public ActionResult AutocompleteTags(int limit) { TagManager tm = new TagManager(); List<sTag> stags = new List<sTag>(); stags = tm.GetAllSTags(); List<string> tags = new List<string>(); foreach (sTag s in stags) { tags.Add(s.value); } return Json(tags, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
private void FillFreeLancerTags() { TagManager tagManager = new TagManager(); TagAccessor tagAccessor = new TagAccessor(); string lines = (Resource.freelancer_tags); char[] separators = { '\n', '\r' }; var etfs = lines.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int x = 0; do { if (x == etfs.Length) { break; } if (etfs[x].Substring(0, 1) == "~") { sTag top = tagManager.CreateSTag(0, etfs[x].Substring(1, etfs[x].Length - 1).Trim()); x++; if (x == etfs.Length) { break; } while (etfs[x] != "!") { int i = etfs[x].IndexOf("("); string value = etfs[x].Substring(0, i - 2); sTag mid = tagManager.CreateSTag(tagAccessor.GetSTag(top.value).id, value); x++; if (x == etfs.Length) { break; } } } if (x == etfs.Length) { break; } else if (etfs[x].Substring(0, 1) == "!") { x++; if (x == etfs.Length) { break; } } } while (x < etfs.Length); }
public ActionResult Profile(string profileURL) { if (profileURL == "") { User currentUser = userManager.GetUser(User.Identity.Name); return RedirectToAction("Profile", "User", new { profileURL = currentUser.profileURL }); } //throw (new ArgumentNullException()); TempData["MessageBar"] = TempData["MessageBar"]; TempData["Popup"] = TempData["Popup"]; try { ViewBag.DisplayPicture = false; ViewBag.DisplayInfo = false; TagManager tagManager = new TagManager(); User user = userManager.GetUserByProfileURL(profileURL); if (user == null) { try { string userNameLoggedIn = User.Identity.Name; if (userNameLoggedIn == null || userNameLoggedIn == "") { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } else { user = userManager.GetUser(userNameLoggedIn); } } catch (Exception e) { } } else if ((User.Identity.Name != user.userName) && (user.isPublic != 1)) { //if not the owner and trying to access a user that is not public return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } //else... //projectManager.moveProjectRight(user, 2); //userManager.UpdateUser(user); if (user.projectOrder == null) { userManager.ResetProjectOrder(user); userManager.UpdateUser(user); foreach (Project p in user.projects) { projectManager.resetProjectElementOrder(p); projectManager.UpdateProject(p); } } ProfileModel model = new ProfileModel(user); List<string> tagValues = new List<string>(); //Put user's tags on the ProfileModel /* if (user.tagIds != null && user.tagIds != "") { List<Tag> tagList = tagManager.GetTags(user.tagIds); foreach (Tag tag in tagList) { tagValues.Add(tag.value); } model.tagValues = tagValues; }*/ //ViewBag.WillingToRelocate = new List<string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(WillingToRelocateType))); if (user.userName == User.Identity.Name && User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { AnalyticsAccessor aa = new AnalyticsAccessor(); aa.CreateAnalytic("Profile Page Hit: Logged in", DateTime.Now, user.userName); //User is going to their own profile ViewBag.IsOwner = true; model.connections = new List<User>(); if (user.connections != null) { foreach (string userId in user.connections.Split(',')) { if (userId.Trim() != "") { int userIdInt = Convert.ToInt32(userId); User connection = userManager.GetUser(userIdInt); model.connections.Add(connection); } } } /*//depreciated. can't use .CompleteProfilePrompt any more. will have to deal with tags some other way * if (userManager.IsProfilePartiallyComplete(user)) { //User has already entered some extra information on their profile ViewBag.CompleteProfilePrompt = false; } else { //User has not updated any further info on their profile //Get list of tags for picking out which ones we initially want on our profile List<string> listOfLowestLevelTags = userManager.GetAllLowestLevelTagValues(); ViewBag.LowestLevelTags = listOfLowestLevelTags; ViewBag.CompleteProfilePrompt = true; }*/ } else { AnalyticsAccessor aa = new AnalyticsAccessor(); aa.CreateAnalytic("Profile Page Hit: Not Logged in", DateTime.Now, user.userName); //User is visiting someone else's profile ViewBag.IsOwner = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------ return View(model); } catch (Exception ex) { logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now, this.GetType().ToString() + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.ToString(), ex.ToString()); return View("Error"); } }
public JsonResult AddUserTag(string value) { TagManager tm = new TagManager(); string type; if (tm.GetAllSTagValues().Contains(value)) { type = "s"; } else { type = "f"; } string result = tm.AddTag(value, type, userManager.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).id); if (result != null) { if (result == "Tag already added.") { return Json(new { tagStatus = "Tag already added" }); } else { return Json(new { tagStatus = "Tag Added!" }); } } else { return Json(new { Error = "Failed to add tag :(" }); } }
