예제 #1
        private void ScatterBlueprintAt(IntVec3 loc, Map map, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, ref ThingDef wallStuff, HashSet <IntVec3> listOfUsedCells)
            CellRect mapRect = new CellRect(loc.x, loc.z, blueprint.size.x, blueprint.size.z);


            // if mapRect was clipped -> the blueprint doesn't fit inside the map...
            if (mapRect.Width != blueprint.size.x || mapRect.Height != blueprint.size.z)

            // Check if we will build on a usedCell
            bool usedCellFound = false;

            foreach (IntVec3 cell in mapRect.Cells)
                if (listOfUsedCells != null && listOfUsedCells.Contains(cell))
                    usedCellFound = true;
            if (usedCellFound)

            // Don't do anything, if there is an cryosleep casket at the building site
            foreach (IntVec3 current in mapRect.Cells)
                List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(current);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    if (list[i].def == ThingDefOf.AncientCryptosleepCasket)
                // Don't do anything if there is a pawn (mechanoid? insect?) here
                foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned)
                    if (pawn != null && pawn.Spawned && pawn.Position == current)
                usedSpots.Add(current); // prevent the base scatterer to use this spot
                usedCells_lastChange = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Remove this blueprints map cells from the unfogging list
            List <IntVec3> rootsToUnfog = Verse.MapGenerator.rootsToUnfog;

            foreach (IntVec3 cell in mapRect.Cells)
                if (rootsToUnfog != null && rootsToUnfog.Contains(cell))

            // If a building material is defined, use this
            if (blueprint.buildingMaterial != null)
                wallStuff = blueprint.buildingMaterial;

            int w = 0;

            while (true)
                if (w > 100)

                // Make all buildings from the same random stuff -- In BaseGen use faction, in MapGen use null!
                if (wallStuff == null)
                    wallStuff = BaseGenUtility.RandomCheapWallStuff(null, true); // BaseGenUtility.RandomCheapWallStuff(faction, true);
                //If not specified, don't use wood or leather
                if (blueprint.buildingMaterial != null || (!wallStuff.defName.ToLower().Contains("wood") && !wallStuff.defName.ToLower().Contains("leather")))

            MakeBlueprintRoom(mapRect, map, blueprint, wallStuff);

            if (blueprint.createTrigger)
                int    nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID();
                string signalTag       = "unfogTriggerSignal-" + nextSignalTagID;
                SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null);
                signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag;

                if (blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText != null)
                    if (blueprint.TriggerLetterLabel != null)
                        signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter(blueprint.TriggerLetterLabel.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterDef, new GlobalTargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map, false));
                        signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("", blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterDef, new GlobalTargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map));

                    GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, mapRect.CenterCell, map);

                RectTrigger_UnfogArea rectTrigger = (RectTrigger_UnfogArea)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("RectTrigger_UnfogArea"), null);
                rectTrigger.signalTag         = signalTag;
                rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true;
                rectTrigger.Rect = mapRect;

                GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map);
        public static void CreateBlueprintAt(IntVec3 c, Map map, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, Faction faction, ref ThingDef wallStuff, ref List <IntVec3> usedSpots)
            if (working)
                Log.Error("Called BlueprintHandler.CreateBlueprintAt(..) while it's still working. This is not allowed!");

            if (map == null)
                Log.Error("Called BlueprintHandler.CreateBlueprintAt(..) with null map.");

            working         = true;
            allSpawnedPawns = new List <Pawn>();
            pawnLord        = null;
            rooms           = new HashSet <Room>();

                CellRect mapRect = new CellRect(c.x, c.z, blueprint.size.x, blueprint.size.z);


                // if mapRect was clipped -> the blueprint doesn't fit inside the map...
                if (mapRect.Width != blueprint.size.x || mapRect.Height != blueprint.size.z)

                // Don't do anything, if there is an cryosleep casket at the building site
                foreach (IntVec3 current in mapRect.Cells)
                    List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(current);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        if (list[i].def == ThingDefOf.AncientCryptosleepCasket)

                        // Don't do anything if there is a pawn (mechanoid? insect?) here
                        foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned)
                            if (pawn != null && pawn.Spawned && pawn.Position == current)

                    if (usedSpots != null)
                        usedSpots.Add(current); // prevent the base scatterer to use this spot again

                // If a building material is defined, use this
                if (blueprint.buildingMaterial != null)
                    wallStuff = blueprint.buildingMaterial;

                int w = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (w > 100)

                    // Make all buildings from the same random stuff -- In BaseGen use faction, in MapGen use null!
                    if (wallStuff == null)
                        wallStuff = BaseGenUtility.RandomCheapWallStuff(null, true); //BaseGenUtility.RandomCheapWallStuff(faction, true);
                    //If not specified, don't use wood or leather -- Faction Base: Disabled
                    if (blueprint.buildingMaterial != null || (!wallStuff.defName.ToLower().Contains("wood") && !wallStuff.defName.ToLower().Contains("leather")))

                MakeBlueprintObject(mapRect, map, faction, blueprint, wallStuff);

                if (blueprint.createTrigger)
                    int    nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID();
                    string signalTag       = "unfogTriggerSignal-" + nextSignalTagID;
                    SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null);
                    signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag;

                    if (blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText != null)
                        if (blueprint.TriggerLetterLabel != null)
                            signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter(blueprint.TriggerLetterLabel.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterDef, new GlobalTargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map, false));
                            signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("", blueprint.TriggerLetterMessageText.Translate(), blueprint.TriggerLetterDef, new GlobalTargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map));

                        GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, mapRect.CenterCell, map);

                    RectTrigger_UnfogArea rectTrigger = (RectTrigger_UnfogArea)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("RectTrigger_UnfogArea"), null);
                    rectTrigger.signalTag         = signalTag;
                    rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true;
                    rectTrigger.Rect = mapRect;

                    GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map);


                HashSet <Room> rooms = new HashSet <Room>();
                foreach (IntVec3 current in mapRect.Cells)
                    // Find all created rooms
                    Room room = current.GetRoom(map);
                    if (room != null && !room.TouchesMapEdge)

                //// Create roof
                //foreach (Room room in rooms)
                //    foreach (IntVec3 roofCell in room.Cells)
                //    {
                //        map.roofGrid.SetRoof(c, RoofDefOf.RoofConstructed);
                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Error in BlueprintHandler.CreateBlueprintAt(..): " + ex);
                // Whatever happends, when its done, reset the working state.
                working = false;

                // Clear all data holder
                allSpawnedPawns = null;
                pawnLord        = null;
                rooms           = null;