public static void AssertCloudFileDirectory(this object directoryObj, List <string> directoryPathes) { var directoryObject = ((PSObject)directoryObj).ImmediateBaseObject as CloudFileDirectory; Test.Assert(directoryObject != null, "Output object should be an instance of CloudFileDirectory."); string fullPath = CloudFileUtil.GetFullPath(directoryObject).Trim(PathSeparators); Test.Assert(directoryPathes.Remove(fullPath), "Prefix of the directory object '{0}' should be within the given collection.", fullPath); }
public static void AssertCloudFileDirectory(this object directoryObj, string directoryPath) { var directoryObject = ((PSObject)directoryObj).ImmediateBaseObject as CloudFileDirectory; Test.Assert(directoryObject != null, "Output object should be an instance of CloudFileDirectory."); string fullPath = CloudFileUtil.GetFullPath(directoryObject).Trim(PathSeparators); Test.Assert(fullPath.Equals(directoryPath.Trim(PathSeparators), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "Prefix of the directory object should match the given parameter. Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}", directoryPath, fullPath); }
public static void AssertCloudFile(this object fileObj, List <CloudFile> files) { var fileObject = ((PSObject)fileObj).ImmediateBaseObject as CloudFile; Test.Assert(fileObject != null, "Output object should be an instance of CloudFile."); string fileObjectFullName = CloudFileUtil.GetFullPath(fileObject); CloudFile matchingFile = files.FirstOrDefault(file => CloudFileUtil.GetFullPath(file).Equals(fileObjectFullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Test.Assert(matchingFile != null, "Output CloudFile object {0} was not found in the expecting list.", fileObjectFullName); files.Remove(matchingFile); }
public static void AssertCloudFile(this object fileObj, string fileName, string path = null) { var fileObject = ((PSObject)fileObj).ImmediateBaseObject as CloudFile; Test.Assert(fileObject != null, "Output object should be an instance of CloudFile."); // FIXME: Walk around a issue in XSCL where the CloudFile.Name property sometimes returns // full path of the file. string fileObjectName = fileObject.Name.Split(PathSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last(); Test.Assert(fileObjectName.Equals(fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "Name of the file object should match the given parameter. Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}", fileName, fileObjectName); if (path != null) { string fullPath = CloudFileUtil.GetFullPath(fileObject.Parent).Trim(PathSeparators); Test.Assert(fileObject.Parent != null, "Since file is not on root folder, the parent directory should not be null."); Test.Assert(fullPath.Equals(path.Trim(PathSeparators), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "Prefix of the directory object should match the path of the file. Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}", path, fullPath); } }