public ProjectModel(Project project) { =; this.information = new List<ProjectElement_Information>(); this.documents = new List<ProjectElement_Document>(); this.experience = new List<ProjectElement_Experience>(); = new List<ProjectElement_Picture>(); this.videos = new List<ProjectElement_Video>(); = new List<ProjectElement_Audio>(); =; this.coverPicture = project.coverPicture; this.coverPictureThumbnail = project.coverPictureThumbnail; this.description = project.description; this.isActive = project.isActive; this.projectElementOrder = project.projectElementOrder; TagManager tm = new TagManager(); this.projectTags = tm.getAllProjectTags(; foreach(ProjectElement element in project.projectElements){ if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Document)) { this.documents.Add((ProjectElement_Document)element); } else if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Experience)) { this.experience.Add((ProjectElement_Experience)element); } else if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Information)) { this.information.Add((ProjectElement_Information)element); } else if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Picture)) {; } else if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Video)) { this.videos.Add((ProjectElement_Video)element); } else if (element.GetType() == typeof(ProjectElement_Audio)) {; } } }
public ProfileModel(User user) { =; this.birthDate = user.birthDate; this.description = user.description; //this.status = user.status; this.graduationDate = user.graduationDate; =; this.firstName = user.firstName; this.lastName = user.lastName; this.title = user.title; this.location = user.location; this.major = user.major; this.phoneNumber = user.phoneNumber; = user.organization; this.userName = user.userName; //this.willingToRelocate = user.willingToRelocate; this.profilePicture = user.profilePicture; this.profilePictureThumbnail = user.profilePictureThumbnail; this.aboutPicture = user.aboutPicture; this.aboutPictureThumbnail = user.aboutPictureThumbnail; this.projects = new List<ProjectModel>(); this.profileURL = user.profileURL; this.projectOrder = user.projectOrder; TagManager tm = new TagManager(); this.userTags = tm.getAllUserTags(; if(user.projects != null) { foreach (Project project in user.projects) { if (project.isActive) { this.projects.Add(new ProjectModel(project)); } } } this.resume = user.resume; this.emailVerified = user.emailVerified; this.isPublic = user.isPublic; this.isActive = user.isActive; //this.visibleProject = "project0"; }
public string AddProjectTag(string value, int projectId, string token = null) { if (Request.RequestType.Equals("OPTIONS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //This is a preflight request { return null; } else { try { int userId; if (token != null) { userId = authenticationEngine.authenticate(token); } else { return AddErrorHeader("An authentication token must be passed in", 2); } if (userId < 0) { return AddErrorHeader("User not authenticated, please log in!", 2); } User user = userManager.GetUser(userId); Project project = projectManager.GetProject(projectId); if (!projectManager.IsUserOwnerOfProject(projectId, user)) { return AddErrorHeader("User not authorized to add a tag to this project", 3); } TagManager tm = new TagManager(); string type; if (tm.GetAllSTagValues().Contains(value)) { type = "s"; } else { type = "f"; } string result = tm.AddTag(value, type, projectId); if (result != null) { if (result == "Tag already added.") { return AddErrorHeader("This tag already exists", 1); } else { activityManager.AddActivity(, "Project Tag", "Added",; return AddSuccessHeader("Tag Added Successfully" , true); } } else { return AddErrorHeader("Tag could not be added to Project", 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now,"ProjectController - AddProjectTag", ex.StackTrace); return AddErrorHeader("Something went wrong while adding this Project Tag", 1); } } }
public string DeleteProjectTag(string value = null, int projectId = -1, string token = null) { if (Request.RequestType.Equals("OPTIONS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //This is a preflight request { return null; } else { try { int userId; if (token != null) { userId = authenticationEngine.authenticate(token); } else { return AddErrorHeader("An authentication token must be passed in", 2); } if (userId < 0) { return AddErrorHeader("User not authenticated, please log in!", 2); } User user = userManager.GetUser(userId); Project project = projectManager.GetProject(projectId); if (!projectManager.IsUserOwnerOfProject(projectId, user)) { return AddErrorHeader("User not authorized to delete this project", 3); } TagManager tm = new TagManager(); bool result = false; sTag stag = tm.GetSTag(value); if (stag != null) { result = tm.RemoveProjectLink(, projectId, "s"); } else { fTag ftag = tm.GetFTag(value); if (ftag != null) { result = tm.RemoveProjectLink(, projectId, "f"); } else { return AddErrorHeader("Tag does not exist in database", 1); } } if (result == true) { return AddSuccessHeader("Tag Removed from Project: " + projectId , true); } else { return AddErrorHeader("Tag could not be removed from the Project", 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now, "ProjectController - AddProjectTag", ex.StackTrace); return AddErrorHeader("Something went wrong while removing this Project Tag", 1); } } }