) { compareVal = lhs.City.CompareTo(rhs.City); if (compareVal == 0) { compareVal = lhs.FormattedAddress.CompareTo(rhs.FormattedAddress); } } return(compareVal); }); var addressLines = new List <string>(appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses.Count * 2); string pastZip = string.Empty; foreach (var addy in appSubmitter.SubmittedAddresses) { if (pastZip != addy.Zip5) { addressLines.Add($"{addy.Zip5}"); pastZip = addy.Zip5; } addressLines.Add($"\t{addy.FormattedAddress}"); } WriteFile($"Addresses_{DateTime.Now:yy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.txt", addressLines); } } }